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Garrett Duke

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Garrett Duke last won the day on September 14

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About Garrett Duke

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. Howdy Howdy! Hows you? Yea I'm ignoring you! ;) lol.not really.I just ain't had the time to get on the computer.I only have a couple minutes right now...wow I haven't been on here since December 2nd! wow! Anyways I'm just like overwhelmed at the moment, and school ain't helpin none...I have a term paper for english to write, I know what I'm writting bout I just don't know how to go bout writtin it.it is due before we leave for Christmas break! AHHHHHHHHH Christmas is only 8 days away.uhhh ohhh! Have you got all your shoppin done? All your decorating done? All the wrapping done? I got all my shoppin done tonight.I have a lot to wrap.*laughs*.most of it is for my friends at school though! I LOVE wrapping presents!!! But this term paper is like killing everything! I need to do a lot more research.well I hate to cut it short but I have a lot to do but very little time to do it.Merry Early Christmas.hopefully I am on before Christmas.maybe I can catch you at the same time I'm on! lol

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