I don't think Tom has any kind of problem with the show, he just has moved on to an excellent post Dukes career. He has done a ton of things and as others have stated theater is his first love (and he has had a great career) I mean no disrespect to John at all but his career has been much different than Tom's. John has stayed more toward television and the peak of his acting career was the Dukes. Tom, on the other hand, has won a Tony, etc (and that is not a putdown at all to John who has also had an excellent career) so you could say his peak has been AFTER the Dukes. This may be a poor example, but I would venture to say, just as point of reference, Tom Hanks would cite some of the movies he has done as more "fufilling" than his time on the old tv show Bosom Buddies. Just my two cents.