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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Dixie Diner Clear Creek Road Uncle Boss
  2. *swallows not liking the idea more and more, whatever the job was*
  3. Luke looked to the little deer wanting more than anything to believe it would live.
  4. Luke sniffed a little before saying innocently. "Everytime I love someone...they leave me an' go to heaven."
  5. Doin what? *asks not sure he liked the look on Bo's face*
  6. Tom and John will be on The View together on Wednesday February 20th at 11:00am on ABC. Good news good news!!!
  7. "Uncle Jesse...is...is there somethin wrong with me?" asked Luke softly, tears dripping again down his cheeks.
  8. *goes to twist his ring on his pinky as he sometimes did when things bothered him* There's gotta be somethin ...
  9. Luke bit his lip softly as two big tears dripped down his cheeks.
  10. Luke looked at the fawn gently. "I don't want her to go to heaven," he said softly.
  11. *bites his lip* Do Mama deers go to heaven like my mama did?
  12. *shakes his head* Jesse wouldn't let us do that...
  13. Uncle Jesse? Where do you think it's mama is?
  14. *nods a little, wishing now he had more things of value he could sell*
  15. Luke just watched the fawn, petting it and talking to it softly.
  16. If you don't want it you could sell it... buy somethin else...I...I just wanted you to have a nice gift despite the money *begins feeling that maybe Bo didn't want it after all*
  17. "She's drinking for me!" cried Luke excitedly though still in a hushed voice.
  18. Luke watched and listened as Jesse showed him how to feed the fawn before taking the bottle and ever so carefully feeding it himself.
  19. Lavinia nodded. "Must be hungry today." Luke toddled over sitting down next to the fawn.
  20. Do you like it? *ignores the question on Bo's lips*
  21. "Cmon you...I think someone's hungry," said Lavinia carrying Bo in her arms to make his bottle. Luke looked after her swallowing.
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