My little cousin has that. His doctors say his head is like a radio on thousands of different stations at one time. He doesn't see or understand things the way kids his age do. Like he tells jokes that make no sense to us but they do to him, and he takes everything very literal. Its sad
That was soooo funny!! I also loved it in "The Law and Uncle Jesse" when..... Uncle Jesse:(Mocking Rosco while in hot persuit of Bo and Luke) I love it I love it, kew kew, hot persuit!! Boss:That was a terrible impression of Rosco I loved that!!! That was a good one from Boss and Jesse
I got teary eyed when Rosco told Jesse and Jesse said "if it takes me the rest of my life Ill prove them boys didn't take that watch" or something along those lines...
Me either I have a shrit that says TGIW (thank god its wednesday) You know the old pirate looking guy that played one of "the others" on the last episode of season 1? Well thats the same guy that plays Rosco in the Dukes movie. I hate him in both lol
Its my 2nd favorite too I just love hurley hes such a cutie. Sawyer and Aaron are my favorites though. Did you watch last night? They found 2 out of 6 hatchs so far . Now that we no whats in the hatch I wanna know what the monster/security system is!
Rosco-I cant jus' say poof your a deputy Boss- you better say poof your a deputy or im gonna say poof your fired Rosco-poof your a deputy I dont know if its exact but its along those lines. I think me and you are the only 2 with Boss quotes...
I was helping my mom clean out her attic and I found a box of old posters and tapes I had growing up and one of the posters is of Tom, and hes wrapped in a towel lol todays my happy day :lol:
That happend to me I had my dukes shirt on and I was at burger king and the girl in line behind me said "I dont like your shirt" and I said "I didnt buy it for you do like" then she rolled her eyes and called me racist.....I was so mad but I just walked away...
I know what you mean! The other day my fiance's boss's came over for dinner, well he bumped into the side of the oven and yelled "ohh that smarted" I laughed so hard and everyone else was completly clueless. He thought I was laughing because he had gotten hurt