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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. *looks over the official papers and whistles low* Holy smokes...
  2. In that case, Henshaw USO Carnival of Thrills
  3. USO Carnival of Thrills (I know there is a Hotchkiss farm... but I dunno whether any Dukes relatives stayed there so unofficially that is my guess, but not quite understanding the question there, I am not putting that as an answer)
  4. *goes in through the front door* Uncle Jesse?...You here? *not hearing him, he goes to the phone and starts making some calls*
  5. *soon pulls up to the farmhouse, walking thoughtfully inside, shooing the chickens away that walked in front of him*
  6. "Maybe he thought it wouldn't matter if we did... he must be pretty confident,"said Luke shaking his head as he drove. "An' if he's that confident..."
  7. "Ain't a doubt in my mind cousin..." *answers his jaw set* "Cmon...I'll drop you off to get the General at the Boar's Nest...while you're at the court house, I'll see what I can come with."
  8. *Nods a little to Bo's comment but suddenly stops the truck in the middle of the road, his jaw dropping as he stared at what used to be Boss Hogg's "Drive Carefully" billboard. "Bo...do you see what I see?" *On the board instead of Hogg's face was a picture of a horse track with the Words "Hogg Horsepark- coming soon!"
  9. This really confused me Roger.... what do you mean by Dukes relatives? That is really confusing me so I dont want to answer until you clarify...
  10. At this point, Luke slumped over his arm draped over Bo. Jesse watched them. "Two peas in a pod...s'what yer aunt always said."
  11. Jesse sighed a little. "You may be right, Daisy-girl. War...it takes a lot out of a person...intended or not..."
  12. Jesse looked to his boys softly. "They both got mighty tender hearts on em...they just show themselves diff'rently.""
  13. Jesse looked out to the hills. "Don't know for sure...but I told Luke she likely found herself a buck to go off with...that there is why Luke don't eat venison...or hunt it neither."
  14. Jesse nodded. "Then one day...it wasn't there waitin'," he said softly.
  15. Jesse nodded. "It did... met him by the door too when he come home..."
  16. Jesse smiled a little. "It survived...lived to follow Luke to school every day for a while there..." he said reflectively.
  17. ***present*** Jesse sighed shaking his head a little.
  18. Lavinia nodded looking softly at it. Luke meanwhile held Bo gently pressing a soft kiss to his nose.
  19. *heads in to town trying to figure out how to get hold of the papers*
  20. Lavinia nodded glancing at the little fawn. "It don't look good Jesse."
  21. Lavinia watched as Luke reached over for a blanket covering his baby cousin gently. "He sure is good with him," she said softly to Jesse.
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