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Everything posted by Mrs.BoDuke80

  1. Enos! this is your superior officer Rosco P. Conltrane Oh I'm in Hot Pursuit I Love it ! I love it Oh that was a *horrendous* crash I'm gonna cuff ya an' stuff ya Ya dun scuffed my ve-hichle Jumpin Jehoshaphat Shame, Shame, everybody knows your name Enos, you dipstick Cletus, you dipstick Buckle up for Safety 10-4 Little Fat Buddy That Smarts Judas Priest on a Pony Enos, do you know what one casket said to the other is that you coffin Will you hush That's teargas Here they come Come into my parlor said the spider to the bee Whip out your weapon Enos, They're heading for the Kissin' Cliff Enos, You head for Black tar road and try to cut them off Hey, wait Come back here They got my keys, and got your car! Why did you leave the keys in your car for? Don't try to blame me Look at that Boss, you got your ears on? come on? Not exactly Boss. Come back We're burning rubber . Over and out Enos, after me And there they go That was thrilling. It was a good thing that I was driving Boss Left? Right I did scuff it a little didn't I? Well, I'll just No, I just knocked the front bumper off a little That's smart, cheif There they go and here I come Enos, will you hush That's Flash I got a good deal on him I got him from Police Gazette Magaine I'll tell you one thing, Boss, he can smell a crook about a mile off He said name one we don't need the whole history of Hazzard County Fired? You will snap, and snarl, and bite And What word would you like? Hockeypuck? Butterfingers? or just plain old dipstick Flash, you've got your own crime wave of fleas going here No, wait a minute, Enos Cletus Hogg? he is stupid. I mean, even the dipsticks call him a dipstick Don't you do that Enos! Enos, come back here! They're serious about that, ain't they? Flash, everybody's a dipstick except you and me, I guess Flash! Put you paw on the brake! Get your foot on the brake! You're gonna crush me Flash, it's gonna to hit the tree! You all right, Flash? Flash you are a lousy driver At least you're wearing your seatbelt Turn out the lights will you? I'm going down with the ship Say Hello from Rosco Enos your sittin on my foot So's your brain, now you match on both ends! Don't try to blame me!!!! Enos...Enos Strate, what are doing here? Now Boss, you owe me I'm not that type of girl If brains were gunpowder, Enos couldn't blow his nose Now Mama always said that Enos would find a wife before I do! Get your hands off me, you quack! Good news, Good news Tiddly Tuddly Boss: Rosco you Jackass! Rosco: That's SHERIFF Jackass to you! Rosco: That was a horrendous Rolly-Coaster ride That put a quiver in my liver There's a flaw in the slaw Rosco {To Uncle Jesse} I'm not that type of girl
  2. Breaker One! Breaker One! I might be Crazy I ain't dumb Crazy Cooter comin' atcha Do you mind if I get out and run ahead Shoot fire and Save Box Matches Breaker One, Breaker One, might be crazy but I ain't dumb, crazy Cooter coming at ya, anyone home on the Hazzard Net.
  3. Anything Rosco does is funny.
  4. The 1st and 2nd season
  5. Snow Day and Night of The Twister
  6. Look Ma, No Hands What does he look like? I was fixin to change your mind, rather Luke is Well, we didn't have no choice. See, Luke and Me's on probation and can't own no guns. It's either use those bows there or throw rocks. And you spelled Empeedin' wrong
  7. Days of Shine and Roses, The Rustlers, The Meeting, Road Pirates, The Ghost of General Lee, Duke of Duke, The Runaway, Follow that Stiil, The Treasure of Hazzard, Officer Daisy Duke, Find Loretta Lynn, Jude Emery, Return of the Ridge Raiders, Mason Dixon's girls, R.I.P Henry Flatt, Southern Comfurts, Dukes meet Cale Yarborough, Hazzard Connection, Witness for the Persecution, People's Choice, Arrest Jeese Duke and Granny Annie
  8. I like Bo better
  9. I like Bo Duke because he always drove the General Lee and had a bad boy charm and Bo always got the girls.
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