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Burl Tolliver

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Burl Tolliver last won the day on November 1 2023

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  1. Members of the family but not named Duke: The Comfurts - Holly, Lori and John Henry. Almost a member of the family: Jamie Lee Hogg. Not a real Duke, but that one con artist from England.
  2. Sorrel Booke also had a mustache in MASH.
  3. Anybody else notice in "Dear Diary" that when Doc Appleby comes to bandage up Uncle Jesse's ankle that it's actually Doc Petticord? I guess at that point, they had changed the character but not the actor yet.
  4. We just watched that one last week, and I noticed that. There was something else that seemed odd but I can't remember exactly what it was. Maybe a continuity error of which vehicle was in front or positions changed or something like that. I'll check it out again and see if I can remember.
  5. I saw this thread this spring when it got revived. I thought, I've got to get one of those for each of my boys. I just ordered a pair of Buck 112s for Christmas. Probably will get them 110s next years so they'll have options. This site is awesome.
  6. And another thing. All the hate against the Confederate flag isn't because of racism, past or present. It's because the Confederacy was the last gasp of limited government anywhere in the world, and its memory must be villainized and eradicated. We entered 1861 as citizens of free and independent states. We left 1865 as hostages of an unlimited central government. Sorry for the rant. This subject just hit a nerve.
  7. Several years ago my wife said "There were so many good shows in the 80s. Why don't they make shows like this anymore?" I told her it's because all those shows had heroes who either worked outside the police state, or actively fought against it. That sort of thing is not allowed anymore. The only heroes are the ones who cash a government check. And if they have to break a few rules or infringe on a few God-given rights in the process, that's fine. Social engineering to make sure you know you aren't as important as the state. The Dukes, Air Wolf, The A-Team, Knight Rider, Magnum. The propaganda machine could not allow any of these guys to exist today.
  8. Funny thing, I just did a search for all of Cooter's hats yesterday and it brought me to this thread. I suspect DukesFan16 and I may have searched for it forthe same reason. Cooter's Place sent out a marketing email about a hat contest and that got me thinking more about all the different hats Cooter wore. I'd like to collect them all, but the only one I can find for sale is the Dominos hat at Cooter's place. https://cootersplace.com/autographed-dominos-hat/
  9. I didn’t read through the entire thread recently, so I don’t know if it has been mentioned. My apologies if it has. The conversation about “Rebel Without a Cause” reminded me that Cooter’s garage is the livery stable in “The Shootist.” You also see a few wider street shots in that movie.
  10. Is there a swimming pool on JJ Carver's estate? I don't remember it, but it seems that the would be.
  11. In "Cooter's Confession", Bo and Luke are searching the trucking company's warehouse. The bad guy comes in and they push over a pile of boxes on him. After the boys escape, a cat crawls over the bad guy.
  12. Thanks very much HossC.
  13. Sorry about the font. I can’t log into the forum on any computer and can’t type well on my phone. So I typed it out and emailed it to myself and then cut and pasted on the phone. I guess the font got messed up. If you highlight the text it becomes readable.
  14. I'm hoping to take my family to Cooter's place soon. I saw that Catherine Bach is going to be in Luray on May 14/15. There is also a car show that weekend. I'd love to meet both Cooter and Daisy on the same trip, but I'm a little concerned about the crowds. Have any of you been to one of these events, and if so, how were the crowds. If it's so busy that you can't get through the line to meet Daisy or Cooter, then maybe it would be better to go on a "non special" weekend and just meet Cooter in a more relaxed atmosphere. What do you guys think? Option 2 is to go to both Pigeon Forge and Luray on one of the weeks that Cletus is in Pigeon Forge. I'm in central Kansas, so Pigeon Forge is almost on the way to Luray. Other things I plan to do are Monticello, Mt Airy, and the graveyard of NA$CAR (North Wilkesboro). Any other can't miss stops along the route? Thanks in advance.
  15. Tom reminds me a lot of Pernell Roberts. Both had an unreasonably high opinion of themselves as "artists." Leading to both of them compulsively running down the show that made them famous.
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