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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Hank bit his lip before going over and rubbing his back keeping an arm's length away from him knowing he was not wanted.
  2. "I know. Have to admit I thought about it... but it wouldn't be fair to Jaime."
  3. Hank's lips quivered. "I deserve that. I'm so sorry Joe. I knew you wouldn't lie to e...I guess ...I was just...so lonesome..." He shook his head hating himself for making excuses. There was no excuse.
  4. Luke swallowed. "The way he don't trust no one, he might have had to learn to run too."
  5. Hank fought tears as he watched her go turning his attention to Joe. "Joe...I know you hate me...but please..let me help you..."
  6. "Seven" answered Luke. "Don't know his daddy...his mama just up and left him when he got sick...never came back."
  7. Hank stared at her in disbelief. "You're tellin me...I put my brother's life on the line...for...for someone who just set out to...to use me...what was I gonna be your alibi?!" Hank shook his head, his turn to back up. "You stay away from me, " his voice choking. "You stay the heck away from me!"
  8. "Troy...don't be like that...Troy's a lot like you Bo....he don't like doctors and needles neither."
  9. Hank looked at her. "What do you mean...he has his reasons?"
  10. Hank shook his head. "Joe look...no matter what...I still care about you..."
  11. Hank watched as Joe struggled to get away. "Joe...Joe it's ok...it's just me...and Loraine...we ain't gonna hurtcha...."
  12. Hank winced at the harshness of his cough, reaching a hand behind him and rubbing the middle of his back knowing from the sound of the cough it had to hurt.
  13. Luke smiled knowing what Bo was thinking. "I know...it's an uncanny resemblance."
  14. "Joe!" cried Hank bringing his head to his lap to help him breathe better.
  15. Hank choked out his name between breathing air into his lungs and compressing his chest rhythmically, forgetting everything else in his effort to save Joe.
  16. Luke watched leaning on his crutches waiting to see what the boy would do.
  17. Hank's heart was beating fast. Quickly he pulled the gag from his mouth. "He ain't breathin..." He tilted his head plugging his nose and gave him a couple of rescue breaths before compressing on his chest. "Come n Joe..." he pleaded. Despite how mad he had been, he loved Joe still and right now he was scared beyond belief.
  18. "Bo...Bo this is my friend Troy...Troy...this is Bo..." intrduced Luke trying to make the youngster comfortable.
  19. The water was murkey,. Hank could barely make out the still form at the bottom. Lifting Joe into his arms he kicked his way to the top quickly running out of air fast.
  20. Hank heard her, and took off towards her screams. The poor horse probably had never been ridden so fast in its life. Reaching the pond Hank jumped off, kicking off his boots and diving in to the water.
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