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Cooter Davenport

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Everything posted by Cooter Davenport

  1. The General don't run on gas...he runs on Moonshine lol
  2. Another episode i like is "The return of the mean green machine" I know it has Coy and Vance but Cooter gets kidnapped! *gasp!* But what Daisy said when she found out he was kidnapped really melts my heart. It shows she truly cares about him awwww
  3. Gurr...i'm comin' ta your house B.L. ta watch season 7. I got 1 to 6 yay!
  4. Thats why it's scarey.
  5. How would i know what was goin' to be in it? I ain't gonna read it, it could be scarey.
  6. Yeah i bet ya do B.L. I sware i'm gentle with him. It's not my fault ya like to kick shins.
  7. Me too. But i still think the Roleplayes are gettin' ta him
  8. Oh piffle! lol Ya didn't have ta read the journal...no one forced ya too...but ya diod anyway.
  9. That was Bo's idea if i remeber correctly, not mine
  10. Yeah i bet it sits straight when it's proped up by horns B.L. I don't know the meanin' of the word "Sanity"
  11. My halo? i list that ages ago
  12. lol True that.
  13. lol She ain't no angel either...she like to think she is though
  14. Yep lol Hey there pumkin *hugs Kelly*
  15. Rosco has a little Flash in this movie lol
  16. Hey y'all. i want to now how many charaters people have made up that are related to Cooter in some way wheather cousin, son, daughter, etc. I'm just curious. lol
  17. I will not touch any organs of any kind: liver, kidney... or brussel sprouts, i had a bad experience the first time i tried those...Mum said put lots of salt on them to make them taste better...and being about 6 or so years old i didn't know better...lol
  18. OMG!!! seriously? *bursts out laughing* that was so funny! *reads all the reactions that people posted* ...whahahahaha...lol
  19. Na ya quite welcome to say that here. *hugs DixieDarlin* lol
  20. Sorry for your loss. i know how ya feel. My aunty and grandfather both passed away earlier this year.
  21. Kool. Thx. i'll look at that later.
  22. Yeah i have to check that one out...what episode is that? *Mental blank*
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