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  • Biography
    Mom of three and married for 5 years. I started watching The Dukes in late 1996.
  • Location
    The great south!! YEEEHAAA
  • Interests
    God is my number one piority with ,family, Dukes,reading, history and writing next in line
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom

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  1. Thanks! It means a lot to hear what people have to say about my writing. As for pointers...hmmmm. If I think of anything, you'll be the first to know. Right now I am too tired to think. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to listen.

    What you think of the race? Which driver do you go for? LOL. My driver finished eightth which isn't too bad and a whole lot better from where he started off at in 24th. I am a huge Jeff Gordon fan. I thought it was an alright race and am looking really forward to next Sunday. :D

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