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Everything posted by Rosco_Lover

  1. True there! and thanks for the kind words. =]
  2. Probably use wheelchair for stairs.
  3. I can move around on crutches about it. Just cant put pressure on the foot.
  4. Oh, and Laura... My foot is way better I feel no pain now.
  5. Sure thing.
  6. Sounds like a doozy from what country girl said. LOL. Grant - I drop stuff all the time. I'm such a clutz.
  7. Yep, I did. By falling off a ladder and breaking my foot. I did it really good this time. Had screws put in. So, now im sitting on my butt for 4 weeks. I'll have Brian to wait on me I guess. MaryAnne needs an break.
  8. Looks like I was late to be rosco. Oh well.
  9. Brain huh? He aint got no brain in it.
  10. Now what have I started? *Rubs head*
  11. LoL dont like the show either. xD
  12. Almost when he gets his head blown off.
  13. LoL, I hate yahoo.
  14. Oh hush! go take yer nap. I only said what I said for few posts on the site.
  15. Has to do with so many of his movies.
  16. I check ebay daily for new photo's. I find a new one sometimes. and your welcome py77.
  17. Ha.. No parties for me.
  18. Only by a few. Get to writing those fanfics.
  19. Yes, that is what I said. Sorry typing is bad for me with jumpy hands. =[ Reason I said it is I dont see many posts.
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