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Elly May Duke

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Everything posted by Elly May Duke

  1. With y'all there, but if this helps anybody I hve lost 23 pounds since April (well actually it started cause of a surgery I had for my mouth but) I actually just started first cutting out snacks that got me down five then I got to where I ate a reasonable amount of breakfast lunch and dinner as well as I ride a stationary bike everyday for 30 minutes. . .so I went from 123 to 100 though for me that's a good wieght because I'm only 4"9' so anyhow. . .if this helps y'all. . .I agree what y'all say about really skinny people too.
  2. Then Daisy remembered and looked over at Cherry who was still asleep peacefully.
  3. Enos looked up when they walked into his room "Hey Daisy. . .Lily." "Dad, tell me you're okay." Lily begged.
  4. Daisy agreed and it didn't seem like long before they were both waking up again.
  5. Lily nodded. Later Daisy drove Dixie down to the hospital so she and Lily could see Enos.
  6. (this is a switch, in our other story it's Daisy who doesn't want Enos to leave) "I won't Enos. . .I promise." she smiled. Daisy set Cherry back down in her crib and yawned "Enos I am soooo sleepy now."
  7. "Mama what's going to happen to us next?" Lily asked.
  8. Daisy kissed him "I know Enos. . .I guess I just need a day back at the farm, but don't worry I am not going anywhere."
  9. Lily nodded "When are you going to see him?" Daisy sighed looking at her daughter "Tonight." she said. Lily nodded again.
  10. Daisy nodded "Enos. . .for some reason I think I ought to move back home untill. . .you know. . .me and you are so stressed because of it. . .I'll take Cherry with me and. . .then we'll all be together whenever the date is."
  11. Lily sighed "Are you going to tell the others about dad?. . .can I go with you to see him?"
  12. "So. . .what time is it now anyway?" Daisy whispered as she was finally getting Cherry to sleep.
  13. Lily nodded "I guess you're right. Grandpa Jesse had a way like that."
  14. Lily sighed trying not to cry "Mom. . .what would grandpa Jesse say if he were here?" she asked.
  15. Enos smiled sighing to himself "Well Daisy. . .whatever happens atleast we're all a family in it." (oh and I hope to be sending you a story e-mail soon my story idea about you and me)
  16. Daisy sniffed trying to calm herself down "I know Enos." she wispered and just as she did Cherry woke up and started crying a bit.
  17. "I'm sorry sugar." Daisy said shaking her head "What's going to happen mom?" Lily asked "To dad and us?"
  18. "Oh Enos!" Daisy cried "I am so weak. . .I just. . .honestly I'm terrified of him Enos." Daisy swallowed hard and then went over to Cherry's crib and gently laid a hand the blanket that covered her.
  19. "Mom?" Lily asked "Lily, I--" Daisy stuttered "Yes mom?" Lily pressed. "Lily" Daisy laid a hand on her knee "Lily, you'd love your dad no matter what. . .I know you would, but" she swallowed as tears came to her eyes "I can't lie to you sugar, but. . .your dad lost one of his legs this morning." Daisy broke down crying.
  20. Daisy shook "Just because. . .who knows what LD would do to her. . .in my dream he had a dagger to my throat."
  21. Lily smiled "Dad'll probably have them all read by then." then she thought for a moment "Mom. . .is there. . .anything that. . .I ought to know about dad?" she asked, giving Daisy a look saying that she knew something was seriously wrong with her dad.
  22. (I know those two would go both ways on comforting each other) "There, there Daisy." Enos whispered. "Is Cherry all right?" Daisy asked.
  23. Daisy chuckled "I knew that would make you happy."
  24. She tossed and turned and just as LD was about to get her with a dagger she woke up screaming.
  25. "You know Lily. . I got your dad some more Lunatics comics that you might want to read after he's done." Daisy told her.
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