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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke walked into the Bedroom and he looked down at Jude and he looked at Kathy and said Sweetheart I had to interruped but wwe only have 5 weeks to plan our wedding. and plus your mother is getting very edgey. Kathy Smiled and said That's just mom Baby. and she gave him a little Kiss.
  2. Kathy walked up to Dusty and said you should be in bed and resting. So Kathy helped Dusty Back to Bed. and Dusty saw that Kathy was cring and she asked what was wrone and Kathy told her about Zack and what Had Just happened. Dusty Said I really love how people tell me things an I a part of this family. Uncle Jesse walked in the Room and said Now Dusty you are a part of this family but you where pregnet.and wwe knew if you knew you would have been right in the middle of it. So Now rest and Don't sas me.
  3. Kathy and Daisy got Dusty to the bed and Dusty layed down. and then another contraction came. and the contractions where getting closer they where 1 minute a part. Kathy looked at Dusty and said Dusty Push. MEANWHILE ON THE ROAD. Bo, Cooter, and Uncle Jesse was looking for Luke. and they wasn't having any luck. AT THE WAREHOUSE.. Luke was still tied to a chair. all Luke could think about was Kathy. he needed to get back to her. cause after he was out of the Zack would go after Kathy. so he needed to get out of here. Luke started to look around he didn't see anyone so he reache down to his belt and took out his Knife and he carefuly cut the ropes from his hands and then he bent down and cut the rope off his. and then he got up. but he felt a little dizzy. but he shook it off and he went to the door and he opened it and he didn't see any one and he walked out and he was headed for the road when Marcus stopped him and Marcus had a gun on him. at that moment Luke hurd the General Lee . BoSaw Luke and he said Hang on Luke we are coming. and Bo Blew the General's horn and that distracted Marcus enought for Luke to Kick the gun out of his Hand and then Luke punched him then Paul and Zack came out and Paul held Luke as Zack Was punching him. Bo stopped the General and he Jumped out and said Luke I'm coming. Bo grabbed Paul off Luke and started to fight him and Then Luke went after Zack. and Luke hit Zack and Zack landed on the ground and he didn't get back up. Luke looked at Bo and he was just finishing up and then they both ran to the General Lee. and headed back to the Farm Bo got on the CB and told everyone that he had Luke . MEANWHILE BACK AT THE FARM. Dusty's baby was born she had a 7lb 4oz baby Boy. Kathy walked out of the bedroom and she sat down in the chair and she started to cry. Kathy didn't hear the General Lee come in the yard or the house door open and close. Luke walked into the living room and he walked over to her. and he knelt down and said Now sweetheart no need for tears. Kathy looked up and she saw him and she said LUKE oh Baby. and she went into his arms.
  4. Daisy pulls up to the farm and there they saw Dusty and Daisy and Kathy ran to her and said Dusty this Is Dr Kathleen Spencer Luke's Fencea. and they helped her into the house and in Daisy's room. MEANWHILE AT THE WAREHOUSE. Luke was waking up. Luke tried to sit up but he couldn't he was tied up Zack walked over to him and said well hello Mr Luke Duke girlfriend steller. I didn't steel Kath from you . you guys where all ready broken up for some time.and that made Zack Mad so he punched Luke right in the stomach. and then he said I Will not let you have Kathleen she is mine. Man you are crazy Kath don't love you. Luke said. and I suppose she loves you.Zack Said Well Yashe does love me.We are getting married here in a few months. Zack Just laughts and said Not if I can help it.
  5. They hurd Dusty come over the cb. and Uncle Jesse said Oh that's Great. Ok That'sOk Daist Tina and I will got back to the farm and and I will deliver the Baby. While you Guys Look for Luke.Kathy Said. And They Said Ok and dAISY kATHY andTina got in the Jeep and headed for the farm While the rest started to look for Luke. Daisy got on the cb and said Dusty if you can hear me we are on our Way and don't worry we have a doctor with us Luke's Soon to Wife.
  6. 20 Minutes Later. IN THE GENERAL LEE.. Bo startd to wake up he streached and then he looked around and he didn't see Luke. He got out of the General Lee and started to look around and he yelled. LUKE LUKE LUKE.Where you? Then Bo Noticed some tire tracksand then he went to the General and he noticed a sliver can on the floor board in the back sead of the General. He got in the General Lee and got on the cb. and said. Lost sheep 2 to Shepart, Bo Peep andPretty Lady come back thisis an emerency. Bo waited for a while whe he hurd You got Pretty Lady and Bo Peep Here Lost sheep 2 what's the emerency? Kathy Said. Kathy Luke is missing I have looked for him everywhere and I can't find him. Bo Said. Where are you Bo Daisy Said I AT Cutter's ridge. bO sAID. oK STAY THERE we are on our way. Uncle Jesse Said.. 5 MINUTES LATER. Daisy,Kathy,andTina pull up in Dixie and Uncle Jesse,Kyleand Rebecca pulled up in the Truck. They all saw Bo. and they all went to him.Bo told everyone what he remembered. and then he showed them the the sliver can that he had found in the General. Kathy looked at it andsaid oh no Bo Zack has got him. Kathy how do you know Zack has got Luke Bo Said. Cause Bo This is What we doctor use to put our patents to sleep when we do sergery. Kathy Said.
  7. Hi Freeze, The Eposide you are thinging about is called The Meeting.. Is When the mob comes to Hazzard and they are tring to Kill Bo and Luke cause they over hurd their Plan. Oh and Welcome to the Board.
  8. They all walked out of the Boars Nest Kathy told Luke that Daisy Tina and Her where going to Alanta to Look at wedding Dresses. and Luke said Ok becarefull and then he kissed her. and then she Got in Dixie and Daisy pulled out and headed for Alanta Bo and Luke got in the general Luke was driving. and they headed back to the Farm. 5 Minutes Later, Bo started to get sleepy So he said Why am I so Sleepy. I don't know Cousin But i feel the same way and then Luke couldn't keep his eyes open. Bo looked at him and said Luke stay on the road. The General was all over the road luke took his foot off the gas peddle. and the General Lee Stopped. and then they fell asleep. Meanwhile Zack and his men where following You see they where hiding in the bushes Until they saw Bo and Luke go by and then they started to follow. They drove up to the General and they got out of their car and walked towards the General Lee they reached in and Put the General in Park and shut him off and then they got Luke out and put him in thair Car and then they headed back to the warehouse.
  9. So Luke Picked up the cb and told Uncle Jesse that they where headed to the Boars Nest for a cold Beer. and Luke also told Uncle Jesse that Rosco wasn't going to help. Uncle Jesse said Ok and then he said Kathy Said that she would met you at the Boars Nest. Daisy and Tina are with her and they are in Dixie. Luke said Ok Uncle Jesse.and then he put the cb down. AT THE BOARS NEST. As they where coming to the Boars Nest They saw Zack and he was brothing Kathy. Luke started to get out of the General Befor Bo stopped the General. Bo Stopped the General and Luke ran over to Zack and Kathy and he said Zack let her go Zack Just laughed. and he pushed Kathy away from him.and he punched Luke. Luke fell to the ground But he didn't stay down very long. Luke Got up and he punched Zack and Zack fell Mean while as Zack was fighting Luke Marcus was sneeking up to the General Lee and he put the Gas in the General on the backseat floor boad. and then they walked over and acted Like they where breaking up the fight. Bo grabbed Luke. and he said Cousin, calm down. Luke Just gave Bo a dirty look. Bo Looked at Marcus and said get him out of here. and he did. Luke Said ok Bo you can let me go.(looking At Kathy) Sweetheart are you all right? Kathy Ran to him and she went into his arms and said yes Baby I'm fine. and then they went into the Boars Nest to have a beer. 20 minutes Later
  10. MEANWHILE BACK AT THE FARM.... Luke and bo was going to town to fill Rosco in on what was going on with Zack and see if he would do something. So he got in the General Lee and headed for Town . IN TOWN. Bo came speeding around the corner. and they stopped and they got out of the General andheaded for the courthouse they went into the courthouse and they saw Rosco and Luke walked up to Rosco and they started to tell Rosco what was going on But Rosco didn't beleive them. and Luke walked off mad and he said fine we will handal him ourselves..and they walkedout the door. and they walked to the General Lee and they got in. and They left. Bo looked at Luke and said Let's head to the Boars Nest to get a beer. Luke lookedat his younger cousin and said Lets go but lets let everyone at the farm know where we are going.
  11. he thought well I will give them me, and while they are buzy with me Paul and Marcus could put the right gas in their car.
  12. Zack was still at the ware house he was tring to think of another Plan to get Luke when he hurd them on the cb. and he said so they are looking for me. and he started to get an idea.
  13. Well I can handle that. Kathy Said. We have to figure out where Zack is hiding out .Why don't we all split up. but don't go in alone call the rest of us when you find him. and they all said ok and they a went to their cars. Uncle Jesse, Kyle,and Rebecca went in his Truck. Daisy and Tina went in Dixie. And Bo,Luke,and Kathy went in the General Lee.
  14. BACK AT THE WARE HOUSE.. Zack was ripping mad. You morons I told you to use the sleeping gas that I use for when I do surgery. and that doesn't have smoke you don't even smell it. so they would have never known. Now they know something is up.Now I have to think of another way to get Luke out of the way. BACK AT THE FARM.. Luke said Sweetheart he might be coming after you next so I want you to becareful and You ain't going anywhere without me. Kathy smiled.
  15. Happy Birthday Cathy, I hope you have a wounderful Day.
  16. Bo pulled the General LEE IN and shut him down and got out and went into the house. IN THE HOUSE.. Boand Luke walked in and they told Uncle Jesse, Daisy, Kathy, Rebecca,Tina,and Kyle what had happened. Kathy went to Luke and said Baby it was Zack he was after you What are we going to do?
  17. So Luke Pulled the General Lee behind some pushes and they waited. About 10 minutes later they saw a car go by. and Bo said that's them and Luke said No kidding Bo They are looking for us. Lets get them. Bo smiles and said lets go. So Luke got the General and headed down the road and then Paul saw them and said Oh Marcus Them Duke Boys are behind Us. we need to lose them Marcus Said. Bo and Luke was chacing the Bad guy when the Paul started to shoot at them and he he hit the tire of the General and Luke said Bo Keep it on the road. and Bo said I'm tring.. Bo finily stopped the General and they both got out and changed the tire and then they headed back to the farm. BACK AT THE FARM...
  18. AT COOTER'S GARAGE,, Bo and Luke pulled the General up to Cooter's and they got out and went into the garage. Marcus and Paul saw the boys get out and go into Cooter's . Marcus said lets go and put this sleeping gas in the back seat of that car and then we will follow them and wait till the gas takes affect. So they walked up to the General Lee Pulled the plug and set the Gas in the back seat on the floor and then they hurd voices and then they ran to their car and waited. Bo and Luke said good-bye to cooter Luke got on the driverside and Bo said You want to drive and Luke said It looks that way
  19. Kathy Said I can't let you all do this. Zack is dangerous(looking at Luke) Luke I almost lost you once. I can't go threw that again. Sweetheart,this is what a family doese and pluse you and I are not going to be alone we will erather be with each other or Bo Daid Uncle Jesse ,Tina or Your Parents ok Luke said as he took Kathy in his arms. Kathy Smiled and said Ok. and then Bo and Luke headed for Town. Luke kissed Kathy and said Stay safe. and Kathy said you too I love you. Luke got in the General Lee with Bo and he said Love you too Kath. (looking at Bo) Hit it Bo. and Bo started up the General Lee and headed down the road.
  20. Boss what are doing here?Where we could be out of the state by now. Paul Said, No I have some people to get back at.Zack Said. Now Boss that Girl ain't worth going to Jail for.Marcus Said. Zack just gave Him a dirty look.Now listen you morons this is what I want you to Do. I want you to take this sleeping Gas and put in the General Lee It's an Orange Car with an 01 on the doors. and then I want you to wait and then I want you to get the Dark haired guy and bring him here. and I will take over from there. BACK AT THE DUKE FARM.. The Dukes and the Spencer's where making there own plans.
  21. BACK AT THE FARM.... Bo pulled the General Lee up to the farm and Uncle Pulled in right be hind them and they all got out of the cars. and Luke said OkUncle Jesse What's up? Uncle Jesse Said Luke we just found out that Zack has excaped from the police on his way to Alanta. and he took their car So he is problby back here in Hazzard. MEANWHILE AT THE COTTEN MILL.. Zack and his men paul and Marcus. Was making a plan.
  22. BACK AT THE BOARS NEST. tHE jukebox started to play and Faith Hill came on the song was The Way you love me. and Kathy and Luke got up and They started to Dance and Kathy was singing it With Faith Hill. and all Luke could do was smile and then when that song was over Breathe came on and they where still dancing. MEANWHILE ON THE ROAD. Uncle Jesse And Rebecca and Kyle was head for capital city cause Rebecca want to look for a hall for Kathy and Luke's wedding reception. When they spotted the Two police officers tied up and they got out of the truck and the officers told them what had happened , and Uncle Jesse got on the cb and he said I hope they can hear me. Shepard to Lost sheep, Pretty Lady or Bo Peep come back he waited for a minute and then he said it again. Shepard to Lost Sheep, Pretty Lady Or Bo Peep come Back. AT THE BOARS NEST.. Betty Sue was at the Bar and she hurd Uncle Jesse On the CB so she went to Bo and Told him that Uncle Jesse was on the cb he walked over to the cb and said You got Lost Sheep here Sharpard. come back. Bo We got some bad news Luke and Kathy are in danger Z...... Uncle Jesse come back Bo Said Bo they lost the singal Bo said Shoot and he went to Kathy Luke and Daisy and said Something is up Uncle Jesse called and the cb went dead. So they all got up and went outside to the General Lee. Got in him and took off. Luke took the cb and said Lost Sheep to sherpaed come back( no repons) Luke tried it again. (no reponse) IN UNCLE JESSE'S TRUCK.. Uncle Jesse was tring to get ahold of the boys and he said this dan cb. and he said lets head for the farm cause that is where thay would go
  23. Rebecca started to cry. and then Bo said lets go celbrate at the Boars Nest. Daisy said Ya. Luke looked at Kathy and said what do you want to do sweetheart? Kathy looked at him and said Lets go to the Boars Nest. They looked at Tina and said want to go. and she said sure. and Uncle Jesse said You Kids go Rebecca, Kyle and I will stay here. So they left. AT THE BOARS NEST. They walk in. and Luke spots Cooter and they walked over to his table and they all sat down. and Cooter notices the ring on Kathy's finger. and he looked at Luke and smile and said So you went and done it? Luke smiles and said Yup I did. Well congradulations I know you will be happy.and then he called Betty Sue over and said 4 Beers. and they are on me Cause Luke Duke and This(pointing at kathy) Pretty Lady are getting Married.Betty Sue went and got the beers and then everyone in the Boars Nest held up there glasses and said Congradulation. MEANWHILE AT THE HAZZARD COUNTY LINE.. Zack was getting free and he took one of the gauards guns and he said pull over and the gaurd did and then he told them to get out and he tied them up and he got in the car turned around and headed back to Hazzard, He said I have some unfinished Buness to Take care of.
  24. Meanwhile in town.. at the courthouse..Zack was being lead out of the of the courthouse and the officers put him in the car. and then they got in the car and headed out of town. BACK AT THE DUKE FARM.. Luke and Kathy went into the house. and Luke said we have something to tell you. Kath and I are getting Married. and everyone went to them and gave them a hug.and congradulated them. Then Uncle Jesse ther was no ring on Kathy's finger and he went to his bedroom and when he came out he handed a black box to Luke and said put this on Kathy's finger. Luke opened it and it was his mother's engament ring. Luke smile and he walked over to Kathy and took her Left Hand and slide the ring on her index finger. and then he kissed her. Kathy looked at it and said Oh Luke It's Beautiful.
  25. Bo was looking out the window. when Uncle Jesse said Bo get away from the window. So Bo Said ok Yncle Jesse with a smile on his face.
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