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Emy-Rae Duke

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Everything posted by Emy-Rae Duke

  1. nice, Ive only tried Green, Red and orange. I really wanna try the blue and the purple though. thanks for the heads up
  2. Bo 17 Luke 15 Daisy 11 Jesse 14 Cooter 14 Boss 5 Rosco 11 Enos 13 Cletus 0 +1 Enos -1 Cletus
  3. anyone ever tried it? im still buzzing from it and I drank one 7 hours ago
  4. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy!!! :D *bounces off the celing*

  5. hihihihihihihiihihihihihihiihihihhihihihihiihhihihihihhiii *runs around all hyper* :D

  6. (no, I think they're eliminated ) Bo 16 Luke 14 Daisy 11 Jesse 13 Cooter 13 Boss 7 Rosco 11 Enos 12 Cletus 3 + 1 for Bo - 1 Cletus
  7. I mean Garrett too silly
  8. you guys are so great *hugs*
  9. Bo 13 Luke 12 Daisy 10 Jesse 12 Cooter 12 Boss 7 Rosco 11 Enos 11 Cletus 6 Coy and Vance 6 Coy and Vance + 1 Cletus -1
  10. Bo Duke 11 Luke Duke 10 Daisy Duke 10 Uncle Jesse 10 Cooter 10 Boss Hogg 10 Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane 10 Enos 10 Cletus 9 Coy and Vance Duke 10 - 1 Cletus + 1 Coy and vance
  11. *smiles and hugs everyone tightly* I know im supposed to be happy because im surroinded by everyone who cares about me but right now seems to be the lowest point of my life right now
  12. I know I havn't posted much or be as active as I used to be I got ALOT of things going on and I just... I could really use one
  13. It's me Emy Rae! the cutest little duke cousin! :p

    im ok u?

  14. hihi, havent talked to you in ages, hope everythings okay :)

  15. *hisses at you hugging adam**


    Im good and you?

  16. if its anything like MTV cribs then yeah...
  17. Pernell Roberts aka Adam Cartwright and Trapper John MD, died on the 24th Jan. 2010... I thought someone would have posted this earlier.... RIP PERNELL ROBERTS..
  18. right back at ya! :D cant believe its 2010 already

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