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About russell1997

  • Birthday 03/25/1979

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  • Location
    Chelsea, AL
  • Occupation
    Software Developer

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Member (2/4)



  1. very sad indeed. my childhood heroes and giants in my mind as well as treasured real life family members are slowly leaving us. Getting old sucks
  2. aww that was great! thanks for sharing!
  3. Awesome show, i'm a pretty big sci-fi fan as well. this was on my rotation! what kind of work did you do?
  4. congrats on the car, it's my life long dream too hope to have one, one day
  5. that looks pretty good the way I remember it looking.
  6. will do, thank you!
  7. i would love to visit some of the real locations, wonder if there is a google map overlay or something?
  8. never cared much for Racheal Ray but i would tune in for this interview!!
  9. Thanks guys! looking forward to getting to know you.
  10. lol, very iconic car to say the least. yeah i just can't justify getting a new car over a 40 yr old car even though i want the 40 yr old car
  11. Nice to meet you! And a fellow Alabamian to boot!
  12. Hello, my name is Russell. I'm been watching the Dukes since i was a kid. it's the first show i remember watching. I had a die cast general lee and would jump it along with the theme song at 2 or 3 yrs old. i always said when i learn to drive i'm getting a general lee. Well now i'm in my mid 30's and I do not drive a general lee but the dream still lives!! looking forward to getting to know the community
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