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Everything posted by EnosIsMyHero

  1. As I've said, to each his own. No hard feelings, but I guess I'm a little confused at the comments. I didn't post this fic with the expectation of needing to defend its voice; I posted it to give people a feel for my writing. I am certainly not beating anyone over the head to read my stories. So, while I can appreciate that you don't like straying from the feel of the original episodes, I prefer using the characters themselves instead of simply creating more DOH episodes. From the responses I have gotten on FFnet, it seems many readers enjoy a good story that dares to think outside of the box while still keeping character's core personalities and show canon intact. This one-shot is set nearly 10 years before the series even begins anyway, while E & D are both teens. It's actually a sequel to a backstory for Enos from ages 10-19 using canon we know from the show (The Story of Us)...and, while you may or may not be interested in a technical discussion of the canon aspects of his character (Don't forget that the Enos series is also canon), Enos' history of being a bootlegger's son who somehow became a cop, despite almost growing up with the Dukes, makes one think that there's more to his story than some dipstick who can't keep his car out of Hazzard Pond. And, what is it that keeps him devoted to Daisy after all these years, even at the end of the Reunion movie, to tell her that 'We're meant to be together'? Some of us really want to know. Sure, you can go for the easy 'he just is' answer or 'because that's the way the show's written', but I think that devalues the character that Sonny Shroyer has put so much of his heart and soul into. And, to be honest, there ARE serious bits to Enos in the show's episodes. Almost all of Season 1 has a more serious and less slap-stick feel. In the Season 2 episode 1, "Days of Shine and Roses", knowing what we do about Enos (the son of a dead ridgerunner, "One Armed Bandits"), which side do you think he was on while they were watching the old video footage? Cops or ridgerunners? He was at that "Friends and Family of Ridgerunners" annual meeting because his daddy had been one of those guys. It's these kind of questions that fuel these more serious, darker stories, 'cause I guarantee you he wasn't rooting for the cops. So, anyways, no hard feelings over y'all not liking the fic, but your responses did feel like they warranted me explaining my point of view a little more thoroughly And, all of my fics do have lighter-hearted moments in them, this just happened to be the only one-shot I've written and it happened to be dark. -EnosIsMyHero
  2. I would suggest starting the story by saying that it was a nightmare she had instead of delving right into the "action' ..... It's a little abrupt and confusing otherwise.
  3. Hey, to each his own! It's funny how we watch the same characters and read between the written lines in different ways. My thing is taking characters from comedies and putting them in serious situations that makes them have to grow and change. Keeps it real.
  4. Hey guys, EnosIsMyHero here, ( otherwise known as WENN9366 on fanfiction.net)! I'm the author of that hugely monstrous novel over on FFnet, Halls of Stone and Iron. At over 220,000 words, I can understand why some readers would hesitate to wade into such a committment! So, I thought I would post something shorter to give you a feel of how I write. The following is actually a one-shot sequel of another novel of mine, The Story of Us, which is a backstory for the characters of Daisy Duke and Enos Strate, using the canon we know from the series. However, this one-shot can be read as a stand alone without reading the previous story, although it does hint at a few things that happened. If you like it, please visit my profile on ffnet to read my other stories! LINK *Also, feel free to post replies to this thread. Hymn for Yesterday March, 1972 Birds twittered, fluttering about in the bright sunlight of the chilly March morning, and a warm breeze blew from the field across the road, swaying the limbs with their newly formed buds in its ebb and flow. The day was alive with life, welcoming the coming of spring after the long, harsh winter of 1971. Yet, with life came death of a kind that bore bitterly into the hearts of even the roughest Hazzard County had to offer. A slip of fate – tragic and senseless, the fact of which made the consequences only harder to accept. Her eyes sought his where he stood, caught them, and held them a moment before he looked away, back to the bier and its oak coffin and the green, plastic carpet concealing a shallow, dark shaft in the New Friendship Cemetery. He was dressed in the uniform of Hazzard's finest, and Daisy recalled how full her heart had been the first time she had seen him wearing it, and of the proud gleam in Enos' eyes as Sheriff Harris had sworn him in as a deputy. Had she thought it was a game? Playing police officer - as she, Luke, and himself had done so many times growing up. Revenuers and moonshiners... If she'd ever held such an illusion, it had come shattering down two days ago in a rain of a thousand tiny shards – burying themselves deep into her heart, and she doubted if she would ever be able to dig them out completely. It should have been him. A tightness began in her chest at the thought, but she'd promised herself she wouldn't cry again. It was wrong, she felt, to weep over what had not happened instead of what had. It had been a typical Friday evening, with the boot-leggers gearing up for their runs...in fast cars, loaded with high-proof whiskey. The CB on the kitchen counter had been tuned to Channel 9 that day, Uncle Jesse wanting to get a feel for where the Sheriff had stationed his deputies before his run up to Johnson City - a game of cat and mouse that the Dukes had played for so long it hardly bore thinking about. She had listened absently as she'd made dinner, but mostly it had been chatter, procedural codes for this and that, locations of the three patrol cars; Rosco, in Hazzard #2, Travis in Hazzard #3, and Enos in Hazzard #4. Travis Ecklund was in his second year with the Sheriff's Department, hailing from Acworth, Georgia, a small town just north of Atlanta. His father was a railroad man which, though more legal than a ridgerunner, was just about as poor. He and Enos had become fast friends. The sun was dipping low on the horizon, bathing the quiet farmyard in warm tones of gold and orange, when Rosco had put out a call for someone to chase down a '66 Comet speeding west on Ridge Road, himself already busy with another traffic stop. "10-4, Hazzard 2," came Enos' reply, "ETA five minutes." There was a few seconds of static and then, "Enos, I'm right here on Ridge and Possum Lick, I'll get him." "10-4, Hazzard 3. Don't let him out-fox ya', Travis." "I was born behind a wheel, Strate," Travis had laughed. "See ya' at the station." "10-4, Ecklund. Hazzard 4 out." Twelve minutes later, Enos came over the radio once more, worry evident in his voice. "Hazzard 3, please copy." ...Silence. "Hazzard 3, Travis, I just heard a mighty big explosion from over your way. You alright, buddy roe?" ...Silence. "Hazzard 2, 10-25 Hazzard 3?" "I ain't heard from him, either, Enos." "I'm right here at Ridge so I'll check on him. Maybe his radio ain't working again." "10-4 Enos, Rosco out." They said you could see the flames ten miles away as darkness fell - burning like the gates of Hell up on that ridge. A rock slide had stopped the Comet dead in its tracks, just around a blind corner with Hazzard #3 tight on its tail. There were no skid marks. Travis had never seen it coming. Her eyes drank him in as though he were a mirage that might fade away into nothing. If he'd taken the call, he would be the one in that coffin, and...and.... She lowered her head to conceal the tears rolling down her cheeks, falling like drops of rain on the memorial card in her hands.. He glanced back up as she looked down, across the quiet stretch of earth between them. Her shoulders hitched slightly, betraying her sorrow. He watched her – loving her more than the sun, moon, and stars above, and his throat tightened as he thought of where she should be - a bittersweet memory, sleeping still and silent beneath the trees whose only season was a season of death. The day after he had returned to Hazzard for the last time, the front page story in the Tri-County Times had stopped him cold. It had taken his breath away and damn near made him grab her and shake her until she repeated the promise she'd made to him the night she'd come home wasted. No one in his life had ever been given a second chance, but the Good Lord had brought her back to the farm, safe and sound. He'd gotten up and gone over to where she was cooking, passing the paper to her without a word. Slowly, the color drained from her cheeks, and she'd reached out, grasping his shoulder to steady herself before stumbling past him and out the kitchen door. The dead, he'd supposed, affected everyone differently – and discovering you should by all rights be numbered among them was a painful blessing under the best of circumstances. His own tears that fell later, in the quiet of his room, were those of thanksgiving mingled with guilt. She'd come back to the farm that night instead of staying at that party, while 28 drunken teenagers burned to death in a shack on the banks of Moccasin Creek. A hard lesson, learned by chance. The blaze had spread like wildfire the paper said, fueled by high-proof moonshine. There had been no survivors.
  5. I can't find the original post for this story with its synopsis (and I'm not sure it ever was posted in this part of the forum), so forgive me for reposting. Halls of Stone and Iron - by wenn9366 (Fanfiction.net), EnosIsMyHero (Hazzardnet) Rating: High T (teen) for violence/psychological trama Tags: Crime/Suspense/Psychological Trauma/Adventure *no sexual assault. Chapters: 73/70, 220,000+ words. Currently 'In Progress' with about 6 chapters left. Characters: Enos centric, but involves all characters. Enos/Daisy pairing, but a very slow burn. Summary: When Enos is arrested for a murder he didn't commit, his life will never be the same. Remanded to the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta to await trial, how long can he hold on to his sanity in a world where the only good cop is a dead one? So...It's been a long time, readers! Sorry, life grabbed me and sucked me in. But..I'm back and so is Halls of Stone and Iron!! This is almost finished, and remaining chapters will follow ASAP. This has been on my plate to finish for a long time, and I am so grateful to everyone who has continued to read and leaves reviews! Love you guys!!! Link is to the whole story, since it's been so long... Halls of Stone and Iron
  6. So...It's been a long time, readers! Sorry, life grabbed me and sucked me in. But..I'm back and so is Halls of Stone and Iron!! Chapters 70-73 are now up and the remaining chapters will follow ASAP. This has been on my plate to finish for a long time, and I am so grateful to everyone who has continued to read! Love you guys!!! Link is to the whole story, since it's been so long... Halls of Stone and Iron
  7. Sorry for the delay!!! Chapter 69 "Your Sins Shall Find You" is up now and hopefully no one (including me, haha) will have to wait a year for the next one. There should be about 3 more chapters. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8392830/69/Halls-of-Stone-and-Iron If anyone has forgotten what Halls of Stone and Iron is about, here is the summary: When Enos is arrested for a murder he didn't commit, his life will never be the same. Remanded to the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta to await trial, how long can he hold on to his sanity in a world where the only good cop is a dead one? One person still believes in him, and it will be up to her to save his life. If you're looking for a cream-puff story, you should move on. A lot of research went into making this story both canon compliant and realistic. Prison isn't a safe place for cops. Crime/Suspense/Psychological Trauma/Adventure (Enos centric, but involves all characters).
  8. Hey Dixie, Well...I'm sort of back, lol. I forgot to post the update to Halls of Stone and Iron here, so I will. Also, I'm in the process of going through all my Dukes fics and fixing a few things. No one has complained (I've gotten plenty of raves, actually), but honestly, I tried to read them and I don't like the phonetic spellings in my dialogue. (Like shortening to as t' and the as th' and droppiing g's of of words ending in "ing".) To me, the story gets lost, and when you are reading a story where you know the characters, you already understand how they speak. Fanfiction writing for me has always been a stepping stone to writing original fiction someday, and it's been a learning process of what works and what doesn't, what others enjoy reading, and what I enjoy writing (suspense/angst) and what I don't (any kind of love scene). I've "fixed" all 70 Chapters of Halls finishing up the other fics.
  9. pkoorse: Working on it, I promise! My life has been burning both ends of the candle for the last year so I hardly ever have time to sit down and write. Thank you so much for the encouragement and for sticking with my story!!
  10. After an embarrasingly long hiatus, this story has been updated!! Chapter 68 is up - The Beginning of the End. This story is almost finished. Thanks so much for everyone who has stuck with me for so long. Chapter 68: Click here
  11. Chapter 67 is up - "Into the Breach". Not much longer now... Find it here
  12. Thank you so much for everyone who is still reading! I apologize profusely for the wait on this story. Chapter 66 is finally up! Find it here
  13. Chapter 65 is up! The Still, Cold Light of Morning. Find it here
  14. Finally, an update!! I'm so sorry for the long wait. Chapter 64 is up! Crossroads of America. Find it here
  15. Chapter 63 is up! Approaching the Crossroads. Getting very close to the end!! Find it here
  16. It's been a while since the last update, but the story is almost finished. Here's Chapter 62! "Love...and something not like it." Find it here
  17. Chapter 61 is up! Fire on the Mountain. You won't want to miss this chapter. Find it here
  18. Love this story and you're spot on with Enos' personality. I know its been a while, but you gals should write more!
  19. Chapter 60 is up! Monsters Among Us. Find it here
  20. Chapter 59 is up! The Overland Route Find it here
  21. Chapter 58 is up! Secrets Between Friends Find it here
  22. Chapter 57 is up (FINALLY! Sorry about the long wait! Real life keeps getting in the way of my writing) - "American Ghost Town" Thanks to everyone who is reading! Help me keep my rear in gear by reviewing. Find it here
  23. Chapter 56 is up - "Love is a Burning Flame" Bwahahaha! Find it here
  24. Chapter 55 is up - "Words Left Unspoken" This chapter's pretty long, but it's been a while since I posted and I really want to move the story along. It's closer to the end than you might think. Find it here
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