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Posts posted by RogerDuke

  1. Help me out here Lori, what kind of ace are you talking about? I'm trying to figure out how it's associated with ornery? *scratches head*

    I just thought of something....maybe you were looking at page 2 where the last entry was deuce.

  2. Hey, DoubleX, how much time difference is there between you and EST, 5 or 6 hours? I'm asking because I'm not sure if you meant that 1am coordinated with 8 or 9 (since 8 is the time we would be starting and 9 would be the time we would be ending.) I could log on some day at 5:00 next week and we could do an episode together if you are able. Of course anybody else could join in if they wanted. That would get you to sleep before midnight. Let me know.

  3. Julie and Alex both got it right. Jesse is the best pool player in Hazzard County. Alex has 56 in a row correct now.

    That's a good one Julie, who's older, Boss or Jesse?

    On "Baa Baa White Sheep" I hit the pause button and got a look at Abraham Lincoln Hogg's drivers license and it said April 6, 1926....so that's Boss's birthday too since they're twins. I don't know if they ever said what year Jesse was born (Or do you mean who was the oldest in real life?)

  4. So Daisy, are you picking the episode this time? It sounds like we're going to get other folks in on this fun. It was crazy with just 3 of us. It will be ever crazier with more...the crazier the better!!!

  5. Happy Birthday MaryAnne. We appreciate everything you do to make Hazzardnet run so smooth. In fact, we appreciate you so much we all got together in the chat room and spent several hours writing a poem for you and I get to be the lucky one to send it to you on your birthday. Are you ready? Here it is:

    We're all big fans.......of MaryAnne.

    I'm not sure if you could tell or not, but we decided to keep it simple.

  6. This was a blast. We're thinking about doing this every Monday at 8:00 EST. Once again, thanks to DaisyMae for coming up with this idea. I'm already looking foward to next Monday. Hopefully more people will get in on this fun. Once you've tried it, you'll want more of it. We'll keep you posted.

  7. Sorry Laura, it's taken me a couple weeks to answer this one. I bet you thought I forgot about it. Better late than never I suppose.

    You asked about what the Hogg household was like with one good Hogg (Abraham Lincoln) and one bad (Jefferson Davis)

    I know you met Boss's Big Daddy the last time he came to town so you probably figured out where little Jefferson got his personality, especially his greed. It runs in the Hogg family though. Boss's grandpa weren't no different.

    Boss's Mama, on the other hand was just the opposite. Now, she's done gone on ta her reward but all you have to do is have a conversation with Abe and you can tell exactly what she was like. You're right Laura, things did get a little confusing in the Hogg house with 4 people like that but the nice thing is that they loved each other just like a family's supposed to. They might have been different but they was still Hoggs and they stuck together. I should add that, even though Abe didn't pick up any of his Big Daddy's bad habits, Boss did pick up a few of his Mama's good ones. He don't cotton to no violence in his county and he....well.....let me think now.....well, at least he picked up one of his Mama's good habits....

  8. I agree Laura, Daisy's post was pretty cool. I can relate to her obsession with the Dukes. The amazing thing about the Dukes is that you don't have to be a country boy who was a young adult when the show first came out (like me) to relate to the show. Just look at the wide variety of folks we have here on the Hazzardnet. That's proof of the show's appeal....and proof that everybody can relate in one way or another to Hazzard County and its residents. The Hazzardnet is the best way people like us can express that obsession....and posts like Daisy's are a great example of that. I'm gone.

  9. After speaking with Daisy, this will be held at 8:00 EST on Monday so make sure you log on a little before that so you have enough time to see what episode was picked, find it in your collection, get into the chat room, get the DVD loaded up and get ready to hit "play" on Daisy's cue. We will try to get as coordinated for time as possible but if someone realizes they are ahead of the group please don't post you comments about the scene too early. This is gonna be a Hazzard County party!!!

  10. Since my computer is in the living room I didn't think of your problem popping up General. I hope you can figure it out.

    When Daisy told me this idea, I thought it was creative genius. I hope we can pull it off sometime. I don't care which episode it is. To avoid arguments, Daisy I suggest you pick the first episode and then someone else can pick next...some people might not have all seasons so we might have to consider them.....It would be nice to do it every Friday night at 8:00 EST since that's when Dukes was on originally but I don't want to wait that long plus a lot of folks go out that night. How about Monday at 8 or 9? Even if only 3 or 4 of us do it the first time, it would be fun and might catch on when other folks hear about how much fun we're having. Again...creative genius!!!!!!

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