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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Hey now....I understand that...believe me..." she said as she put her arm around Jaime. "I used to get so worried when the boy'd go off with Uncle Jesse... I thought they'd steal him away from me."
  2. Daisy shook her head a little. "No...you're a girl who never had a daddy...an' is scared t' death that she'll lose the one she's got."
  3. Daisy smiled at her. "I knwo I'm right...cuz you got Bo for an uncle...and he can act that way even when he does understand."
  4. "Jaime honey...I think it's bout time you an I build this aunt niece relationship. Now havin a daddy's nice, but there's a time when a girl needs another girl around...I know I sure did. Uncles are great...but...I bet you found out that sometimes...well...they just don't understand us... and when they don't understand...they yell and act so childish."
  5. Daisy didn't really expect her to jump at the chance so with the milk and cookies on a tray, using her waitressing skills she climbed the ladder single handedly and went over to Jaime sitting down beside the hay pile and handed her in a cookie. "I used to love to eat cookies under the hay when I was little...course usually it was cuz I didnt wanna get caught with em in the first place...."
  6. Daisy bit her lip and called up to the loft. "Got some milk an' cookies here if ya know anyone who wants em..."
  7. Luke sighed a little but nodded and pushing himself up on his crutches limped back to bed.
  8. Luke flushed a little annoyed that his cousin knew him so well. "I won't," he muttered.
  9. Luke said nothing. He knew once Daisy made up her mind to something it would come to pass.
  10. Luke shook his head. "I thought that at first. But you said it yaself...she's gotta come first. Me datin' someone...that ain't puttin her first at all."
  11. Luke hung his head in shame as he slowly told what Jaime had said. "She's right...I should be focused on her...her needs...not mine...what kind of father am I Daisy?!" he exclaimed much ashamed of himself.
  12. Luke sat stiffly down with a sigh. "Look fact is I'm a sefish person...that's all..." He shook his head in disgust.
  13. Luke shook his head. It was bad enough Jaime knew how selfish he was. And likely Bo knew too. The last thing he wanted was for Daisy to find out.
  14. Luke was having a guilt trip of his own. He felt horrible for asking his doctor out. They had told him things would change once he had a daughter... of course his lifestyle would change. It was selfish of him to think he could have the best of both worlds. Jaime needed a devoted father...and that was what she would get, so help him.
  15. Luke just stared at her for a moment realization dawning on him. "Jaime...you're my little girl...I love you...ain't no way ya can lose me t' someone else...but...in a way...you got a right t' be selfish... I shoulda considered you more...an' I didn't...I should be focusin' on you....not...not son some woman" He shook his head slowly. "I'll call an switch doctors tomorrow..." he said before turning and hobbling inside.
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