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Elly May Duke

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Everything posted by Elly May Duke

  1. Enos: *sighs* Daisy . . .you have some degree of depression and well . . .in the first place we have no idea how we're paying off Andrew's hospital costs, but now I don't know how we're getting you the medicine you need.
  2. Elly: I'm gonna go and get him for breakfast. *goes and comes back with Cooter*
  3. Enos: Anything that you'd like to say in anger to us?
  4. Elly: Wonder why he didn't drive back to the garage?
  5. Daisy looks to Enos when she realizes that he is there.
  6. lol. that's interesting. Yeah have to agree with you that unless it's country IDK. Still remember that list, but ain't got to it evidently.
  7. When Elly and the others wake up the next morning they find Cooter asleep in his truck
  8. However, before Enos could get to her doc had explained the situation to her.
  9. The two of them head on to bed and are soon asleep
  10. Daisy: I don't believe you. *goes to get doc* The boys look at eachother with worried looks.
  11. Elly: Good. Well reckon i'll head on to bed now.
  12. Daisy: Enos . . .I mean it. It ain't about Andrew is it?
  13. Elly: Had a wonderful night. How's Jenny?
  14. Daisy: I mean it Enos. I know y'all are talkin about something
  15. Elly: you say so. *Cooter takes Elly back to Uncle Jesse's farm*
  16. Elly: Agree. Course I want us to take our time. I couldn't deal with being hurt again . . .not that I think you'd try to hurt me. Now I reckon I ought to get bacik before Uncle Jesse worries too much.
  17. Doc: Cooter . . .you're right. I only seen a little of it, but you're absolutely right. Enos: The oly thing is that we knw that she'd never be able to get medicine for it. Andrew's been through all this and . . .we just don't have the money.
  18. Elly: Cooter, I swear I am the happiest tonight than I have in my life . . .save for the day I adopted Jenny.
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