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Posts posted by MoonRunner-01

  1. 8 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

    Brilliant prequel. I'm loving it....and it stays true to the spirit of the original show. We're lucky to have you here on the greatest website on the internet. 

    Thank you! I find it quite fun coming up with little back/side stories to the show. Cause the show leaves a lot to the viewers imagination on what could have happened before and after an episode aired. For instance like in "High Octane" I'm gonna say Uncle Jesse absolutely won that alternative to fossil fuels contest. Seeing how we have ethanol added to fuels and even E85. But somehow he could have been cheated from the royalties. Maybe a minor tweak in the formula so they could keep all the profits to themselves.

    Just interesting things like that haha

  2. 4 minutes ago, Skipper Duke said:

    I love it cuz! :)

    I appreciate it. It's the only thing I could think of on why Boss and Jesse are no longer friends. Because it never really does say in the show. And why Rosco turns to a dishonest lawman. But they do say in the show a couple times about Rosco getting cheated of his pension. So since the system cheated him, he decides to cheat the system

  3. 4 hours ago, Skipper Duke said:

    Wow. Can I work on them with you? :)

    10-4 Good Buddy. "To make a long story short" the basis is "Summer of 1977. The reason for that date is even though the dukes originally premiered in January 1979, it started filming in 1978. And in the pilot episode Waylon says the boys got caught last year. Which would be 1977 in my story haha. Boss and Uncle Jesse are still good friends but fading. Boss gets a huge contract deal to sell some shine to some high end buyers. But they are contemplating on going with Jesse because he makes the better shine. They only decided to go through Boss first because of familiarity. Boss devices a plan to make Jesse no longer the competition. Even if it means bad blood between them because "money is thicker than blood" Rosco has been defeated of his pension. And after 20 years as an honest lawman. He turns sides and teams up with Boss to get a cut of the shine profits. Since Rosco is alot smarter in the Georgia episodes than later seasons. He decides to place surveillance on Bo and Luke. And since he knows the boys aren't going to lead him directly to the still site. He has Boss place a  friendly call to one of Jesse's buyers to set up a deal and sell him shine at a lower rate than Jesse. Knowing that the buyer is gonna contact Jesse to let him know Boss is wanting to sell him shine. But it's a trick, to lure Bo and Luke out with shine in hand. So the next morning Rosco places a call to the federal revenue agents to make it a federal case and Rosco and the revenuers follows Jesse's buyer and then it happens. They surround Bo and Luke who are transporting shine and taking them in to custody.

  4. 7 hours ago, Skipper Duke said:

    MoonRunner-01... My favorite shows are The Dukes of Hazzard, Gilligan's Island and The Andy Griffith Show. What are your other favorites outside of Dukes?

    Favorite shows outside of The Dukes are, in no particular order

    "Older TV Shows"

    1. Andy Griffith Show

    2. Gunsmoke

    3. Bonanza

    4. Hee Haw

    5. The Beverly Hillbillies

    "Newer TV Shows"

    1. Moonshiners

    2. Mountain Monsters

    3. Expedition Unknown

    4. Appalachian Outlaws

    5. River Monsters

  5. 4 hours ago, HossC said:

    If you want a Moonrunners connection, Arthur Hunnicutt appeared in a 1960 episode of The Andy Griffith Show. He was Uncle Jesse Hagg in Moonrunners.

    Arthur Hunnicutt is one of the greatest actors who ever lived. Along with his western movies. He had a great role in Bonanza. The episode is called "Any friend of Walter's" Him and Hoss Cartwright hunker down in his cabin against some outlaws

  6. 1.  In the episode from season 1 "Mary Kayes Baby" what is the name of The Boss from Atlanta?

    2.  True or False, Bo and Luke can be seen in every episode with their Buck Knives on their belt.

    3. Finish this line "Bo you drive like my fanny........"

    4.  True or False, did Uncle Jesse ever break his treaty with the US of A federal government and whip up a batch of Moonshine?

    5.  True or False, Bo and Luke had once been caught hauling marijuana by Rosco

    6.  In the episode "Repo Men" what car does Boss want to buy for LuLu?

    7.  Has Rosco ever shot someone in an episode?

    8.  What is the name of the the type of Cactus that awaited the loser of the arm wrestling match between Luke and Patch?

    9.  True or False, Luke once killed a man in a boxing match

    10. What is the "character name" of the Woman who was pretending that she was in love and going to marry Rosco?

    11. Rosco used to be a "straight as an arrow lawman" what made him give up the honest life and turn into a crooked sheriff?

    12. What is the name of the Hatchapee County Sheriff?

    13. True or False, Cooter once steals the presidential limo

    14. What is the reason that Daisy stops driving the Roadrunner and starts driving Dixie?

    15.  What is the item that Bo and Luke are accused of stealing that belonged to Gen. Stonewall Jackson?

    16.  What is the General Lee's license plate number?

    17.  True or False, Uncle Jesse owes a debt to an old friend that seems he can never repay. So he will do anything for them including risking Bo and Luke's probation

    18. What unique food dish does Boss Hogg absolutely love?

    19. How is it that Daisy came to work at the Boars Nest?

    20. True or False, Uncle Jesse tells Bo and Luke that, the chances of them producing a family ranks up there with hogs producing beef

  7. 1 hour ago, HossC said:

    Welcome to HNet, MoonRunner.

    Andrew D Charger Chaser's My Ultimate General Lee build in 1/25 thread has a couple of pictures of him making the antenna near the bottom of the page. There's also a scratch-built CB, but no close-ups or construction pictures. I don't think Andrew's been around here for a while - hopefully he'll be back soon.

    I appreciate it Hoss. One problem I'm having is finding sheets of styrene. And finding the decals that are more similar to the Georgia Era General Lee

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