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Skipper Duke

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  1. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    I saw that on the national news. As long as you've got your DOH videos and your electric is still on you'll be fine. Keep us updated .
  2. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Dang Mother Nature can't make her mind up, high 30's yesterday, high 50's forecasted(possible new record high) for this evening and 20 degrees for tomorrow. 
    Got the new battery put in Tuesday, let the mechanic handle that since the wife's car is like the Enterprise D from Star Trek Next Generation. Then went to the store to buy new wiper blades only to find out only one brand would fit without spending half an hour fiddling with an adapter, thank you gm engineers for making even the easiest things to change a pain in the butt chore. Of course only one auto store in town carried them besides the dealerships and they were about the same price as the dealership minus the installation charge. 
  3. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The last 24 hours   
    I've started giving away free jumper cables at my imaginary car lot  in Hazzard, with every purchase of a red car ( They all look red to me!). 
  4. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to Roth Potter in The last 24 hours   
    If that's the case... Better have it, so you won't need it. 
  5. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in The last 24 hours   
    Or as I've heard over here - "It's better to be looking at it than looking for it".
  6. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Shot phone   
    I don't know anything about cell phones but that does sound bad. My wife just bought me a cell phone. It's the first one I've ever owned. I'm not real interested in it but she wants me to take it with me when I go on walks in the woods. She also wants me to carry it when I get my new dirt bike and go on adventures. Good idea I guess but I still am not a big fan of cell phones....and I refuse to become a slave to it like most people are. Good luck fixing your problem Skipper.
  7. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Shot phone   
    It certainly sounds like it's time to change.
    Did you get a smartphone, Roger? With your needs, a rugged, waterproof dumb phone might fit the bill better. Having said that, you can't check HazzardNet on a dumb phone!
  8. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 1 Repo Men)
    Uncle Jesse L. Duke:"If I start gettin' these Christmas catalogs any earlier, they'd be comin' on the 4th of July!"
  9. Haha
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in WHAT is going on?????   
    Cousin HossC I'm out of reactions. So here's your haha.
  10. Sad
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Where's Roger??   
    I'd really like to know what caused this so it doesn't happen again. Should I change my password? It stunk to be able see everybody else's posts but not be able to respond. I was on the outside looking in for 2 weeks and close to giving up. 
  11. Confused
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in Where's Roger??   
    Does anybody know what happened? I have been trying to log in every day. It's good to be back. Could I have been hacked or something? If Hoss doesn't know maybe MM can figure it out. I missed you guys.  What a weird coincidence I would be able to get back on right after a thread was started about it!
    I even tried to create a new account with a different e-mail address but couldn't do that either. 
  12. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in Where's Roger??   
    Last time Roger was here he said he was back from Akron and was having his grandchildren over for the night, so no clues there. Having said that, he has been known to take a break from the internet from time to time.
  13. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Where's Roger??   
    Hey guys! I was just wondering where Roger has been?   It's been 2 wks. today since he's been here! I mean I go away sometimes for 1,2, 3 days but I always come back soon. I wonder if he's ok? He's here practically every day! Has anybody seen or heard anything?
  14. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Spike in The last 24 hours   
    Year just keeps getting better. as if i haven't spent enough on car repairs this month now the battery in the wife's car decides to go dead. No couldn't do it 5 days ago when it was still under warranty so it would have been cheaper since they would have pro-rated it. To top it off I found out we have a fair weather friend and not one that would come out and help my wife get a jump from AAA. Wouldn't drive the 5 minutes to the wife's work and wait for the AAA truck so she could get a free jump. Told my wife "why don't you get a AAA membership". Yep not going out of my way anymore to put her trash cans away on trash day.
  15. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Roth Potter in The last 24 hours   
    Not really no... The first English word you probably learn here is 'yes'. The second is probably the one which starts with an F... 
  16. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in The last 24 hours   
    Must've been something wrong with the camera. Here's how it should've looked :

  17. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Roth Potter in The last 24 hours   
    It must've snowed very hard. How else can your orange car turn white? 
  18. Like
    Skipper Duke reacted to HossC in The last 24 hours   
    It's definitely got colder here since the middle of the week, and although parts of the UK have snow (reports say it could hit -12C (10.4F) tonight), so far there's no snow here. I did, however, find this rather beautiful frost pattern on my car roof this morning:

  19. Haha
    Skipper Duke reacted to Roth Potter in The last 24 hours   
    Not possible to start it with lucifers? Almost all houses here have a cealed central heater, cant even check nowadays if there is a flame.
    Well, at least the outhouse was hot and made sure it fidnt freeze the magazines. 
  20. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Catherine Bach(Daisy Mae Duke)cherry red bikini   
    Cousin Roger... That would be swell. You hear that MM?
  21. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 5 A Little Game of Pool)
    Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Git that house trailer outta there! Git! Git! Oooh there's a dip! We'll see if we can fly! Kew kew!"(jumps house trailer, tears it apart.)"Well, he won't have to worry about air conditioning in that house trailer anyway! Kew kew!" Waylon Jennings:"By the time Enos an' the boys reached the Boars Nest, it was all over. But the cryin'."
  22. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 1 High Octane)
    Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"It's as clean as a pan. You old coot, now you poured out that booze before you got here, didn't you?" Uncle Jesse L. Duke:"I don't know what yer talkin' about." Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Shoot!" Uncle Jesse L. Duke:"Rosco, I want this car put back exactly like it was, or I'm gonna sue the county!" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"You wouldn't!?" Uncle Jesse L. Duke:"Wouldn't I?" Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Boys, put 'er back the way she was!"
  23. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 4 Shine On Hazzard Moon)
    Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"First you want specifics then you want tangibles. Well, I can't give you both of that in one day."
  24. Like
    Skipper Duke got a reaction from RogerDuke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 4 New Deputy in Town)
    Bo & Luke trying to talk to Rosco about Acting Sheriff Linda May Barnes. Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:"Hush! I don't wanna talk to you! I wanna talk to the Duke-"(Realizes it is them)"Oooh you are the Duke Boys!"
  25. Love
    Skipper Duke reacted to RogerDuke in The last 24 hours   
    This is unusual. A weekend ahead of us with no plans. I can't remember the last time this has happened. A man..a woman...a weekend...whatever shall we do? I got it! Dukes episodes marathon!
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