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Redneck girl 01

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Everything posted by Redneck girl 01

  1. Just walking around singing... "Eating rainbow stew with a silver spoon, underneath that sky of blue, we'll all be drinking that free bubble up and eating that rainbow stew."

  2. Hello Garrett!! How are you? I feel like it has been forever since I visited this place....

  3. My friend actually had me listen to a few of her favorite songs....I almost hate to admit it, but I really like this one: Die for You- Otherwise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyq196qnEeo P.S. I hope this is the right song...I'm at home, so there is no way for me to load the video...I'm just gonna hope for the best...I'm pretty sure it is the right one....lol
  4. I sure hope so...course usually when I plan to do things one way, they turn out a different way. And Thanks, so far I really do love it...I enjoy it, everyone is nice, it is close to home, it isn't hard at all.

  5. Hahahaha I know! I'm just kidding around!! :D I am trying to make this place my second home again, but since I actually finally got a job, it seems I can only get on from about 9 till midnight...lol....I miss it here.....

  6. Sooo I keep hearing how great Duck Dynasty is, and how it has some really funny moments. Though I was under the impression that it was on the somewhat vulgar side, but after reading what you wrote Roger, I decided I would check it out. I went to my libraries website to place a hold on the season they have, there is 15 hold requests on it right now!! So it must be quite popular. That means I won't be seeing it for about a month. A week check out period, with three copies available, brings it down to roughly 5 weeks until I can get it. Hope it is worth the wait!
  7. Heeeey!!! How are yooou!!! :)

  8. Heeey stranger whats happening? lol :D

  9. Sorry for the repeat messages...My computer is going flooey. Hahahaha... How old is your niece?

  10. Yea fun fun...I get to start all over again with college in the fall..Booo....And Thanks!! Lack of sleep is no fun!! Working too hard??

  11. Yea fun fun...I get to start all over again with college in the fall..Booo....And Thanks!! Lack of sleep is no fun!! Working too hard??

  12. Howdy Howdy Howdy!!! How are yooouuu!?!?! I have been ok....A bit trapped in my house...but that is alright....Graduated college...that is always fun. So yea I've been good...

  13. I love this song... 8) Looking Back to See - The Browns Here is a link for it on youtube....however it is a blind guess. I am going from the description and the few seconds that have loaded. So I hope it is the song
  14. - Waylon Jennings Love this song...hope the link works and takes it to the right song!! lol
  15. Hazzardnet is a wonderful place to be....I consider it to be a second home, I just wish I was able to be on it as much as I used to be. I wish you luck on your projects 8)

    I am wonderful just a little cold!! :p

    Oh and Congrats on being Fan of the Month!! 8)

  16. Hi!! I see that you loggged in about a week ago...How have you been?

  17. Hahahaha oh my...I am enjoying reading the conversation on this thread between Garrett and Hoss. It has given me a good chuckle.... As I don't want to get in the middle I'm gonna grab my chance to post this song while I can....I love it....especially the line: "If you hand me my crayons, I'll gladly take your name...In case I run across the guy you knew...But I don't remember loving you... "I Don't Remember Loving You"- John Conlee Sorry again for not being able to post a link... Errrr scratch everything in orange!! I see that Hoss beat me too it!! By 5 minutes....Sooo I pick... "Two Dollars in the Jukebox" - Eddie Rabbit.... Now back to my And y'alls conversation
  18. I have a Canon PowerShot SX100 IS....I got it about 4 years ago. I absolutely love it...It has been an amazing little camera. Especially if you get the settings right. But it is very good for a point and shoot camera. It takes great pictures even without messing with any of the settings. The only thing that I don't like is it has a slow refresh rate for the flash. And what you mentioned. It doesn't do so great in low light situations. I usually have to use flash. I mean it is ok, but the pictures are usually grainy. Actually if you look in the thread Post Christmas Blues, the picture of the deer on the wall was taken in low light. They are not horrible, just not very clear. Also if things are moving in low light it doesn't work. They just blur, so I learned to use flash. I am looking to upgrade to one in the Rebel series. I need a DSLR in order to take any photography classes around me they don't let you register with just a point and shoot. :/ I have only ever used Canons. I had a Kodak point and shoot film one. lol Annnd I have used my friends Kodak digital easy share and I did not like that one. So I cannot be too much help with camera recommendations. Just go to the store like Best Buy and play with them, see what you like. Read the reviews look at test pictures. That is what I did with the one I have now and I love it! Ahhhh i am beginning to ramble I am sorry!! lol....I will hush up now. What state do you live in? And I understand I am like that when friends go to events or places that I would love to go but can't. I love looking at the pictures so I can see what it is like. It is really depressing when they do not take any! 8( I will work on the pictures...I have some video around here somewhere...lol....I really need to get better organized!!
  19. Hola Carlos! How are you?

  20. Well well well....I can't do no hyper-linking the song thanks to wonderful dial-up, can't even get on YouTube to find the song...but I am just going to throw my response in and be on my way!! Don't Worry Baby-The Tokens
  21. I never noticed either, until I went back to see when the others posted. And really!! I know Wally World bout two years ago had the first few seasons for 13 dollars but I already had them! I wish I was a member of Sam's Club now... I have only ever been in there once. And I am not willing to pay 40 for them hence the reason I only have the first four seasons...I think that is an outrageous price, for any dvd series. As you said they came out years ago. I figured they would be way down in price by now but they are not. So I reckon I will continue to wait and look. Until then I will enjoy the seasons that I have!! 8)
  22. Hahaha that will take some time....When I uploaded them, I only looked at the thumbnails. I didn't put them in separate folders to know which ones have been showed and which ones haven't been. If that makes sense...But I should be able to get around to it. I know what you mean by living it through other peoples pictures and what not, I use to have to do that all the time. But now I get out a little more And with my camera it is great....I hope to get a better camera one of these days, though I am happy with the one I have.
  23. Isn't that the truth! I loved it, they had some really awesome stuff....I wish I had grown up back then so I could have collected it. Nothing now-a-days seems to be as cool as the Dukes!!
  24. I agree!! I love it....I think it is a really cute movie...I sure hope they put it on DVD also....I will buy it!!
  25. So Im sittin here watchin the movie....I am enjoying it so far..... So did anyone catch the John Schneider (Bo Duke) poster in her room, at her dads house.... and then when James was talking the one time I caught a "Oh I love it.....I love it!" it made me smile 8)
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