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About airdream

  • Birthday 04/15/1979

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  1. aisatsu!  Konbenwa!

  2. I am amazed at the work that went into reproducing Cooter's garage and also Rhuebottom's shop. What fun there must have been in the research and design!
  3. Yes the blue house is the Boss Hog one. But the interior has changed , it's so sad. The 80s style of this home was so conforting. https://www.google.com/maps/@34.148164,-118.3360408,3a,75y,154.21h,89.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipOGhlnGo56u5g5MfIg4LzHbWSI_LGRaItmH2cvW!2e10!3e11!7i13312!8i6656 As i can't live in a story of Dukes of Hazzard, i recently started to trip on Google map, I found a lot of filming location near Covington, and i was so happy. I never footed US lands, (I am from France living in Japan). But for me, California have more nostalgic, because 98% of the show was filming here. I am aiming to visit all everything about Dukes Of hazzard one day.
  4. We can virtually walk in Hazzard, that is not the old one but we can perceive some atmosphere. I would find a town in america which it provide this sensation to here. Do you know where is it possible ? https://www.google.com/maps/@34.1486996,-118.3363809,3a,75y,282.46h,95.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipOgtc9rQQiE4_aVf3uhKUK45Q8BEMQX1Q4dFF4v!2e10!7i13312!8i6656
  5. at the opposite on "granny anny" story Rosco was prisoner, and Boss was kidnapped, so he ask to the duke to help him for saving Boss. at this moment we can touch the complicity between them during a short time. Rosco had a lot different behavior, he can be funny, sadly, choleric and appealing.
  6. Rosco and Jesse seems so sad, a very good proof of they talent of actor. Rosco need to chase the dukes, this guy have not other goal in his life!!!
  7. The reason is maybe due to the french colonization of this part of the land?? in past, french loose so many times againts england. in blue the nouvelle France around 1750 this is a part of wikipedia
  8. thank you all I would be very happy to make new friends here. I really like the Theme music in french too, is not so good than the original by waylon jennings, but its good and it sounds like "COUNTRY MUSIC". My wife do not really like old movies / series so i really glad to have find Hazzardnet. I have a ton of pages to read, so here we go Do You Know John Sheider was in France in 2008 for a Country Music Festival http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7cyaz_montage-du-festival-de-country-musi_music
  9. Hello, First sorry for my poor english. i am 36 years old, french guy (but living in japan) when I was a child, I loved cars and also General Lee was my favorite (with K2000) The series was very popular in france too. I bought the DVD when they were commercializes for the first time in 2007 in France, and i really enjoy to view year after year. I regret not being able to live in the united states (green card, poor english) but it is my dream so I hope one day it will be possible. My favorite actor is james best, I discovered this community when James Best has died and when I did some research on him with google. Yesterday I felt bad, but watching an episode of the series I immediately smiling again. I will not be a participative members because i am so bad in english, but i read a lot of your post. Merci a tous Au plaisir de vous lire.
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