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Jami Lee Hogg

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Everything posted by Jami Lee Hogg

  1. Way to go Hoss!!
  2. Jesse 65 Luke 35 _______
  3. stocking
  4. Jesse 68 Luke 32 Hey GLG!! We luke fans need to stick together and kick ol' jesse behind.
  5. Jesse 67 Luke 33 i'm getting dizzy!!
  6. gross
  7. to much money
  8. Luke
  9. cell
  10. Luke 32 Jesse 68 _______
  11. beautiful
  12. Luke 33 Jesse 67 So know the circling does begin. What do we do.
  13. hospital
  14. Luke 33 Jesse 67 ________
  15. bo 1 luke 30 jesse 69
  16. Bo 3 Luke 29 Jesse 68
  17. Bo 6 Luke 28:popcorn: Jesse 66
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