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  • Biography
    Mom of three and married for 5 years. I started watching The Dukes in late 1996.
  • Location
    The great south!! YEEEHAAA
  • Interests
    God is my number one piority with ,family, Dukes,reading, history and writing next in line
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom

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  1. Well Texas Daisy NASCAR is something I actually feel like I know...but where to start? LOL. There is 43 drivers at the start of the race, but generally by the end there are drivers that are in the garage area and out of the race. They qualify (go by time and speed) to see which driver starts where and the higher position (One being the highest) the more points you get at the end of the day of which they add and who has the most points at the end of the year wins the championship. 36 races in a year with the last ten being the post season format I had explained earlier where the top twelve drivers start anew with points plus ten points per race they win during the season. (Hope that makes sense). They have a pit crew that helps fix the car during the race plus change tires and refuel the car with a crew cheif that leads them.

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