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Everything posted by LizzyJackson-Davenport

  1. "He's missing overseas Bo, there's nothing he can do here. You know what? Pull over. I want to go home." Lizzy says. Cue anyone.
  2. "What if he doesn't see it Julie? What if he lets the best thing in his life walk away because she doesn't think he loves her the way she does? Would you want that for him?" Bo asks. Cue anyone.
  3. "I don't really know much about what happened back then. He's like 10 years older than me." Bo says. Cue anyone.
  4. "How can you be so sure?" Lizzy asks trying to hold back her emotions. "Your cousin is missing for god sakes and now you may be shipped over there. I don't think..." Lizzy starts but her emotions over come her. Cue anyone.
  5. "I don't think he will unless he's pushed." Bo says. Cue anyone.
  6. "What did I call you? Oh you mean a solider? I know you're a moron...excuse me a Marine. Don't start it with me Bo. I really don't want you to leave thinking I hate you or our last conversation to be a fight." Lizzy says staring determinedly out the window so Bo won't see the tears in her eyes. Cue anyone.
  7. "Not much can be kept a secret in Hazzard. I think he knows because if you take your birthdate and subtract 9 months you get how he could have figured it out. Especially if he only slept with her once." Bo says. Cue anyone.
  8. "I think it's obvious to everyone but him and Lizzy." Bo says. Cue anyone.
  9. "He can try. I wasn't a whiskey runner for no reason Bo." Lizzy says leaning against the door and staring out the window. Cue anyone.
  10. "I don't know, probably not." Bo says. "But then again he must have figured it." Cue anyone.
  11. Luke walks out of the room and down the hall as Bo watches. "He's in love with her." Bo says. "What was your first clue?" Daisy asks sarcastically. Cue anyone.
  12. Lizzy laughed and tried hard not to feel so bad. "Why do you have to go Bo?" She asks. Cue anyone.
  13. "I'm glad you see it that way. I'm gonna go check on Lizzy." Luke says standing. Cue anyone.
  14. "They're...making everything a little too real." Lizzy muttered climbing into Uncle Jesse's truck that Bo had borrowed for the day. Cue anyone.
  15. "This book will tell you." Bo says reaching over Lizzy and flipping the pages of the book on the table to find a copy of Lizzy's birth certificate. "Here. That's her birth certificate." Cue anyone.
  16. "Just as long as you realize that not all guys are completely stupid and asinine when it comes to kids." Luke warns. Cue anyone.
  17. "Sure...Daisy do you think I can do this? Do you really think I can get married to Bo?" Lizzy asks slightly scared.
  18. "Sounds like six weeks to me. You think you'll fit into a matron of honor dress in six weeks? I'm really going through with it this time. I'm getting married in six weeks and if I change my mind I give you full permission to club me over the head." Lizzy says.
  19. Lizzy stands up and gives Bo one look. He stands up and scoops Belle up from the floor. "Let's give your aunt and your mom some time alone huh?" Belle nods and lets Bo take her out of the room. "Oh honey...I'm not mad." Lizzy says wrapping an arm around Daisy and pulling Daisy to her side. "Honey if you want more kids then good for you. I know it's going to be tough but it's not me who's gonna have to deal with it. You know Bo and I will support you no matter what. How far along are you?" Lizzy asks.
  20. "Sure, Belle get up, give your aunt a seat." Lizzy says. Belle instantly rose from the couch and sat on the floor.
  21. "That's not possible. Not if Cooter's your father. Cooter was 14 when Lizzy was born. You may be younger than her by eight years but not older. The only way you can be older than her is if you're not related to her. Not by any of her parents. Lizzy does look young for her age." Bo says remembering what he had been told. Cue anyone.
  22. "Cooter would disagree with that." Luke says. Cue anyone.
  23. "Sorry, couldn't find anything to wear." Lizzy says. "Is this ok?" She asks. When Bo doesn't answer Cooter cuffs the back of Bo's head. "Perfect let's go." Bo says. "Lizzy food?" Cooter says. Lizzy cocks an eyebrow and spots the jelly bagel in his. "Grape jelly?" Lizzy asks "Yeah why?" "Thanks got to go love ya Dad." Lizzy says kissing Cooter's cheek, taking his bagel, and bolting out the door. Cue anyone.
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