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Boss JD Hogg

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  1. Like
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    Thanks Meadowmufn!  I had a nice Christmas.
    Happy New Year everyone!
  2. Wow
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    EVERY day was a sunny day in Hazzard!.....you ever notice that???
  3. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Skipper Duke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    (Season 5 Vance's Lady) The Dukes see Mr. Dugan who rammed them off the road earlier.
    Vance:"That's the car that rammed us before." Coy:"Hang on! It's ring around the rosy time." Waylon Jennings:"Y'all are about to see a Hazzard 360. Watch. That's 180 to  turn around. Another 180 to confuse the opposition. Which totals 360."
  4. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    Cletus gave his teacher an APPLE to get out of school!
  5. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to RogerDuke in A-Z Game   
    It's spelled with a Z......Miz Tisdale, not Miss.
  6. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    I YEARN for catherine bach!!     ......
  7. Like
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    In Strange Visitor To Hazzard the Visitor came from UP in the sky.
  8. Like
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    In Strange Visitor To Hazzard the Visitor came from UP in the sky.
  9. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to RogerDuke in A-Z Game   
    strange VISITOR to hazzard 
    (that was easy thanks to boss...lol) 
  10. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
  11. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    Rosco is a LAWMAN.
  12. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    There are a pair of JEWEL thieves in To Catch A Duke.
  13. Like
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    Bo and Luke ZOOM around in the General Lee.
  14. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    Boss Hogg sure likes his RATIONS.
  15. Love
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Meadowmufn in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    We had snow here at the Mufn homestead a few weeks back, but looks like we won't have snow for Christmas. Might have some a few days later though. Wishing you all a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year.
  16. Love
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    I took advantage of the white stuff being on the ground and went for a long walk in the woods....singing Christmas carols for awhile. It sounded pretty bad but my terrible singing voice keeps me safe by scaring the predators away. Looks like we'll still have snow on the ground tomorrow but probably melt after that.
  17. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    You're welcome Roger.
    No snow here for Christmas but that's OK.  
    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.  You, your family and your daughter are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
  18. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    Bo and Luke ZOOM around in the General Lee.
  19. Care
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    Thanks Boss. You too. We got snow the last couple days but it's sadly going to melt. Looks like a green Christmas for us. It will still be good.....except first year without my daughter so that will be a challenge. 
  20. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from RogerDuke in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my cousins in Hazzard County!
  21. Like
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    SEARCH warrant the Hazzard Law always needed these.
  22. Haha
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    Sometimes watching Boss eat....is....NASTY!!  LOL!
  23. Love
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to HossC in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    Right, Skipper, let's get some things straight. Firstly you need to calm down and stop over-reacting. You posted several times last night that you were leaving even though no one asked you to, you posted three or four questions to me and sent me a similar number of private messages despite the fact that it was night-time where I live and I was asleep!
    I will repeat this mantra - HazzardNet is a forum, not Facebook. Please don't post something just because it pops into your head and then your next thought five minutes later and repeat ad nauseum. Consider your posts and think whether they're worthwhile. As a moderator, I try to read all the new posts, and at moment about three quarters of them are yours. Many times you make multiple posts one after the other when a single, well thought out post would have been much better. In the end you're spreading out the interesting stuff and diluting the content.
    Being a forum, HazzardNet is about discussion, but you've been starting numerous off-topic threads lately (mainly about movies) and then flooding them with posts even though no one else has shown any interest in the subject. An interaction takes two sides. HazzardNet is not your personal space to post everything you know about a movie or TV show. Either keep that to Facebook or start your own website.
    As Boss JD Hogg says above, "If you're posting a quote that's not accurate then it's not actually a quote from the show. Why bother if it's not an accurate quote." If you don't think it's worth digging out your DVDs to check them, then it's not worth posting. The fact that you couldn't spend less than 30 seconds googling "draconian" proves that you don't spend much time researching your posts. The quotes should be short one-liners or interactions that are funny and/or memorable - the sort of thing you'd tell a friend. Anything longer is just an excerpt of the script.
    For the time being, why not try what Roger suggested and "take a day or 2 to cool off". After that, forget about posting in all your off-topic threads unless other members show an interest. Put more time and thought into the posts you do make, and maybe limit yourself to five considered posts a day across the whole forum. Concentrate on quality over quantity!
  24. Love
    Boss JD Hogg reacted to Skipper Duke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    Darn it I'm outta reactions but ❤️ love this.
  25. Love
    Boss JD Hogg got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Favorite Dukes of Hazzard Quotes   
    Why don't you just look at the episode to make sure the quote is correct?  
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