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Everything posted by SonjaBudd

  1. “Married?!” Jud demanded in shock. “Yep.” Sam said. “I'm heading back to my place now.” Luke said. “See you then.” Sam said and hung up. “He's heading back to his place.” Jud jumped into the SUV that the air force gave him to use. Then rushed back to his brother's place. Mary Ann, C*** and Luke went to 'Daniel's' place. They were met there by Jack O'Neill. "Jack..." Luke started. “So this is your wife. I came over as soon as Sam called me.” Jack said. “Mary Ann, this is Jack O'Neill.” Luke introduced them. “Nice to meetcha.” Mary Ann said. Jack smiled. “You guys need a place.” Jack said. “That's what I told Sam.” Luke said. Cue anyone
  2. I only have enough to buy one season in september. I own 1, 3, 6, and 7 what would be the best season to buy next? Season 2, season 4 or season 5?
  3. Could alway use Cooter if we run out of c's.
  4. But what if we run out of other letters.
  5. Cooter looked between them shocked a moment and rested a hand on Luke's shoulder. “If this had to happened... I'm glad it's you, Luke.” Cooter said and then hugged his friend now brother-in-law. Luke returned the hug. “Luke?” Mary Ann asked. “I told you when we met my real name is Luke Duke just people around Colorado Springs know me as Daniel Jackson.” He explained. Mary Ann nodded. “Almost forgot.” “As in one of my best buddies, Mary Ann.” Cooter said. Luke smiled. “So that's why you suggested I call Cooter, Luke.” Mary Ann said. “Yeah. Hey, Cooter, you do realize that now you really are a Duke.” Luke said. “Oh yeah, you married my sister.” Cooter said. “Yep. I should call Jud and the family.” Luke said. “Yeah Jud's out looking for you.” Cooter said. “He's looking with your friends Teal'C and Sam.” Luke pulled out his cellphone and called Sam. Sam answered it quickly. “Sam, are you still with my brother?” Luke asked. “Daniel?” Sam asked. “Yeah, Sam.” Luke said. “Where have you...” Sam started. “In Vegas getting married.” Luke said. “You got married?” Sam asked. “Too Cooter Davenport's little sister.” Luke said. “Do you want me to tell Jud?” Sam asked. “Please... me and Mary Ann do need to find a place.” Luke said. “We'll help you look?” Sam said. “Me too.” Cooter pipped in. “Thanks.” Luke said. “I'm sure, Jack and Frasier will to.” Sam said. “I'll talk to him about that later.” Luke said. “Sam?” Jud asked. “Luke's back in Colorado Springs.” Sam said. “Where was he?” Jud asked. “Vegas getting married.” Sam said. Cue anyone
  6. Did you know I have a celebrity stalker? Yup. John Schneider from Dukes, Smallville and The Haves and Have Nots sends me email about his schedule, new movies, music... Everything! It's great knowing what he's up to and having my own "Celebrity Stalker!" I thought of you right away because I know you watch him. That's why I'm sending this link to the sign up form. Give John your whole name and email and you'll be on the list too! No kidding. It's really John Schneider and it's a whole lot of fun! Here's the link: https://forms.aweber.com/form/18/1753621618.htm As John says... Onward! I don't know if any of ya already are signed up for his emails and thought ya might be interested if you aren't.
  7. Actually Snellville is a city in Gwinnett County, Georgia, United States, east of Atlanta.
  8. Go the numbers mixed up of well
  9. I was told it was season 6 but not on that seasons dvd i just bought.
  10. SonjaBudd


    Maybe we should message Meadowmufn about it.
  11. Braker One Braker one I may be Crazy but I Ain't Dump CRAZY COOTER COMING at you any of ya'll out there on the Hazzardnet. I searched and it didn't show as being used on here.
  12. SonjaBudd


    Everytime I try it's unavaible... I wonder at times if it ever will be avaible again.
  13. I live in california and no money until the 1st.
  14. “How are the secret service doing on the farm?” He asked curiously. “Very well surprisingly.” Coy said. “Maybe they were chosen by Enos because they had experience on a farm.” Cooter suggested. “Maybe.” Coy said. Balladeer: Now folks maybe we should check in on Bo. He was in a small town in Kansas running a farm. THE KENT FARM OUTSIDE SMALLVILLE, KANASAS Jonathan looked tired as he milked a cow. A ten year old boy seemed to appear by him. “Clark, don't use your speed so publicly.” Jonathan said tiredly. “Sorry, dad.” Clark said. “You OK?” “Just tired.” Jonathan said. “Want me to help milk the cows?” Clark asked. “No, go play and no powers.” Jonathan said. “OK, dad.” Clark said and ran off at a normal speed to play. When Jonathan finished he went to the farmhouse. Jonathan leaned against the doorway in exhaustion. Martha ran to Jonathan. “Jonathan, are you OK?” Martha asked. “Just tired.” Jonathan said. “Go take a nap then.” Martha said. Jonathan went their bed. Balladeer: Now folks maybe we should head on back to Colorado. Luke got the rest of his stuff unpacked quickly with Jud and Cooter's help. Soon Cooter had to go back to DC. “How long ya gonna be gone for?” Jud asked. “We won't be at a recess long enough for me to leave DC for two weeks.” Cooter said. “I'll take care of Luke.” Jud said. “I know you will.” Cooter said. Luke went out after Cooter left and met a woman hours turned to days. Soon 3 days passed with him spend every free moment with the woman. A week later the two seemed to disappear. Jack put a tracer on Daniel's credit card and it showed it was being used in Las Vegas. “What's Daniel doing in Vegas.” Jack wondered. Another five days passed and soon Jack's house phone rang. Jack answered it quickly since it was SG-1's day off. “Hi, Jack.” “Spacemonkey?” Jack asked. “Yeah, sorry I disappeared on you guys.” Daniel said. “What were you doing in Vegas?” Jack asked his curiosity high now. “How did you...” “When you went missing I put a tracer on your credit card.” Jack admitted. Luke sighed. “I got married.” Luke said as his wife handed him an old photo album. “I'll call you back later.” “OK.” Jack said and hung up. Luke opened it and came to a photo of Cooter when he was younger. He decided to play dumb as to who Cooter was at first. “Whose he?” Luke asked. His wife looked and smiled. “My big brother Cooter.” She said. “Call Cooter in DC.” Luke said. His wife played an answering machine message. “Sis, I'm in Colorado Springs can you call me.” Came a voice Luke knew. 'Coot sound worried.' Luke thought. Luke picked up her cordless and handed it to her. She called Cooter's cellphone. “Cooter Davenport speakin'.” He said. “Hi, big brother.” She said. “Mary Ann, what's goin' on? You usually call me the same day I call and I called yesterday.” Cooter said. “Sorry, Cooter. I just got back from my honeymoon.” Mary Ann said. “Honeymoon? When did you get married?” Cooter asked. “Five days ago.” Mary Ann said. “I want to meet this guy.” Cooter said. “Then come by my place.” Mary Ann said. “I'm on my way.” Cooter said. “I'll see you soon.” Mary Ann said hanging up. “Why don't I wait for him by my car.” Luke suggested. Mary Ann nodded. Luke went out and leaned on the General Lee. Soon Cooter pulled up and got out of his rent-a-car. “Hey, Luke, what are you doing here?” Cooter asked curiously. “Waiting to meet my brother-in-law before he goes in.” Luke said. “Brother-in-law?” Cooter asked. “Mary Ann!” Luke called. Mary Ann came out and kissed Luke on the lips. “Oh hi, big brother.” Mary Ann said. “My wife Mary Ann you know.” Luke said. Cue Anyone
  15. I'm trying to figure out which season I have to buy to watch The Ghost Of The General Lee
  16. Maybe easier to say arround the actors ages...well except for Bo. John was like 18 at the time and they were looking for 24-25 year olds I think so he lied.
  17. True. Some say Luke is around 28 and Bo 24... I think i read Daisy as being about 26.
  18. I'm trying to figure out Cooter's age.
  19. Andrew D Charger Chaser said that Ben Jones was born in August of '41, so when the first 5 episodes were filmed in late fall '78, he would have been 37, and 44 by the end.
  20. To bad we don't have any cast coming in here...
  21. HossC figures about 10-12 older then Luke but I thought I'd see what everyone else thinks. Hoss is only guessing based on the actors age.
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