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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke's response was to tense his arms and legs, his hands balled into fists.
  2. "Bo....you be careful," warned Jesse watching Luke's hands. Another boom sounded, and with it Luke tensed in his sleep, his hands shielding his head this time with the blanket, his heart racing though no one but Bo who was holding him could feel it.
  3. Jesse chuckled. "Well I s'pose if ya never did it them birds wouldn't know what to do with themselves." A loud crash of thunder rocked the house, Luke's hands immediately going in front of his face in his sleep.
  4. Luke squirmed at Bo's voice again. "We-ell that's mighty nice of ya t' consider their waistlines... now if ya'd only consider their mental state mmaybe they'd lay better than they do!"
  5. Jesse looked at Bo pointedly. "I specially feel sorry for them chickens...specially the way you torment em..."
  6. Luke lay back under the blankets and his cousin's hand, his eyes drooping once more, the rain pattering against the roof, rumbles of thunder heard outside. "Feel sorry for the critters out there," said Jesse.
  7. Luke jerked at the raise of Bo's voice. "Wh-what..." he began looking around the room, eyes wide open.
  8. Luke was son near slumped over quite worn out more than anyone, even he himself, had realized. Jesse looked at him. "He never did know when to quit when he got tired."
  9. Luke couldn't even argue with them, though he knew he would probably get teased later. "I'm just glad there's somethin to calm him with," added Jesse. "He used to get so riled up, wild horses couldn't make him back down...an' when he was upset..." Jesse shook his head. Normally Luke would have objected to being talked about as if he weren't there, but not now- he was far too relaxed to be bothered much by it.
  10. As if turning off a tensity switch, Luke immediately relaxed, the carress having had a calming effect on Luke ever since Jesse had made the discovery of it so long ago.
  11. Jesse looked at them. "Ya did work hard today...y'all did..." Luke nodded. "Daisy...you're gonna put me to sleep for sure...keep doin' that"
  12. Oh wait! I got a question for myself! Daisy, how do you put up with Bo and Luke day in and day out?! My answer: I keep a big box of starch on hand and my frying pan close by *pulls it out from under her chair* An if they don't cut it out, they'll be feeling it right quick.
  13. Luke sighed, nodding a little. "Guess I am."
  14. Luke smiles with a soft sigh, his eyes drooping a little in the warmth of the fire.
  15. As Luke turned around he gave Bo a playful slap on the leg., letting him know that he didn't mean that as harsh as it had sounded.
  16. *sighs softly still laying on th hood of the General taking Bo's gift out of his pocket and looking at the box saying little but thinking much*
  17. Daisy smiled over to Luke. Luke bent over to stoke the fire, and hide his red face at the same time.
  18. Jesse nodded. "Luke used t' pray for ya every night Bo...was the sweetest thing you ever saw...he'd ask for God t' bless his mamma, an his daddy, an his Bo." Luke flushed a little, remembering vaguely.
  19. ***end flashback*** Luke smiled remembering to himself how he always had called Bo his cousin to the family, but when thinking of him, alwys had thought of him as his brother.
  20. Luke seemed mesmerized by the little bundle in front of him, hardly daring to take his eyes off him. Polly was the same way but for a different reason; she was afraid, if she looked away for a second, the Lord'd take her baby from her.
  21. Polly smiled as Jesse hook his head. "That poor youngin." Luke looked down at him. "I love you Bo," he said softly bending over and kissing the small hand.
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