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Garrett Duke

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Garrett Duke last won the day on September 14

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About Garrett Duke

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. You are very welcome. I am here if and when you need to talk. I may not have the best advice, but my ear is always open. As I said, that only means there is someone else out there for you and that he isn't the one. I am happy to hear though that he is giving you his Dukes collectables - at least he left you something that you know you'll enjoy.

    I'm with you there as well. I haven't watched an Duke ep in a long time (which is probably why my muses have abandoned me), but the show still and always will hold a special place in my heart. No matter how much I've seen each episode or how long I've been a fan...it's too good of a show to just abandon all together! Or any of it for that matter!

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