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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke was calling Uncle Jesse about Robert cause him and Robert were best friends. Uncle Jesse picked up the phone and he said Hello Duke Farm Jesse Speaking. Oh Luke Ok I will be right there. Ya Ok Bye. Uncle Jesse Looked At Daisy AND eNOS AND SAID wHAT EVever you have to tell me will have to wait Robert Perkins Justdied. and he said and I going to the hospital now and be with Kathy. Luke and Ducan is with her now. and he left out the door.
  2. Luke smiles and ssaid you are on. and they grabbed their fishing Poles and they walked out of the barn and told Uncle Jesse they were going fishing . Uncle Jesse smiled and said you bring hom e the fish and I will cook them the boys Just smiled as they got in the truck and left.
  3. Luke and Sarah walked in Bo's Room and Bo Saw them and he smiled. and Luke said Bo this is Sarah. Sarah this is my cousin Bo.
  4. What does it Matter? Cause it doesn't. we don't need to know everything that Tom has done or what he goes threw in life. How would you feel if People started asking you about thinks like that exprelly at at Sad time in your life. if Tom wantd us to know he will tall us. it's none of our bussness and we as friends and fans should respect that.
  5. Jenny said Dad Please don't leave me. you are all I have. Robert looked at his daughter and said wrong you have Ducan and you have Luke, Lean on them my dear. they will watch over you and take care of you. Jenny said Dad, Robert smiled and then he saw Luke and Ducan walk in the room and he said to both of them take care of my daughter. and Luke Said I will MR. pERKINS and Ducan said I will Robbie. Robert Smiled at that name because Ducan was the only one to ever call him Robbie. and then she closed his eyes and his Hand fell from Jenny's and the michaines started to go off. And Jenny said No and she started to cry. Luke went to her and she went into his arms and she started to cry.
  6. AT THE HOSPITAL..... Jenny and Luke walked into the hospital.Jenny saw Ducan and she ran to him and said Uncle Ducan what happened? Ducan looked at her and said Jenny your father is dying he has Cancer. Jenny said No, and she went into Luke's arms. and Luke held her. and the doctor came out and said he is stable you may go in and see him. Luke looked at Jenny and said Go sweetheart. and he kissed her and said I will be right here. Jenny smiled and she went into her fathers room. IN HER FATHER'S ROOM... Jenny walked in and her father was lying in bed.Jenny walked over to the bed and she said Dad. and he looked at her and he smiled
  7. Luke said cousin you just have to tell him.I know it's going to be hard but you just have to do it. you know haw many times Bo and I didn't want to face him with something. besides take Enos with you. Enos smiles and said sure, Daisy I will go with you. Jenny walked up to Luke and took his hand. Luke looked at her and smiled. MEANWHILE AT THE pERKINS' FARM.. Ducan and Robert were talking and he started to get Pains and Ducan said Robert. and he picked up Robert and put him in Jenny's car and took him to tri-county hospital. AT THE BOARS NEST.. Jenny and Luke were dancing when her cell Phone rings and she stopped and she took her cell out of her pocket and said Hello and said Ok Ducan I will be right there. Thanks Bye. and she closed her Phone and she lookeda at Luke and said My father is in the hospital. and Luke said Lets go. and he walked overt to the other and told them what was going on.
  8. Everyone was quite for a Minute and Then Enos picked Up Daisy and Swung her around and Kissed her. and Luke and Bo Hugged their cousin and shook Enos's hand. Jenny was watching them with a smile.
  9. BACK AT THE BOARS NEST.... Jenny said, I know I would be afraid to tell my dad if I were pregnet. I don't think I would be afraid to tell Luke though.
  10. Jenny said Daisy you need to tell Enos. and Uncle Jesse.then Jenny got it or is it Uncle Jesse you are afraid of Telling? MEANWHILE AT HER FATHERS FARM... Ducan was looking at his old friend. and he said Robert does Jenny know that you are dying? Robert said No all she thinks is I have been just sick. Ducan looked at him and said you need to tell her.
  11. Jenny said What? Daisy congradulations, Have you told anyone eles?
  12. Kathy said Sure. and they went in the house and Later that night Jenny came down the stairs and she was waring a red dress that hugged every curve on her body and it csame to her knees and she had a little make up and her hair fixed. and Her father saw her and said Jenny I wish you wouldn't wear that dress. Jenny said com on dad. you are the one who bought it for me. Robert said Ya I did But I didn't know it would fit you like that. Jenny walked over to Ducan and said Uncle Ducan do you see anything wronge with this dress? Ducan cleared his through and said Jenny I have to agree with your father. Jenny smiled and said Uncle Ducan No you don't and then she hears the General Lee and she huggs her father.and she said I won't be late. and she left. OUTSIDE..... Jenny came out and she and Luke looked at her and said wow. and Jenny smiled and Luke helped her in the General Lee and then Bo but the General in gear and headed for the Boars Nest.
  13. So Luke Kissed Jenny and he got in the General Lee and Bo Backed him out and Left and he Played the Horn as he went down the road. Jenny smiled. and Jenny said Hay Uncle Ducan, Ducan Smiled and he said Jen He seems to be a nice young Man. Jenny Smiled and said Oh Uncle Ducan He is and Daisy is My Best friend aqnd No they don't know about you or you being imortal.
  14. Jenny smiled she looked at Luke and all he did was smile and Jenny said Sure What time? Luke looked at her and said how about 7:00. Jenny looked at him and said Sure I just have to clear it with my father first. Robert walked over to them and said clear what with me> Jenny said Dad I'm going to the Boars Nest later tonight with Luke, and Robert said Ok.
  15. The Dukes pull up to the to the perkins farm Luke smiles when he sees Jenny Perkins run out the door. Luke gets out and smiles and said Hay sweetheart, Jenny smiles and she kissed Luke and then she sees Ducan and she runs to him and he huggs her. And Jenny said Dad is in the Barn. then Ducan smiles and said Thanks Jenny and he walks towards the barn. IN THE BARN.. Ducan walked in and there he sees and old man. Ducan smiles and said Robert. Robert turned and he saw his old friend and he said Ducan Maclead. and he hugged his friend. and Ducan said Robert Why have you called me? Robert said Ducan, I'm deing I have Cancer and I want you to watch over Jenny. she will need your guidence. Ducan said Robert she is a grown woman she will be fine. Robert said Ducan Promise me. Remember back in 37. Ducan said Yes I do, and I owe you ok I will old friend. Robert smiled and said Lets go in the house. and Robert saw the Dukes and he smiled cause he knew that Jenny was dating Luke
  16. YA YOU CAN JOIN IN ON MY dUKES and Highlander story. It's Just a story I thought it would be fun to have a story where the Duke Met Ducan MacLead the highlander.

  17. Bo Drove to the Boars Nest Bo said Sorry for the detour But we have to pick up our cousin Daisy. Ducan smiles and said thats all right. and they get out of the General Lee and they walke in and when Daisy seen Ducan she smiles and said Hello. Ducan smiles and said Hello and Luke said This Is Ducan MacLead. he visiting Robert Perkins. and then they got in the General Lee and Daisy sat in the back with Ducan.
  18. In this eposide of the Dukes Astranger comes to Hazzard and he his different then anyone else. WEho is he and What does he want? Find Out. It was a beautiful summers Day in Hazzard. Bo and Luke were headed for the Boars Nest to Pick up their cousin Daisy. Cause her Jeep was at Cooter's. Bo and Luke was driving a long when they see a Black sports car along side the road and a Man with Long dark hair. and his Hair was pulled back in a pony tail. They stopped and they got out of the car and walked over to him and Luke smiled and said can we help you? Ducan Smiled and said Sure can you get a two truck out here? Luke smiled and said sure and he said Bo get on the CB and call cooter. and Bo did what he was told. Ducan said Thanks and said I'm Ducan MacLead.Holding out his hand. Luke said I'm Luke Duke and that is My cousin Bo. Luke Shook Ducan's hand. Luke said What are you doing in Hazzard? Ducan said I here visting an old friend a Robert Perkins. Luke smiled and said Yes I know him. He owns a farm not far from my Uncle's farm. Come on in the General and we will take you there. Ducan walked over to the General Lee and Bo said you craw threw the window. and Ducan did.
  19. Luke smiled and he laught and he folded his arms and said So Did I cousin so Did I. Uncle Jesse heard the Boys laughing and he walked in the room. and Bo and Luke looked at him with a smile on his face. Bo looked at Luke and said Well bring her in here I want to met her. after all she might be my cousin someday. Luke smiled and went and got Sarah. OUT IN THE HALL.. Luke walked over to Sarah and he said Hay Sweetheart. Sarah looked at him with a smile. and she went into his arms. Luke Kissed her and said My cousin Bo.is awake and he would like to met you. Sarah smiled and said Lets go. and Luke put his arms around her and took her to Bo's room. IN BO'S ROOM........
  20. Luke looked at him and smiled and said Thanks Bo, It helped alot to talk to someone about it.Come on Lets get our Fishing Polls and go fishing.
  21. Kathy said wel I better be getting to Bo's and as they waited for their Bags. Ranger Cordell Walker walked in to the airport. and he sees Kathy. and he walkes over to them and Kathy smiles and give him a hug and said Hi Ranger Walker. Walker Looked at her and said Bo called me. and told me what was going on and him and your husband ask me to keep an eye on you he doesn't trust Bobby Ewing. I know Walker Bobby has changed alot sencer I met him and sence His mother died. MEANWHILE BOBBY WAS AT THE OFFICE He was thinking about how Jesse, Leventa, Brittney and Jacob should be his children. and they would have been if JR didn't interfear in his life. and he hit the table with his fists.
  22. Lucy smiled and said it was mostly bussness, But he was the only one to keep your Uncle JR in line.
  23. Ya Adam Does Look alike like Jock and He also has Jock's temper. I know Jock would have love Adam.I remember he helped me looked for Adam when we found out he was alive. and we almost found him once. but the women who had him took him to a different place. and that is where I found this picture. and she took out a picture of a little Boy and Jock Started to cry when I showed him the picture and he said I will not live to see my grandson come home and you know he was right. I miss him and miss Elly. I loved them both alot. I don't understand how two loving people like them could have a ruthless son like JR. lUCY SMILED and said Oh Kathy Grandpa could be ruthless when he needed to be. but you just never saw that side of him.
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