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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Kathy followed Luke in the house and up to their room and she said Baby are you ok? Luke looked at her and smiled and said Ya Im fine I know they all where Just tring to cheer me up and it worked. I will go say I'm sorry after I get some dry close on. Kathy Said Oh Baby I got a call today from Vance and he said That Him and Coy will be here in a few days. That's great. Luke said.
  2. MEANWHILE BACK AT THE FARM. Kathy wasn't feeling to well. Jessica walked up to Kathy and said Kathy are you ok. Kathy Said Ya, Jesse is real active today. I can't wait til.he get here. Then the Phone rings Kathy went to answer it.she said Hello Duke Farm Kathy Duke Speaking. Oh Hi Vance. No not yet.another 5 Weeks. you are that will be great . I know Luke will love to see you again. ok see you in a few days. Oh tell Coy hi. Bye. Kathy said as she put the phone down. and Jessica said Who is Coy and Vance? They are cousins. Kathy said How many more cousins do we have? Kathy Smiled and said Oh a few more. Jessica was going to saw something eles when she hurd the General Lee. and they went outside to met them . Luke got out of the General Lee and he was soaked Kathy smiled and said what happened. Ross said Uncle Luke fell in the lake. Luke said More like I got pushed. Uncle Luke it wasn't my fault Josh said. Ya right Josh. Luke said as he went in the house to get some dry close on.
  3. 1 WEEK LATER. Luke was moping around the farm. Ross was watching him and then he went into the house and he walked up to Kathy and said Aunt Kathy what's the matter with Uncle Luke. Kathy looked out the window and seen the love of her life so sad. Then she looked at Ross and said He misses your Uncle Bo. Ohh Well If I ask him to go fishing with me will that make him feel better. Ross Said Kathy Said With a Smile Ya I know that will make him feel better. So Ross turned around and ran out the door. Kathy And Jessica watched from the window. OUTSIDE. Ross ran up to Luke and said Uncle Luke want to go fishing with me. Luke looked at himand smiled and said Sure Ross I would love to go fishing with you. you go start gathering the thing we need and I will go in the house and tell your Aunt and your mom where we are going. Ross said Ok and then he ran towards the barn. Luke went in the house. In the house . Luke walked in. and Kathy was doing the dishes ad Jessica was taking care of Bylinda. He kissed Kathy and said I taken Ross fishing we will be back in a few hours. Kathy and Jessica said ok. Kathy kissed Luke again. and then he went out the door to help Ross gather the fishing things. and then 5 minutes later they hurd the General Lee start up. and head down the road.
  4. Luke and Kathy was in Jessica's room and Kathy was holding Bylinda and she was asleep Jessica said Kathy Just thing in 2 months you and Luke will be holding Jesse. Kathy smiled and said Ya , I know and I can't wait to hold him. but only 6 weeks left. Kathy Said. 2 DAYS LATER.. Jessica and the Twins where home. and They had the race and the General Lee came in first but Julie and her father's car came in a close second. and then they all went to the Boars Nest to Celabrate and that's where Bo told Luke that he was leaving cause he had a big race he had entered in Mass. and his car and crew was all ready there. and Luke said Ok Bo.When are you leaving? Well I'm leaving in the morning. Bo Said. Ok well I guesse we better be getting back Kath will be getting worried and then he got up and headedout the door. and Bo followed him and Luke got in the drivers side od the General Lee andBo go in and he looked at Luke and he said all you all right cousin? Ya, I'm ok . I guess i just got use to you being around. it started to feel like old times. Luke said. I know cousin but I will be back in a few weeks I want to be here when Jesse comes into the world. you know I wish Uncle Jesse was here so he could see The Twins and then Jesse he would love then and I know he would love Micheal. Bo Said.
  5. Daisy walked into the Bedroom Just as the second one came into the world Kathy asked Michael if he wanted to cut the unbital cord and he said ya and Kathy showed him where to cut. and then she handed the baby to Daisy and cleaned to clean her up. Downstairs They hurd the second baby cry. and Bo said the Twins are here YEEEHAAA. and Luke did a YEEHAA too. Michael came down the stairs and said Jessica and the girls are fine. and Luke, Kathy is a wounderful doctor. she kept Jessica calm. Then they hurd the ambulance. and Bo went out to greet them and showed them where to go. They loaded then into the truck and headed for the hospital. Kathy came downstairs and Luke walked up to her and said you did great sweetheart. how are you? Kathy smiled and said I.m fine. Now lets go to the hospital and see them babys.
  6. Meanwhile down stairs Luke Bo and Ross and the others hurd the first baby cry. Well Baby number one is here Bo Said. Ross Excited he couldn't wait to see and hold his sisthers for the first time. Upstairs Daisy came down stairs and said Luke call an ambulance. Don't worry everything is going well Kathy Just wants to get an ambulance here so they can take the girls to the hospital. and Luke said Ok and he went to pick up the phone. Daisy went back upsatairs.
  7. Michael came into the bed room Just in time to see his first daughter born. Kathy covered her up and handed her to Daisy and Daisy took her and cleaned her up. Kathy looked at Jessica and said Ok are you ready to do this again. Jessica said do I have a choise? Kathy Smiled. Jessica said here comes another contraction. Ok Jessica Push. Kathy Said,
  8. Ok Lost sheep 3 lOST Sheep one out/ Luke said as he put the cb down. Jessica said I Just had another contraction Kathy I'm worried. Don't worry Twins Usaly vome early they will be fine Lets get you up Stairs. Kathy helped her upstairs and she said Luke when Michael gets here tell him where we are ok. Ok Sweetheart. Luke said. Jesseica said Kathy I'm so glad you are a doctor I Would be scared right now if there wasn't a doctor around. Kathy Smiled and said Jessica stay calm everything will be fine. Now on the Next contraction I want you to push ok.Kathy Said. Jessica said ok. MEANWHILE DOWNSTAIRS... Luke saw Michael pull in. and 2 seconds later he came into the house. Luke said with a smile on his face they are up stairs and Michael said Thanks and he ran up the stairs. Luke Just smiled and he started to chuckal. Bo said Cousin I wouldn't Chuckal in 2 months that will be you. Luke said I know, thats why I;m Chuckal cause I can see me doing the samething.
  9. Joshua went to the left and went around the truck. and Julie said Dad that was close I wounder how Boand Luke got around that Truck Don't worry about them they are Dukes they can handalanything that comes along. Joshua said. and they both laugh. Michael see the truck headed his way the truck trive just stopped in the middle of the road and michael lost control of his Patrol car and landedin the ditch. Oh man Uncle Rosco isn't going to like this.,. Julie looked back and saw Michael in the ditch and she said he looks ok. and then Joshua said Lets chatch up to Bo and Luke and then he put the gas peddal to the floor and took off. BACK AT THE FARM.. Kathy noticed that the General Lee was gone. and she was woundering where Luke went off to. THE baby started to kick and she smiled and said now Jesse just calm down. Daisy walked into the Living room and saw Kathy looking out the window. and she asked Kathy are you ok? Ya I'm fine Jesse is just a little to active today for some reason. Kathy Said as she went and sat down. They hurd the General Lee Pull up and then they hurd the Bonnieville pull in too.
  10. Bo Passed his Uncle. And he was looking back and when he hurd Luke say Bo look out and he sawa truck coming strait for them So Bo Went to The right and the General hit a dip in the road. and the General was airborn. Bo and Luke Did A YEEHAA and played the horn. and then they landed safly. Mean while in The Bonneville Joshua and Julie was tieng to Out run Michael . When Julie notices the truck and she yelled Dad look out.
  11. Daisy Looked at Kathy and said Speaking of Baby Names Have You and Luke decided on a name for your son? Kathy Smiled and said Ya. Jesse Kyle Duke. Jesse is after Uncle Jesse and Kyle is after My father. I like it it has a ring to it. Daisy Said. Kathy Smiled and Said As she looked out the window and saw Luke and Bo working on the General Lee. Kathy Smiled And said now that reminds me of the old days. Jesseca and Daisy went to the window and Daisy said Yup. Bo and Luke alway checked the General Before they raced. and the race is tommorrow.
  12. Garret walked into the house even though he was still mad at Michael for giving him that ticket. Luke was still worried about Kathy But Kathy was all right . you see the baby was just being a little t active. The baby Kicked she said Luke and he said what and he walked towards to her.and she grabbed his hand and put it on her stomach. and then waited. the baby kicked again. and Luke smiled. and said wow
  13. Rebecca Just smiled. Luke saw that Kathy was hurting So he walked over to her and said sweetheart are you ok. Joshua looked a little cofused he said why is Luke so worried about his wife she is only pregnet. Then Bo and Daisy told Joshua that she had almost lost the baby and that she had to stay calm. and Joshua said Oh Ok. I'm fine Luke Just a little tired.
  14. Back at the farm..Daisy was Telling Uncle Joshua about Michael. Ya I remember something about that Hank Told me that he had a fling with Rosco's Sister. and that she was pregnet. But she left towncause she didn't want to cause troube for Hank and Rose. and I told him she all ready has cause trouble betewwn him and Rose the minute she slept with him So I covenced Hank to Tell Rose. ThatWay serten people couldn't hold that agenest him. Just then they hurd the General Lee come in and they all went out to greet them. Bo and Luke Got of the General Lee. and they said hello to their Uncle. And Luke went up to Kathy and said How are you sweetheart? I'm fine Baby.Kathy Said.
  15. Bo and Luke cought up with them in no time Bo go the General along side Michael and then he went past and then he got along side Garret and Passed and then He got along side Julie and Cut her off and everyone stopped fast. Julie got out of her car and said Bo why did you do that for? Michael and Garett Joined them.
  16. Luke and Bo was Working on the General when they Hurd Garrett On the CB. and Luke looked At Bo and said Let's Go as he Put the hoodDown On the General Lee. They got in the General Lee and headed for Michael ,Garret and Julie.
  17. Rosco Looked at Michael and said there is your first duty get that Duke. and Michael Said I will only get her cayse she is speeding and Not because she's a Duke. Then he got in his car and went after her. MEANWHILE AT THE FARM.. Jessica said Kathy How are you feeling today? Kathy smiled and said You Know Jessica I getting tired of everyone asking me if I'm ok or all right. ya I'm fine a little bord but fine. Jessica Said well we only asked cause we care about you and the Baby and you Know what the doctor said. Ya I know, but it's so hard for a person like me to stay still. I'm so use to being on the go and taking care of everyone. Kathy Said. I, know Kathy But Let the family take care of you for once ok. Jessica Said.
  18. So they all went to the airport and they heade back to Hazzard. 2 HOURS LATER. The plane landed in Alantia and Michael Rebecca rented a car. and then they went out to the car. Bo Said Yup the General Lee is right where I parked him. So they put their things in the trunk . Luke Helped Kathy into the General and then Bo go in and so Did Jessica and Michael. and they headed for the farm. with Rebecca following them. AT THE FARM. Ross was playing outside when he say the General Lee and He yelled mommy and dad Uncle Luke Aunt Kathy,Uncle Bo are back.
  19. New York The Next morning... Luke was in Kathy's room when Judd walked in and said I'm free. Luke Laughed and said we are waitimg for the doctor to come in and free Kath too and then we are going back to the hotel and pack then we are going home. The doctor came in and said Kathy you are free to get home but when you get back to Hazzard County Georgia I want you to rest the rest of your pregnecy that means no stress and no work.Kathy said no stress in this family you are asking for a mircal. Luke smiled and said Don't worry Doc she will be stress free I will make sure of that. and believe me she won't do anything cause she will have lots of help. So the doctor released Kathy and they headed for the hotel and they got their things and checked out and they headed for the airport and headed for home.
  20. The NEXT IN NEW YORK... Luke was in Kathy's room and Kathy felt the baby kick and she smiled and said Luke he looked at Kathy and said What sweetheart. Our son Just kicked. Luke smiled and put his hand on Kathy's stomach and he waited for a while and then he kicked again. and Luke smiled. and said he's going to be all right . then the doctor came in and said all the tests came back and your baby is heathy and he is fine.and you can leave the hospital in a few days. Just then They hurd a voice say that's greaT AND They both turned around and there was Daisy standing at the door Luke Got up and hugged her. and Daisy walked over to Kathy and said How are ya coz?Kathy smiled and said Fine Thanks Daisy.
  21. IN HAZZARD AT THE FARM... The phone rang Daisy went ot answer it. She Said Duke Farm Daisy Duke Speaking.. Oh hi Luke Thats wounderful. yup ok I will tell everyone and we will be still praying. Yup every thing is fine here I will see you tommorrow ok Bye. Daisy said as she put down the phone and Daisy turned and said That was Luke Kathy is awake and her feave is back to normal But the baby is still in danger his heartbeat isn't as strong So they put Kathy on a featal montor . Daisy Said. Cooter Said They came over one hurtal they can get over this one too. I hope so Luke said Kathy is worried and I think he is too. Daisy Said Rose looked at Daisy and said Aunt Daisy what is a fetal Montor. Daisy Said It's a michaine that they can watch the baby's heartbeat and see if he's getting stronger. Daisy Said Ros Said Ok. Then Daisy Said Ross it's time for bed and he said Ok and he walked up the stairs then he said good-night to everyone.
  22. IN NEW YORK..... Judd was wheeled in to Kathy's room By Beth and Judd said I just wanted to see how you where. I'm fine Now Judd We are Just worried about the baby now cause his heart beat isn't as strong as it was. Then Luke remembered that he need to call Daisy and give her an update So he picked up the phone.
  23. Bo went to go get the doctor. Luke said Kath, I love you. Kathy smiled and said I love you too Baby. Then the Doctor came in and said with a smile on his face. well look who's back with us. and then everyone left except Luke cause Kathy wouldn't let go of his hand. The doctor checked her.and the Baby and then he said we have to hook you to a fetal monter so we could keep track of the baby's heart beat his heart beat is a little week thats why we have to watch it ok.
  24. The doctor left and Michael Said How are you going to tell Luke That he might have to chose between Kathy and the Baby. I Don't know Michael, Bo Said. Just then Bo looked towards the doors and saw Rebecca and Kyle. and they spotted Bo and they walked up to him and they filled them in on what the doctor just told them. And Rebecca said No We will not tell Luke cause we ain't going to make that choise. Rebecca Luke Had A right to know what's going good or bad Kyle Said. and then they all went into Kathy's room, and they saw Luke and Kyle went to him and said Son wake up and Then Luke woke up and saw his in-laws. and he saod Dad Mom. Rebecca walked oveer to Kathy. and Kyle was telling Luke what the doctor had said. Luke Said No. I can't chose Luke Said. Rebecca said Well son you might not have to. Luke looked at her and then he looked at Kathy and he seen her beautiful blue eyes and he smiled and he said hello Sweetheart and he Kissed her.
  25. MEAN WHILE BACK IN THE HOTEL... IN LUKE'S ROOM.. Bo woke up and he saw that Luke was gone. He wakes up Michael and he said Luke is gone .Michael lets go. so they got up and went out to the door and headed for the Hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Bo and Michael walked into the hospital. Then into Kathy's room They seen Luke in the chair alsleep. Bo said I guese thats what he needed, and then they walked out of the room. They started to walk towards the door when Kathy's doctor stopped them . and he told them that everything that they have done hasn't worked. and that there was medican out there hat could bring it down but it could be a danger to the baby. and that they need to talk to her husband and he would have to make a choice.. Bo Said Ok Doc I Will talk to Luke.
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