General Grant
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Everything posted by General Grant
Come On, Emy-Rae!! You have to get your internet working again.... Please Hurry!! JESSI DUKE- I have no Idea what you said, but it sounds like a great idea (I am horrible at figuring out computers, and am illiterate in computer talk...!!) Try it Emy-Rae!! It sounds like JESSI DUKE knows what is going on and has done this a couple of times! Hurry Back now, ya hear?! General Grant
Hey Everyone! That is true, Daney. But if I was given the choice... I'd take KARR before the new kitt any ol' day!! At least KARR wasn't as creepy (well, that is a matter of opinion, I guess...) I like KARR more than the new kitt, though... Even if they did put the original KITT back together, though, it just won't be the same. I don't think they could bring back what KITT was. They seemed to have failed miserably in the remake, so I'd just as soon not have them attempt to bring the original back. I'll just watch the 1980's series, and as KITT would say, I'll attemp to erase the newer one out of my memory banks... Okay, If I become too upset, stop me- I have been known to get all upset about them bringing Knight Rider back. They done shamed the Knight Rider name, in my opinion. Okay y'all.... keep the discussion coming!
(smiles) You got it partner... (gives a big ol' warm handshake) Keep it 'tween the ditches!
Oh, I know, North_of_Border1!! I didn't get that you were in anyway cutting Dr. Phil down or saying you didn't like him!! I just happen to think Dr. Phil is cool, and he did a lot better psychology than the car did... Khee! Okay the red line when KITT is talking sounds right. I didn't remember, but flipping through the channels last night, I saw that they re-aired that, and noticed the red line. So, I remembered your comment, and was going to ask about it (thinking I was color blind or something!!) but you beat me to it. Ah, okay Brian! I guess I didn't manage to make a bigger fool of myself than I already have, then. Thank you for the positive remark, then. I shall carry on... I'm always worried about offending someone, but I certainly won't be shy in stating my opinions. But, I still don't want to offend anyone. Good job, Daney, for noticing all of the parts. Sorry Brian, I can't answer that question. I was in too much shock to remember all of the parts. I almost cried, there! YUCK! It was awful.... I can't believe they made that show...
(grinning, waves, and in a mocking tone...) Bye Bye Lori! Ha! Ha! I guess I done scared her off. So much for her not bein' scared of anyone! (goes back to sit in the shade of the ol' tree she was by before when Lori left.) (grins) I guess I showed her!
An ENTIRE onion?!?! I bet that's got a bite to it!!! Anyway, whole barrell full of questions for y'all!: -what is your favorite type of meal? -if you have ever gone on any vacations, which was your favorite? -who is the fastest runner? and... -who's idea was it to make a '69 charger to the General Lee? (I bet Uncle Jesse thought that one up!!) Thanks for your time!
Well, I never!! I have never been so humiliated in my entire life!! I aint that bad (sarcastic tone back there!) I'll take it as a joke, since it made me laugh when I read that I hope it was a joke, or I think that I have just made a fool of myself... Oh, well, I guess I manage to do that enough on my own time, and don't need anyone's help to accomplish that I'll try to restrain the bashing about the Knight Rider. Sometimes I get so carried away with it that I forget that there are people who like it. I apologize if anyone is offended by anything I wrote. Is it safe to assume that since no one private messaged me about it or wrote on the thread that they were upset, that no one is? I hope not... I would certainly hate to upset anyone. On to the topic at hand... I never did see Team Knight Rider, I've heard of it, though. I have really only heard negative reviews. Is it really THAT bad? Hey, what is it about, anyway? Is KITT in it, or any of the original actors? I agree with North_of_Border1, when you were saying that you like your fiction to have some reality in it. There is a fine line between believable and totally ridiculous (I mentioned it in one of my last posts, I think??) and I like it to stay on the believable side of things. It might be just a dreamed up concept, but if it can pass as maybe being able to happen, I am happy! I am really undecided as to whether I would watch the series or not. Part of me is really curious about what direction they will take, and how they strayed from the origianl, or if they try to give the original some shred of dignity. But, that other part of me doesn't want to support this, and wants nothing to do with anything that even suggested that KITT was used for spare parts! UGH! I just hate when I don't know what to do... I didn't think the new kitt had the soul (if that is what you could call it...) of the original KITT. I know computers don't have personalities, but KITT had one, and the new kitt didn't. I also loved KITT's humor, even if it was dry at times. Hey, North_of_Border1, what is wrong with Dr. Phil?! I think he is cool! Anyway, I'll catch y'all round Hazzard! My bad self signing out for now General Grant
(grabs rope and starts playing around with it, while standing under a tree) (cheerfully whistles while fumbling with the rope) Well, Lori, we'll see... we shall see... (fumbles with rope some more, looks around, and picks something up) Hey Lori... come over here will ya?! I want to show you somethin' Julie, I hope Bo laughs at you! I think even he would resort to takin' your keys in a time like that! Khee!
(gives a serious and stern look) Lori Davenport!!! You mind your manners and watch that language. I ought to wash your mouth out with soap, and I will if you keep it up... I am serious now! You watch your language. I simply won't have it. Don't get too spunky now... one of these days someone is going to come along and put fear into you... (evil laugh) and then you'll be sorry! (grabs pocket knife and runs) (yelling back over shoulder) You'll get this knife back after you learn to mind yer manners. So, I think its safe to assume that I'll have this knife a good, long while... say the rest of my life!
You have short temper, Lori (sarcastic tone) I didn't know that was possible.... Hey you and Laura have somethin' in common! Yer temper! I thought you might be scared of little ol' me. You always have that terrified look in yer eye. I didn't know I was that scarey, apparantly I'll have to be real nice to you. (talking like someone would to a baby) oh, its okay Lori. You don't need to be scared, oh, can you say goo goo ga ga?! Oh, I aint scared of you hittin' me. I can hold my own pretty good. Oh, Julie, now don't bother Bo, he aint going to help you... not since you took that picture... Now, I am fighting an uphill battle, I don't need any more people gaining up. Hey should be a ranger... one ranger one riot!! Seems that with all of the feuding I am still on the winning end (gives a mocking look to Lori) And I'll still give you a ticket if you get that car in the way! I ought to give you one for indecent use of a camera... namely using it against me! I don't go makin' trouble for no one. Just look at this innocent face (smiles) can you really see me making trouble for anyone? If anyone is making trouble it is Lori...
Sorry enosgal, I can't help you here... I never saw the first reunion movie (only the second, but that was before I really liked the Dukes) and I don't own either of them. sorry... I hope that someone can help you out, though. I'll see y'all 'round Hazzard! General Grant
What does one say to something like this? I can't imagine the pain they have gone through. I do remember that report on the news vaguly, but I didn't know about all of the details that you shared, Daney. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. I cannot even begin to imagine how the lives of those people and their families were changed. That must be so devestating. 96 people... I can't even comprehend the pain that their families, friends, and neighbors, must have felt and are still feeling. I hope that all of them are finding joy in the midst of all of the pain they are going through. To all of the victims injured or killed and their loved ones: I wish you all the very best, and we are all here for you... I just don't know what to say. I wish you happiness in all of life.
Good point, Lukas_KD! I think I'd better go pop in an episode of Knight Rider this week. Strenuous week for me, I'm still tryin' to recover from watching the movie of Knight Rider... ! I know that the movie is fiction, but KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand) is as real as the General Lee or the Dukes are. It is actuall quite sad how two shows (Dukes and Knight Rider) were really pretty twisted from the original. The made for TV movies really did not pick up on what made the shows a hit. Is it just me? Or does anyone else think that? Anyway, I apologize if I sometimes (or always) get carried away about the whole new Knight Rider thing. I will try to contain myself now. I didn't know that a show needed 12 million viewers to become a series (referring to Brian's last post) Heck, if I'd have known that I would not have watched it. I don't think that should be the judge of it becoming a series. How many people watched it for the curiosity but didn't like it? (I fall in that category, for those of you who didn't pick up on my suttle-ness! No, I am just kidding!!) Okay, y'all feel free if I get too upset or worked up about this, to just tell me to go and cool down! I'm gone for now! General Grant
Yes, Lori! My belt buckle could blind you! It is actually quite simple: It is made of a very shiny metal. And shiny metals have a funny property, sunlight just loves to bounce off of them, and I aimed it right in yer eyes! Clever, aint I?! You tie me up again, and I'll do more than take yer knife! I was more than nice to you last time you tied me up. This time I aint gonna be so friendly, so you just wipe that thought of tyin' me back up right out of yer head! Laura, who put you in this?! You are always takin' Lori's side! And I could uncich a saddle with my eyes closed! And I wasn't on the horse! Even if I was, I'd take the fall there if it meant I'd be gettin' back at Lori! Oh, Laura, don't encourage her... don't get her any more spunky than she already is. I just don't need it! I know I'm smart, Lori. I think I just underestimated you, though. My bad... I guess I'll just have to be sneakier (starts walking slowly around Lori) and have to catch you when you least expect it (still walking around Lori) and then Boom, I'll strike and you'll never know it (gives rope a hard tug, we'll see what happens, HINT: my walking around Lori put the rope around her legs!) You better believe it, Julie! When Lori is ready to act like a semi civilized human being and quit tying me up to every danged thing in sight, I am calling Sherriff Little on you! And I aint honery! (wipes hands together, like when you finish a huge project) That ought to about do it! Looks like I done messed y'all up and you'll be tryin' to figure out what hit y'all for a long time, so in the mean time, I'll just sit in the cool shade of this ol' tree (sips some cold juice that Lori had in her saddle bag)
Oh, that was a good idea, TimDuke! I don't know why I didn't think of that?! I don't know if it sounds like a show I would want to watch...?? I guess there is no harm in checking it out from the library. From the plot, I better not watch this one at night. Might give me nightmares that I am being chased by ants!! I know what you mean, Roger. Tom is always going to be Luke Duke. Poor him! Well, Luke isn't that bad, its better than being know for a psycho, I guess! General Grant
Great perspective, MinDuke! Not much for me to say right now, I think I've written how I felt 10 times already. Sorry, y'all, bout that! I thought it was awful, though. Dang!! I was hoping that there would never be a new Knight Rider series. They shamed and disgraced the Knight Rider name with that show... and poor KITT... Oh, I don't think watching the series will be the same because in the back of my mind, I will know where KITT ends up. Some one please pass the Kleenex Just the mention of a series coming out of this Okay, enough with the dramatics from me now, seriously. I didn't like it at all! I hope the series doesn't come to. It was AWFUL! Yuck! I guess when they air it I'll have to either come on Hazzard Net, or watch the original Knight Rider! That is one good thing, I guess... General Grant
Well, whoopie for you, Lori! (notices her belt buckle shining in the sunlight, points it towards Lori, momentarily blinding her) Better close yer eyes, Lori! (grabs Lori's knife and cuts the rope, lets the belt buckle go) Well Lori, I'm outta the rope! I think I done outsmarted you on this one! Just because I am a nice person, I won't tie you up this time, but do it again, and you'll be gettin' a whole different view atop that tree!
Hurry Back, Emy-Rae! We will miss you on here! Hopefully you had fun at your sister's house. I am really sorry that your computer is not working. I just hate it when they do that to me! Anyway, before I start babbling on and on, I will make it short. Please hurry back, Hazzard Net benefits greatly when you are on. You are always so friendly to the new members. Keep that up. New members really do need the encouragement because this is such a big place that it is easy to feel disconnected from the site. Please hurry back! General Grant
No problem, Garrett! I tell you one thing, though... It is getting real hard to go out twice a day and do the chores. I don't know if it is just the cold, or the attitude I get from the animals, or maybe a combonation of both. Yuck! That weather sounds awful!! I hope it clears up soon! Well, your feeling bad about being 12 minutes late is a good thing. That shows you have a great sense of responsibility and wonderful work ethnic. Keep that up, it is real hard to find now a days! I know what you mean, the cold is bad enough, but when you factor wind in on top of that, it almost feels razor sharp,and hurts your face if you are walking into the wind. Brrrrr.... sums it up best! It is so bad, I have to have a blanket when I am typing on the computer! We live in an ol' farm house. I love it, but it isn't without its drafty floor... Price you have to pay for living out in the country, I guess. Oh well, I love the place! Hey, on the news I heard that people in the cold places tend to be happier than people who live in warm places. Do you think that is true? I am not sure because I don't know anyone who lives in warmer weather. I just thought maybe y'all would know if it was true or not. I guess it makes sense... when it is so cold you stay indoors more and you are around people (and your family) a lot more. Plus, everyone laughs at everyone else because of the way they handle the cold! Anyway, keep warm, y'all and bundle up, it is cold out... General Grant
Sounds gruesome... anyone know the rating on this? I have never heard of the film, let alone watch it. It almost sounds disturbing... even if Tom is in it. Does he really play a psychotic person that well? Does he do it as well as he could play a mad scientist, or something like that? Anyway... would someone be so kind as to give me a brief overview of what it is about? All I picked up on was that it had ants and Tom is a psycho... General Grant
Hey Y'all! First off, thank you to TimDuke. I really do love the series, and KITT (to me, atleast) IS the series. KITT is an element that people simply should not try to change. I try not to come off as too upset about the whole new Knight Rider. I just can't help it, though! I agree, that (inferior) car didn't have much of a personality, but to me came off as a creep. Anyone else think that? It might just be me and my biased opinion... if it is, I am really sorry. I love the original KITT and his great personality and sometimes dry humor. KITT and Michael played off of each other really well, (like Bo and Luke do!) and the chemistry there was awesome. There was no chemistry on this show. The only thing that held it together was the veiwers wondering if the car could do anything but change colors. Like Lukas_KD said, what is up with the bullet proof shield "shutting down" if the computer was off? It was a horrible interpretation of KITT. I understand that this newer vehicle wasn't supposed to be the original KITT, but come on... when you name a vehicle KITT, let it talk and give it a laser (the one on the new kitt was awful!) people expect it to be even a quarter of what KITT was! I am not sure if whoever produced this was maybe sippin' on some of Jesse's finest, or what?! (No offense to anyone with that last comment. Just a fan of KITT blowin' off some steam, I guess!) Sorry JESSI DUKE, but I disagree about making a mountain out of a mole hill. I do understand what you are sayin' about it is supposed to be different. But, I just think that Hollywood should never have thought about making the show. It was awful, and I thought it Disgraced the entire Knight Rider name, and gave the fans (such as myself) a pretty hard slap in the face. KITT is a hero and deserves better than to be tossed out for scrap metal. Thank you Brian for posting KITT's pictrue. I just love it! I am getting so sick of the horrible look of the new kitt and the original is a great site! It is like seein' an old friend that you thought someone killed. And you find out he lives on! It is great! Right on Lukas_KD... it is murder to destroy KITT! How could they?! I saw that and I wasn't sure if they were suggesting that or not. I thought maybe it was just me, and my family really got a kick out of the scene because they could tell (actually throughout the entire show) that my blood pressure was rising. I almost did need that emergency box of KLEENEX, and I may still need it just thinking about that horrible little show! YUCK! I don't think that KITT could ever be outdated! In my opinion KITT is a lot more "updated" than the new kitt. But, you have to be careful there, there is a fine line between believable and totally ridiculous. So, at least technology wise they didn't cross that... the original was not only sharp looking and had a great personality, technology wise it played "believable" out to the fullest capacity, while never crossing that "totally ridiculous" line. Y'all get what I'm sayin' here? Anyway, thank you everyone for all of your comments. Hopefully this turns into something that everyone (or at least some of you) can enjoy. Although(I know this sounds cruel) I hope that it doesn't go as far as an entire series. Keep the thoughts coming!! General Grant
Dang right your brother wouldn't believe it... I wouldn't believe it and I am here!! Oh, real smart, Lori... (uncinches saddle, and gives the saddle a gentle push) What you gonna do now?? You keep it up, and I'll push this saddle all the way to the ground! So, don't tempt me...
I hear ya Lukas_KD!! I am sure that by now Garrett is doing so, too! Poor Garrett is so sick of the snow, I hope that it melts soon so y'all can see that spring is coming... I hope! Keep warm, y'all! Don't worry, that snow will melt soon. One day you'll wake up and it will all be gone. That is usually how it works here. One day there won't be any snow on the ground, and the next morning you'll have over a foot. But when it melts, it goes in a day! You can wake up with two feet of snow on the ground, and when that snow decides to leave, by supper time, you are down to the grass with a huge yard full of mud. Don't worry, I am sure you'll experience that real soon. Oh, the joys of spring!! General Grant
OUCH!! Lori, don't you hit me! Oh My! I was unaware that you were capable of such violence! Fine, I can do quite well for myself, I will just have to get myself out of here now... Sharp objects... you call that blunt, smooth-surfaced pebble a sharp object??!! Gosh, is your perception of sharp off! (while throwing little insults Lori's way, carefully picks up a sturdy stick and puts it between her hands, and starts twisting the stick, thus strectching the rope out slightly) (all the while keeping Lori's attention elsewhere) So, you think you're so tough, do you? I bet you couldn't even run over to that tree and climb up it 8 feet in the air...
Well written, lost_sheep3 For me, the show is about KITT (Knight Industries Two Thousand!) and I thought that was a horrible representation of him. I know that it is supposed to be a continuation, but it was still bad... But, I do respect all of the opinions of everyone, even if I do tend to have a different opinion sometimes. I do appreciate them! Keep the thought comin' y'all! I didn't care much for the color changes. I thought it just looked pathetic. But, I understand that some people liked that, and I hope that my disagreement does not upset you in anyway. If it does, I sincerely apologize. I'll agree with you on that point, lost_sheep3, that scene between Michael and mike was a nice scene. Although I don't like the show, that was probably the highlight of the entire two hour run, excluding the commercial breaks, of course! Anyway, in my world there are only two KITTs. The Knight Industries Two Thousand, and my cat, KITT! That is it, there isn't room for a third, esspecially one so... (I don't know the right word to use, so for lack of a better one) Fake! Okay, sorry for rambling and getting all worked up. Thank you EVERYONE for your input. General Grant