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Everything posted by charger_general

  1. So i just watched somthing on smallville,and it was kinda like an interview thing with everybody. i just happend to catch somthing john schneider said. that this series of smallville doesnt really follow the original or the comics, so maybe that gives hope for Jonathan Kent staying around till the end of it all.
  2. hes definatly not shy lol
  3. I love when in season four, i think, him and cletus were in accidents from maybe chasing the dukes, and rosco told cletus he hated him lol. hehehe, rosco awsome, and they way he can never catch the dukes, unles the general breaks down. Poor Rosco
  4. I think its a little long to wait thou, i mean is it just me,. or have they been coming out every month or two, and now we've gotta wait 4 more months lol, i cant do it lol
  5. I love that song too, i never knew it was for the dukes thou, but then again all you have to do is listen to it to know, but i never had hurd it at the time so. but its pretty awsome.
  6. Knoxville is awosme, and well Sean was ok, too, but still wasn't a big fan of the remake.
  7. Well I hope they follow that then, cause im not much for knowing about the original Superman but it would be a shame if jonathan wasnt on the show anymore, i dont think they coudl do that, everybody relies on jonathan for good and postive opinion and advice, and like come on he holds the fort down
  8. Yes, i mean the both were dressed the same as the other two practicly, and they both each had brown, and blonde hair.
  9. YES! if Tom drove a new 2005/2006, it would be crap!
  10. uh, ill take back seat with john lmao. ok id rather drive, ive driven a dodge challenger, and damn they are fun! i cant imagine what a charger woudl drive like, seeing as what it is capable of!
  11. I DOnt think i could pick a favourite episode, i love all the episodes, absolutly love them all! and as for John writing the last episode, that somthing new i've hurd, i think thats awsome.
  12. Melanie DuBois from "Miss Tri-Counties", My god, talk about being a stuck up bit*h. Damn if i was on set with john id be nice And ..diane from "Canival of Thrills" damn her! poor Bo.
  13. well judging by the new dukes of hazzard movie, a new Dukes series/show would not be anything like the original, and you would definatly need originality from the old Dukes if you were going to make a new show. Reasons being, the new movie didnt appeal to me in the sence, i thought it was going to be at least a bit like the the show. I was disappointed that there was a lot of cursing in it, rosco was really mean, and never showed any real humour. Uncle jessie was alot more explicit, Daisy was s lu t t y than usual and well everything wasnt in its right place. Now judging by the movie they did, my guess is it would probably be about the same, it would be alot different from the original. its wouldnt be the same actors, everything would be different, and that show was like a legend and you cant remake a legand. If they did i dont think many of people would stick to it.
  14. The only thing I dont agree with is when she rides off on her bike, its extremly obvious its a taller person, now not dissing the "short"ness, but i thought you would have been better if they used a smaller bike, but then again it would have looked funny, and could have been offensive, but either way, she was good for the show.
  15. Rosco's the best, hes the funniest guy on the damn show, it wouldnt be the same without him. Hes soo funny how makes his noises, his actions, when he gets mad, and the list goes on, hes an original actor and a damn good one too!
  16. The most unforgettable, and the biggest part of the dukes that will live on in the famous orange colour with the big 01 on the side doors and the flag on the roof, 1969 dodge charger, the general lee will be around forever.
  17. Come on everybodys gotta love them all, Bo, LUke, Daisy, Uncle Jessie, Boss Hogg, Rosco, Cletus, Enos, Cooter, like everybody on that show, but my two favourite for bo and luke of couse, and then well to top it off would by far be Bo/John! but also in the more comical sense boss and rosco really brought this together, they were always acting off eachother the most and it brought me to like them a lot more. But Bo all the way!!!
  18. OK YEs, What ever happend to that Brown T! he jsut quit wearing it and start with the blue one, mind you i dunno i like the Blue one better i think. but hey anything looks good on him soo lol, i guess my imput would be bias
  19. My Bad, i just notice it should have been "Lukas Dukas" rather, sorry people, ive been trying to jump my Forum stats so ive been looking at the screen too damn long or somthing. Later Guys.
  20. Ye... lets talk about that.. Luke and that wink..DAMNNNNNNNNn!
  21. I Really dont know if its much to say as a quote, as far as signature goes but i loved it when he talking to Luke and he would call him 'Lucas Ducas".
  22. ok Johns definatly still hot, although he was A lot hotter in Dukes, but hes definatly not lost much of that at all, still looking prettty good to me! and well the man has aged good for being 45!
  23. Well we're all happy to see him in another show this year, and of his own, but i still hope hes on Smallville till the end, although, in the orinigal superman, doesnt the dad die somehow? if im not mistaken, well have to miss him sometime along the smallville seasons, but i hope not for a long time. But i cant wait to see the new show~!
  24. the only reason i started watching smallville on a more obsessive bases was because i had relized John was in the main character grid. and i love him so you know i had to start watching it, and i have to admit, it has worked its way to being my second favourite show, not only because of John, but also because its clearly an awsome show, meaning cast, story plot, and acting ability from all actors on the show. its all around good, john just makes it 10 times better. my first fav show being Dukes of Hazzard of course
  25. In High Octane when the girl says Bo's full name and he tries to correct her, well i thought that was so cute, only cause it was my first of hearing about his full first name and the way he corrected her for his preferred Name as Bo.
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