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  • Biography
    Mom of three and married for 5 years. I started watching The Dukes in late 1996.
  • Location
    The great south!! YEEEHAAA
  • Interests
    God is my number one piority with ,family, Dukes,reading, history and writing next in line
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom

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  1. Hi TD...sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Hope all is well with you and your family. Things are OK here. Am tired of the snow though (am ready for spring!) Glad you got to watch the race and that you seemed to like it. It is a good idea to tak eyour time on choosing a driver - they all have different characteristics and attitudes you'll find out. There are drivers out there that you either love or love to hate (Some say that about Gordon, but I can't see how anyone could love to hate him...hmmm. LOL) Anyway, you'll have to let me know when you pick out your driver to follow if you do pick one out. I am sure there are some out there that watch it w/out a favorite driver. You are a lot more thorough when picking a driver than what I was when I began to get into the sport. Don't know if I'd chose anyone else though if I were. Who knows. Though I do know one thing, I am not going to change drivers now (I've got too much invested in Gordon. LOL)

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