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Everything posted by LucasDucas

  1. As I have stated before, growing up when we playing the Dukes I always wanted to pretend I was Luke. In my view, all the characters were essential to the show. You could make an argument that Luke was the center of the cousins because of his intellect and he did most of the dangerous stunts. Obviously Daisy was a crush for most of us and Bo was the younger, slightly wilder Duke so he had appeal from what I recall with teenage girls, but Luke was that older "brother" who in my view was the epitome me of cool. He had a quick wit and in many ways was the protector of his younger, wilder cousins. He was vital to the show. Bo was more of a hothead but Luke's more rational maturity was the one that often saved the Dukes. He seemed to in some ways take after their Uncle Jesse a little bit more.
  2. I appreciate it Brian. I could be wrong but I think he has been doing some recent cabaret type gigs for his music career.
  3. When the Dukes originally aired my buddies and I were all around nine or ten years old. At that age (boy have times changed) you still were at the age where most of us weren't quite old enough to appreciate girls yet (and most of the girls thought all the boys had cooties lol). I remember most of us had one of our first crushes (I had one on Wonder Woman too) on Daisy Duke. In hindsight, though the media may have portrayed her as nothing more than a sex symbol, there was a lot more to Daisy. She proved a woman could be just as skilled and strong as a man, she was very independent and was a good voice not only for women, but I think largely sent a positive message to those of who weren't quite ready to go "girl crazy" just yet.
  4. Even though I like technology as much as the next person, there is a lot of evil that has come out of it as well. One thing that has changed is media coverage. Now since you have 24 hour newschannels, blog sites, etc people pretty much think they can say or do anything they want regardless of whether it hurts others or not. These days there seems to be a lack of true newsreporting. It pretty much is the equivalent of tabloid journalism even to a degree on networks like MSNBC and Fox News. No one seems to have a right to privacy anymore and people including journalists just love attacking people.
  5. Everyone in the cast was great and added to the show so I mean no disrespect toward Bo, but Luke was my favorite character (and all my buddies and I had probably our first crush on Daisy lol). As a kid my buddies and I were always finding an excuse to "play" the Dukes of Hazzard. I always wanted to be Luke because I took education very seriously, he was a great fighter, and did most of the most dangerous stunts.
  6. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Actually they are predicting some snow here on Christmas day. They have already salted the roads, got to love southern snow, lol. We traditionally run to the grocery story and buy a month's worth of groceries for a 20 percent chance of snowflurries with no accumlation.
  7. I don't think Tom has any kind of problem with the show, he just has moved on to an excellent post Dukes career. He has done a ton of things and as others have stated theater is his first love (and he has had a great career) I mean no disrespect to John at all but his career has been much different than Tom's. John has stayed more toward television and the peak of his acting career was the Dukes. Tom, on the other hand, has won a Tony, etc (and that is not a putdown at all to John who has also had an excellent career) so you could say his peak has been AFTER the Dukes. This may be a poor example, but I would venture to say, just as point of reference, Tom Hanks would cite some of the movies he has done as more "fufilling" than his time on the old tv show Bosom Buddies. Just my two cents.
  8. Just wanted to tell everyone hello. It is a pleasure to be on a site with so many great Dukes fans. I was thrilled when CMT brought the show back. The Dukes were always one of my favorite shows as a kid. My buddies and I would also find an excuse to play the Dukes of Hazzard. Luke Duke was always my favorite character on the show and everyone of us had a major crush on Daisy Duke. The entire cast was great.
  9. I have often contended that Sorrell Booke and James Best may be the most underrated comedic team in the history of television. Some of Sorrell's facial expressions and comments to Rosco are classic material. What many people fail to realize is one, Sorrell wore padded suits throughout the show and could speak five languages. He was every bit as important to the show as Tom, Cathy, and John were. A terrific actor that doesn't get nearly the credit he richly deserves.
  10. Luke was my favorite character on the show.
  11. Growing up my buddies and I would often "play" the Dukes of Hazzard and I also wanted to be Luke Duke. He always came up with the plans, was a great fighter and did most of the dangerous stunts. To me he was the epitome of cool on the show. Between Luke's coolness and a major crush on Daisy (Daisy was the first crush for many guys) the Dukes were must see tv. In my opinion, he was indeed the backbone of the show.
  12. For any critics, who want to claim the Dukes didn't have great actors (Sorrell Booke was a terrific actor for example) all one has to do is look at Tom's Broadway successes. He has been in a ton of major productions and is a Tony award winning actor. He has also put out some really solid recordings as well and you could make an argument that he has had the best of the "post" Dukes career (though the others have done very well).
  13. The media is largely out of control. People have made such a mockery out of what freedom of speech truly means. I think our forefathers would role over in their grave if they knew how the press was today and I hate to say it the internet has allowed people to cowardly attack others as well. Anyway, sorry to go off on a rant. Daisy Duke is an American icon that actually could be considered a role model. She showed girls they could be just as tough as men. Cathy still looks great today and seems to be a great person.
  14. Thank goodness for that. The Dukes were off the air for far too long. They don't make good family shows like the Dukes much anymore.
  15. I do and I would think many others do as well. With the Dukes being a "southern based show," I would suspect there are diehard Dukes fans throughout the south.
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