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Everything posted by mirabella

  1. I'm happy it's back on! I just saw it on the guide and set it to record. I have the DVDs but there is just something fun about watching on TV
  2. I am late with a response but yes I completely agree. I love the GA shows so much better, they seemed more real as did Bo and Luke. They actually changed their clothes lol I wish they had stayed in GA to film.
  3. Thank you for the welcomes!
  4. Thanks for the welcome :)

  5. Thanks Roger. Mira is what I go by online so that's fine to call me that. And yes I knew about Mira being a binary star, I love astronomy myself.
  6. Thank you for the welcome it's nice to meet you :)

  7. Yes, I actually have! Just watched an ep with Luke in a loft, hay bales all around him and he's trying to be sneaky. Instead of staying still he keeps moving all over and yep, you guessed it, hay bale falls overm bad guys go 'what's that'?. lol
  8. Thank you for the welcome Hoss :)

  9. I thought I replied to this yesterday, it may have been lost. I agree, I loved her growing up. Even as a little girl I thought she was strong and determined. She could take care of herself and her family, loved her friends, drove like a pro and still looked good while doing it!
  10. This is an amazing thread Hoss! I am on page 3 now, still reading through. I am bookmarking this for future reference too. I love the map at the start of the thread too. Thanks for sharing all this with us!
  11. I totally agree waikiki23. He has aged well. He's still as handsome now as he was on The Dukes. I really like him on Smallville, I am catching up on some older eps of him on that show and he brings a lot of heart to the character. I have to say before the Kents were pretty one dimensional, but both John and Annette do an amazing job.
  12. Here's the thread I am looking forward to it too! It will be nice to see him back on tv this week.
  13. Thanks Hoss! Still learning my way around Should I post about 2 movies he has coming up on Hallmark Movie channel this month?
  14. Oh this ep.. I tear up when Enos cried and I teared up when Rosco got serious calling in the accident and when he told Uncle Jesse. James Best is one of my favorite actors, he mainly played the character as a fun goofy guy, but he could bring dead seriousness in a heartbeat.
  15. Honestly I love them both, but Bo is my favorite. He's handsome and charming and I adore John Schneider. Plus he's funny.
  16. Thank you all for the welcomes!
  17. I started watching when it was first on. I can't remember if it was 1st or 2nd season, but I didn't remember the Georgia eps when I was watching back then so I must have started when it was later in season 2. I was about 5 when I saw the first shows so I was really young. When I was a teenager, they were in repeats and on at time when I was getting done work so I watched it while doing homework, this was in the 80s. A few years back I saw season 1 on dvd in the store and bought it. I picked up season 2 and 3 here and here over the years and now I have season 6 and 7 on order (supposed to be here this week) I honestly can't remember what episode I saw first because it was so long ago but Carnival of Thrills and Officer Daisy Duke always stuck out in my memory so I must have seen them pretty early on.
  18. I just watched this ep last night on dvd and I thought i was seeing things. It was a blooper. It was so obvious too.
  19. 'Trick My What' is premiering this Friday on CMT at 10 pm eastern. I didn't see it posted yet, I am looking forward to seeing it.
  20. Oh yes, I think so. Enos was one of my favorite characters on the show and Sonny was so cute.
  21. Had to get an account finally to answer this one, no doubt for Bo it's John. I didn't really care for the movie Bo at all. I haven't seen the second movie yet but I doubt he can match John either. I've been a life long fan of John's and he's the only Bo Duke for me.
  22. Hello I am mira, just joined today. I've been a fan of the Dukes of Hazzard since I was a young gal. Always had a think for Bo and still do Saw a post I wanted to respond too and figured I'd better get an account finally. Been coming here for a few years now off and on. Nice to you meet you all!
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