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Everything posted by bolukeduke

  1. i'd like to say thanks to the creaters of hazzardnet for making an awsome dukes of hazzard site were dukes fans can talk about the show
  2. Hi guys i love all the dukes of hazzard episodes but i preffer the georgia episodes because of how if feels more real. what do you preffer the georgia episodes or the california episodes and why
  3. yeah i also love that about ghost of the general lee. it seems like every duke fan i know perfers the georgia ones. that would of been so cool for all seven episodes to film there
  4. Hey HossC yeah we had alot of fun, i seen that video to it was cool to see enos and cooter giving a little tour of the real hazzard. It wasnt hard to take pictures in buildings or the junkyard because the people in georgia were the nicest people. when we took the window shot from city hall the guy who worked there was a big duke fan and he gave us a tour and let us take pictures. he even showed us the exact spot we needed for the picture. when we went to the duke farm there was a big house on the land so we didnt want to trespass so we knocked on the door of the house and this older couple came out and let us take pictures of the farm. they even showed us pictures of how the farm looked over the years and we had a nice little conversation with them. the hardest thing to get pictures of was the junk yard because it closed down five years ago and there was a sign saying no trespassing. there was a house for sale a couple of houses down from the junkyard that had a phone number on it so we called it and asked the real estate lady if she knows who owns the junk yard and she said it was the people living in the house next door and she gave us there phone number. we called that number so many times but no one would answer and no one was ever home. but a couple of days latter we drove by and there kids where there about to leave and we asked them if its ok and thay said yeah and it turns out that they were huge dukes of hazzard fans to. All the other dukes of hazzard sites that were indoor the owners gave us permission to take pictures to.
  5. limo one was missing was a really good episode. do you guys preffer the Duke Of Hazzard episodes when they were filmed in Georgia or when they were in Califorina. I preffer the Georgia ones because it seems more real and it shows the real georgia. What do you guys think about the episode Ghost of the general lee
  6. Hey guys last june i went down to covington georgia with my family to revist the dukes of hazzard. it was amazing and the people are so nice down there. When we went down we had pictures of what the famous Dukes Of Hazzard sites looked like back in 1978 and we took pictures of them in the exact same spot of what it looks like now. Last night me and my uncle finished turing those pictures into a video and we posted it on youtube. Its a pretty cool video. You guys should watch it so you know how the sites look like as of june 2010. The video is called : Return To Hazzard County GA 2010 HOME OF THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Heres a link to the video :
  7. Ok guys so the score is : Bo Duke :38 Luke Duke :28 Jesse Duke :34 I took one point away from luke duke and gave one point to jesse duke by the way last june i went to georgia with my family and we had pictures of what the famous duke sites looked like back in 1978 and we took pictures of the exact same spot of what it looks like now. I posted a video on youtube that shows all of the pictures. its a pretty cool video you guys should watch it it's called : Return To Hazzard County GA 2010 HOME OF THE DUKES OF HAZZARD heres a link to the video :
  8. Hey guys yeah things have been going in circles but its fun to see what happens to break that circle like what rogerduke was saying not knowing is the fun. but if some of you guys are getting bored of this and dont feel like playing you dont have to continue playing. I think the game should keep going on and who ever wants to continue playing can and who ever doesnt want to continue playing doesnt have to continue. I dont understand why some people started taking away double points. Like what meadowmufn was saying if we see that happen we need to bring it up and tell the person your only aloud to vote once per day so they fully understand the rules of this game and so it doesnt happen again. I think now that all of this was brought up the game should start running good again.
  9. So the score is : Bo Duke: 44 Luke Duke: 41 Jesse Duke: 15 I gave a point to Bo and took a point from Luke Bo hast taken the lead by 2
  10. lol Roger how many times has roscoe done that to people lol
  11. so the score is : Bo Duke: 44 Luke Duke: 46 Jesse Duke: 10 I gave a point to Bo and took a point from Luke
  12. ok so the score is : Bo Duke: 40 Luke Luke: 58 Jesse Duke: 2 I gave a point to Bo and i took one away from Luke
  13. Hi James Best Im from toronto canada and last june i went to georgia to visit the dukes sites and we stopped in gatlinburg TN to go to cooters place to meet Rick Hurst. We heard that u were also at gatlinburg signing autographs at a comic book event but it was already to late to go meet you because it was over. Anyways I was wondering if you are going to be coming to toronto or somewhere in ontario to be signing autographs All the best from your Canadien duke fan, Nelson
  14. when i went to georgia to vist the sites that the duke of hazzard was filmed at we stopped at Cooters place in gatlinburg TN and RICK HURST was there signing autographs. It was amazing he's such a nice guy and he's really funny [ATTACH]257[ATTACH] Rick Hurst (Cletus) pretending to arrest me
  15. ok so the score is : Bo Duke: 37 Luke Luke: 60 Jesse Duke: 3 I gave a point to Bo and i took one away from Luke
  16. Hey guys i was thinking and its gunna take for ever for this game to end so y dont we make it so instead of give 1 point to a person and take 1 away from a person y dont we change it so we give 5 points to a person and take 5 away from a person. I think this will speed up the game a bit. If u guys like or dislike this idea feel free to comment.
  17. Bo Duke:38 Luke Duke:59 Jesse Duke:3 I took a point from Luke and gave a point to Bo
  18. Hey guys sorry that I haven't been that active, i just got back from Georgia, I went with my uncle dad and grandfather to visit all the dukes sites it was AMAZING So anyways the score is: Bo duke :37 Luke duke :59 Jesse duke:4 I gave a point to Bo and took one away from Luke
  19. so far the score is : Bo 30 Luke 26 Jesse 27 Cooter 17 -1 jesse, +1 bo
  20. so the score is: Bo 31 Luke 26 Jesse 27 Cooter 16 plus 1 bo, -1 jesse sorry for not posting in a while
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