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Jami Lee Hogg

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Posts posted by Jami Lee Hogg

  1. Think this year has been terrible. In my family we have lost 3 members and in the duke family 3 members. Its hard to know what to feel. I can some what imagine what Chris family is feeling. To lose your dad at any age is terrible and for Chris's girlfriend her heart is breaking with a pain that you don't think will ever heal. Its not fair when you lose someone so sudden just leaves a hole in your soul.

  2. Hi guys!

    I just wanted to let you guys know that i got this from Phyllis (John's No 1 Fan). I thought other fans might like to do this.


    Hi everyone,

    I have some news from Tom Sarmento. He has had many people asking him how they can show the Baxley family their expressions of sorrow over the loss of stunt coordinator Paul Baxley. The Baxley family will be having a memorial service later this month for Paul. Tom will be attending. He said that he wants to help the "Dukes" fans so this is what he has come up with.

    Tom thinks it best if people who want to do something send cards. That way each person can write whatever they personally want to say on the card. Then mail the card to him at his home address. He will personally hand deliver all the cards he receives by the end of next week (Saturday, March 19) to Paul's son, Craig Baxley, at that service. For those of you who have to mail International and can't get the card to Tom by that date, he will continue to collect for a while and then mail the rest to Craig at a later date.

    Tom also has some pictures of Paul from the first couple of DukesFests which Paul attended. Tom is going to have those made into 8X10 prints and give them to Craig along with all of the cards he receives. He wants to do this for the fans since they are wanting to help the Baxley family.

    The address to send your card to is:

    Tom Sarmento

    8719 Milton Morris Drive

    Charlotte, NC 28227

    Please fill free to give this address to anyone wanting to send a card.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.




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