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Posts posted by Canadian_Country_Cousin

  1. "Breaker one! Breaker one! I might be crazy but I ain't dumb! CRRRAZZZZYYY COOTER comin' atcha! Any a ya'll Dukes out there on the Hazzardnet?" or "Any a ya'll Dukes gots yer ears on?" or " Lost sheep are ya out there? Come back?"

    I love it!! But the trick is if ya do it ya gotta say it as fast as you can without messing it up! It's like a toungue twister!

  2. Hey ya'll I drive the most wickest awesomest Vehicle you will ever see on the roads! NOT!

    I drive a 94 Ford Taurus GL. I call her Betty, don't ask. But she's my first car and she gets me where I need to go! She's got plenty of pep too! With a V6 3.8L Engine the most powerful factory installed! :lol: I like to step on the gas!!!! But right now she's in rough shape, I got rear-ended!! And now I have to get a new bumper.

    I also drive a 94 Dodge (yay for Mopar!!) Dakota 4x4. But it a stick and I'm still learning how to drive it. Got any tips??? :D It's fun though!

    At work I drive a chevy silverado, it's fun, but it turns like a barn door!

    Someday I hope to drive a Charger!!!

  3. She made me mad. Really mad, cause ya kinda know Bo was gonna get hie precious little heart broke! I wanted to beat her up! And then hug Bo and tell him to forget about her!! LOL

    Ya know who I forgot about. the worst character in DOH history? Hewey Hogg!!! Yuck he was such a jerk! He was even wosre than Boss. He took everything away from his Uncle! And he was always trying to get rid of the Dukes, and Cooter. Poor Cooter, he's always in trouble cause of them Dukes! :lol:


  4. Gosh there has been some annoying characters on the DOH! I can't remember them all casue I try to forget them!

    I really hated Jeb Stuart Duke, I don't know why, something about his hair bugs me! I just don't like the guy, he creeps me out or something!

    I was also really annoyed with Luke in Lukes Love Story. I thought he was an insenstive bastard! Pardon my launguge but it's all I can say. But now I've come to realise he ain't all that bad, Bo was kinda insensitive in that ep. too. But anyways.

    Cletus really annoyed me at first. But I think that was cause I was because he replaced enos

  5. Love's Sacrifice, By Canadian Country Cousin and Dixie Rose

    Mabel Justine Lynn


    Age: 22

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Blonde

    Born in Hatchebee County where she stayed her whole life untill she found herself in a bit of trouble with county cominsioner Hugh Hatcher. She found herself at the mercy of his gang and running for her life.

    That's when the Duke family found her in their barn asleep and seeking refuge. Her and Luke HIT it off right away, you've gotta read the story for more details on that.

    But as for what Happens next, I don;t really know yet! So stay posted and I'll let ya'll know! But I can say it's gonna be a happy ending!

  6. "Uncle Shepard, Crazy C? Ya'll got yer ears on??" Bo called into the radio. "Go ahead Lost Sheep."Cooter replied. "We got trouble the fox is in the hen house an the fat is fivin' to fall in the fire!" Bo said, "I'm goin' in there to get them out!" "No Bo!" Jessi said grabbing Bo's shirt, "you'll get arrested if ya go in there! I'm goin'." She slid out of the passangers window and dropped to the street. "Be careful!" Bo called out the window. She waved and blew him a kiss.

    "Well howdy Sherrif! How are you today?" Jessica smiles sweetly at Rosco. "Well shucks, I got one a them Duke boys in jail, so it's been a good mornin'. Now I'll I need is the no account boyfriend of yours! Gyuk!Gyuk! Gyuk!" Rosco grinned. Jessica rolled her eyes, "speakin' of that Duke ya got locked up... I'd like ta visit him!" She said as she glanced into JD Hogg's office, where the men who had nearly killed her were waiting. "Go on, you know the way you've visited those boys in there enough...." His voice trailed off as she jogged down the stairs. "Luke! Mabel!" She cried. "Jess?" Mabel looked up and smiled. "Howdy ya'll I hope yer doin' alright." she paused, "But I got some bad news for ya. I think Hatcher and his men just walked in, they're in Boss's office!" She whispered. "Oh no!" Mabel buried her head in her hands and started to cry. "Oh Darlin' don't worry. I'm here!" Luke said as he sat down beside her. "I'm sure that's real comfortin'!" Jess teased. Luke looked back and forth between the two women as he said, "Don't worry girls. If he's cuttin' a deal with Hogg he probably came up here to wok out the details. There ain't no way he knows yer here, I promise.

    ~Back in the sherrif's office~

    "Where is Hogg? We's gots more important things to do!" Boss Hatcher yelled at Rosco. "Well ya see I.... Lemme see if I can raise im on the CB!" Rosco said nervously stepping away from Hatcher. "You'd better Coltrane!"

    "Boss you got yer fat little ears on buddy?" Rosco called into the CB. "Yeah, I'm listenin'. What do you want?" Boss' voice replied. "Well...uh...Boss, the other Boss is here to see you." "Good take them out to my car and have my driver bring them out here to the Boar's Nest! Ya got that meadowmuffin?" Boss cried. "Ya, I'm gone!" Rosco said turning back to Hatcher. "Follow me gentlemen's!" Hatcher and his gang follow Rosco outside. "Take this here fellows to the Boar's nest an... ooh ooh it's the General Lee!! FREEZE! I see you Bo Duke!!" Rosco hollered as he ran towards his patrol car. Hatcher and his men got into Boss limo and headed out for the Boar's Nest.

    "Uh Oh! Rosco's seen me!" Bo said aloud, "Better get outta here!" Bo started the engine and slammed the General into gear, he tore out from behind the bushes, tires screahing, leaving a cloud of smoke and rubber on the road. Rosco's car sped after him. Bo slid the General ninty degrees around a corner.

    "What's all that racket?" Mabel asked. Luke hopped up into the cot and peered out the window to the square, "It's Bo, Rosco's spotted him!" Luke replied. Jess sighed and shook her head, "Well I better get up there before he leaves me in that could of dust too! I'll keep ya'll posted!" She shouted as she ran up the stairs and towards the door. "Hi Enos!" She called. "Hi Miss Jessica!" Enos replied with a smile. "Bye En..." Her voice trailed off as she ran out of the door.

    "There's Jessi, I better pick her up!" Bo said. He slowed the General, just enough. "He ain't gonna stop!" Jess cried when she saw him comin around the corner. As he slowed she ran and dove head first through the window. She landed on her face, legs sticking out the window. "Nice move!" Bo smiled at her. "Thanks for stopping!" She replied, pulling her feet inside the moving vehicle.

    "Just pull it over Duke! I know it's you in there!" Rosco's voice crackled over the CB. Bo reached for the radio, Jessica stopped him. "There ain't no Duke here sherriff, Just lil ol me!" Jessica said into the mic.

    ~Several Minutes Later~

    Rosco stepped out of his car with an arrogent smile on his grizzled face. "Alright now Bo Duke, just get out of hte car!" He called, walking around to the driver's side. "I said get out! Now I'm the law!" Rosco cried. "Sorry Rosco, I told ya. there ain't no Duke in this car!" Jessica stuck her head out the window to look at the old Sherrif. "Huh? But... I.... He... where'd he go?" Rosco scratched his head and wrinkled his brow in confusion, "He was there just a minute ago. Open the trunk!" Jess pulled herself out of thw car and walked around to the back, she unlocked the trunk and pulled it open. Rosco looked puzzled again. A jack, a spare tire, a tool kit, some work gloves, a poster for the Hazzard County Derby, but no Bo. "Well... I guess yer free to go." Rosco mumbled Frozen and looking in the trunk. "Thanks Sheriff!" Jess cried as she slammed the lid closed and jumped back into the General Lee. She left Rosco coughing and choking in the dust.

    "Whew wey! That was a close one!" Bo said as he peeked his head up from under a blanket in the back seat. "Nice work sweetheart!" He cried as he climbed up front. "Turn down this road." He said. "Uh... are you sure?" She asked. "Trust me, I'm surer than a month of sundays!" He replied. They drove on down the road. Jess looked up ahead of them and gasped, "Bo... the bridge is out!" "Really!" Bo asked excitedly. He slid closer to Jess and put his foot on top of hers, pushing the gas pedal to the floor. "Hold on!" He told her. She gripped the wheel tighter, as they took off, the wheels leaving the ground. "YYEEEEEEE-HAW!" Bo hollered at the top of his lungs. The general landed on the other side with a thud. Jess just smiled.

    (tag you're it!)

  7. Cooter pulled out and jumped out of his truck. "Here ya go Lucas, one clunker car!" He smiled and held out his hands. "Thanks Cooter it perfect." Luke said as he and Bo helped Cooter lower the car, "Say whose car is this?" Bo asked. Cooter paused and wrinkled his brow, "I.. don't know! Hope they don't mind!" He shrugged and continued with his work. Bo and Luke looked at each laughing, good ol Cooter.

    "Now ya'll know the plan so far? Just stay low till I call the garage. 10-4?" Luke said into the CB radio as he drove towards Hazzard. "I still think yer a dang fool to go through with this!" Jesse replied to his nephew. "Ya we'll talk to ya later. Good luck Luke!"

    Luke slammed on the brakes, and pulled off to the side. The General Lee, with Bo and Jess raced past, Bo honked the Dixie horn. Next was Cooter in the tow truck, then Daisy in the roadrunner, and Jesse in the pickup. So far so good! Luke thought as he strapped the speaker to the roof.

    "Hey Sheriff! Come an' get me!" Luke called into the CB, broadcasting it through Hazzard square. "This is Luke Duke! I'm ready for a chase when you are Sheriff! That is if ya think yer man enough to take me on!" Nothing, no Rosco, no Enos. Luke threw his hands in the air as he past the garage where Cooter and the rest were watching. "Try some doughnuts Luke!" Bo shouted. Luke spun the old car every which way through the town, he knocked over signs, he crashed he into Rosco's car, he drove on the sidewalks. After ten minutes of chaos Rosco ran outside. "Freeze Duke Boy!" He hollered stepping in front of Luke's car. Luke's eyes got wide, he slammed on the brakes and stopped inches from the old Sheriff. "Come out with your hands up, so I can cuff and stuff ya!!" Rosco pointed his gun at Luke. "Put that thing away before ya hurt yerself rosco." Luke sighed as he got out of the car.

    "Luke!" Mabel cried standing up. "Lock im up Enos!" Rosco called from upstairs. Mabel looked confused as Enos opened to cell door and guided Luke through. "What are you doin'?" Mabel looked at Luke, "You sorry son.."she stopped herself, "You dang fool! Why'd ya go an' do this?" Mabel whispered as she hugged Luke. "This is why." He whispered back. "Okay Luke, that's enough." Enos said blushing. "Hey Enos, ain't I entitled to a phone call?" Luke asked still hugging Mabel.

  8. Luke sat himself down on the porch, he held his head in his hands, trying to think. He couldn't, all he could think about was Des, and if she was alright. He wanted so bad to go looking for her, but didn't even dream of leaving, Jesse would tan his hide. "Why do I always gotta come up with the plans?" He mumbled to himself. "What's at Luke?" Jesse asked. "Nothing Unca Jesse, I is just talking to myself." He sighed and got up, still dizzy. Luke went into the house and sat down to think, alone.

    "Well how bout this!" Bo said excitedly, "Me an' Cooter i'll go into to town, an' find out who these dudes was..." Kristy cut him off, "No good Bo! You go into town and the Sheriff will have ya behind bars faster than you'll know. That ain't gonna help." She smiled, "It was a good idea though Bo!" She hugged him tighter. "No it wasn't! It was dumb, just like all the other ideas I come up with. This Luke's specialty dang it!" Bo cried. Kristy rolled her eyes, she stood up on her tip toes and whispered in his ear, "You'll think of somethin'. I know ya will." She dropped back down, "Let's go see how yer cousin's doin'."

    "Country Cousin callin' Lost Sheep? Shepard? Crazy C? Ya'll got yer ears on?" Daisy said angrily into Her CB. She stood outside of the deserted Duke farm. Where are they she thought. "Tigerlilly? Babyblue? Are ya out there?" She said getting more frustrated. "Where the he... Where are they?" She shouted at a chicken. She knew better than to curse, Uncle Jesse would know.

    "Did ya hear that?" Bo asked turning around. "Hear what Bo?" "It was Daisy on the CB," He raced to the nearest car, Des' and grabbed the radio, "Country Cousin, this here's the Lost Sheep I hear ya darlin' Come back?" "Where is everyone?" Daisy asked. "Oh sorry Dais, we is at Des an' Angie's place, get out here quick cousin!" Bo called into the CB. "That's a big 10-4 Bo, I'm on my way!" Daisy jumped into the driver's seat and her and Dixie tore off the dirt road headed for the old farm.

    "What's going on out here?" Jesse called stepping out from the house. "It was Daisy callin' on the CB Mr. Duke." Kristy explained. "Good, did ya tell her what's going on? I outta tan yer hid if'n ya did Bo Duke!" "I didn't! I just told her to get out here as quick as she could!" Bo defended himself. Jesse looked at him and was about to say something but changed his mind. He shook his head and went back into the house.

    (we are at d and a's farm right?? I'm confused! tag anyways)

  9. "As long as you promise not to take the General!" Bo protested to his cousin. "Ok OK. I'll get a car from Cooter." Luke replied. "Bo's right, we don't want the General to get impounded!" Daisy added. Luke picked up the CB and called Cooter. "Lost Sheep callin' Crazy C! You got yer ears on?" They waited for a while before Cooter's voice replied, "Breaker one breaker one! Might be crazy but I ain't dumb! CCRRRAAAZZZYYY Cooter comin' at cha! Ya I got ya lost sheep!" "Cooter, could you bring a clunker out here to Still Number Five? I need to borra it!" Luke said. "Yes sir! I can do! Hold tight I'll be there in a jiffy!" Cooter spun his truck into a one hunderd and eighty degree turn and headed to his garage to pick up an old car sitting out back.

    (I have to finish later if nobody else posts!)

  10. Honey belive me, god wasn't just pickin' on you! He was teasing everyone of the female varitey! Who dosen't melt when they look in those eyes? I guess that would be All the gals who melt when they look at Luke!LOL. My heart's been hurt big time lookin at those eyes of Bo, and Luke for that matter! He he!

  11. Bo is pissed off because his old flame had let slip that she and Luke used to tumble together in the hayloft. He's trying to evade the cops while he's processing his feelings of betrayal and homicidal rage.

    Luke tries praise to soothe his cousin. "Bo, this is some of the best driving I ever seen you do!"

    Bo snaps back, "Don't kiss my ass!"


    Bo actually said don't kiss my ass to Katie. Luke said "bo this is some of the best drivin' i've seen you do!' Bo looks back at Katie whose nodding and he ssays "Don't kiss my ass!" Oh well I just thought of that.

    I also liked the Ballader's line Theres just somethings you dont say to one Duke about another Duke.

  12. Well it's not my doing that Bo has beautiful eyes, I just like talking about those rather than his hands, which are yes in your words not mine "sexy"! But I think that's another thing I love about Bo, his eyes, not his hands!!! He he! I just love Bo!! He ain't perfect just pretty! He he , and he's just a good ol boy makin his way the only way he knows how! :lol:

  13. I think gretchen's chariot , homewrecker, and redneck woman are perfect fits withhthe dukes. I think Deirks What was I thinking is Bo Duke's theme song. And I also think Shania Twain's Whose bed have your boots been under suits the Duke Boys! But I like gretchen better!

  14. "Beakrer One Breaker one! I might be crazy but I ain't dumb! CCRRRAAAZZZYYY cooter comin' atcha! Any a ya'll Dukes out there on the Hazzard net?" Cooter hollered into his CB. "Ya we hear ya Crazy C!" Bo called into the radio. "I heard ya'll got yerselfs i some trouble, can I help ya?" "Well we don't need no tow today yet, but ya might have to get us outta a ditch later Cooter. If ya get what I mean?" Daisy had taken the CB from Bo. "That's a big Ten -four Pretty Maiden! I'm gone, an' I got my ears on an' my eyes peeled!" Cooter's voice said back to the Dukes.

    "Now folks I'd say the way things are going today, the Dukes is defenitly gonna need ol' Cooter's help!" Says the Balladeer.

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