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Posts posted by Canadian_Country_Cousin

  1. "So Jeff! What did ya think of the race?" His uncle came over and slapped him playfully on the back between his shoulder blades. "It was great Uncle Bo!" He smiled, "What happened on turn two of lap eight? The backend swung wide and the rear tires locked up!" Jeff looked his uncle thinking. Bo raised his eyebrows and asked, "You caught all that??" Bo looked puzzled. "Yeah! So what happened?" Jeff asked eargerly, ready to make mental notes. Bo looked his nephew straight in the eyes, one of the only people he could without bending down, both of them towered over the rest of the family at six feet four inches, and Jeff was still growing! "I don't think Jeff! I just drive! Yer Daddy does all the thinking for the both of us! Ask him!" Bo smiled and laughed. Jeff nodded, still scratching his head.

    Cooter and the twins were rolling in the ground roughhousing. Steph and gone over to a Chevelle close by to "...see what e's got under the hood..." Anna and Luke were standing beside the General engaged in a heated disscussion. Jeff wondered what it could be that they were in such a hurry to discuss it. They ussually saved those kind of talks for after dinner, when the kids were working on their chores, or homework.

    "So Jeff!" His uncle interuppted his thoughts, "Do ya wanna drive the General into town? Cooter wants to fix the fender right away. And I have to pick Sara, Bailey and Nicole in Capitol City." Jeff's eyes lit up with excitment, he almost jumped in the air. It was not very often he was given the oppourtunity to drive the General Lee. "I'd love to!" He replied.

    "Drive carefully Jeffery!" Anna warned. "Sweetheart...Relax! He's a Duke!" Luke said to his wife, putting a hand on her shoulder. Jeff smiled at his parents while resting his hip against the window. He swung his long legs up and tucked them through the window. "Aww...That's no fair! We want to go in the General too!!!" Kevin cried and put a hand on his hip. "Yeah Dad!! We want to go too!" Jesse shouted, stomping his foot and crossing his arms in front of him. Jeff looked at his mother, pleading with his eyes, please let me go alone, he thought. "No. You need to finish your homework." Anna replied. "But Momma! I finished my homework!!" Jesse shouted. " No boys. And that's final." Anna said, her voice firm, but caring and gentle. "Yes Momma." The twins muttered looking down at the floor.

  2. This just sort of happened one day at work...I try not to fight these things!! And it is set two years ago.


    Jeffery Grant Duke was tall, dark and handsome. His deep blue eyes sparkled brightly as he watched the race with the warm sun in his face. His smile was kind and friendly. He watched the deep orange stock car pull into the lead. His mother sat to the left of him, her hands covering her face. Her long blonde hair blowing around her face in the gentle breeze. She peeked her green eyes out from between her fingers, wanting to watch the race, but she was still fearful for her husband out on the track. Jeff's two younger twin brothers sat on his right. He'd always thought they looked more like their uncle then their father. They had fair hair and features. They were whooping and cheering. "Go Dad!!" Jesse shouted. "Yeah number one!!" Kevin hollered holding up one finger. Their sister, Stephanie, sat to the left of them. She was waving a rebel flag in the air as she watched the race, admiring all the cars. She was a perfect female clone of their father, her features striking, yet still femine. Jeff liked to tease her, one day she'd break all the boys hearts. She would tease back by saying he'd already broken the hearts of every girl in Hazzard County, twice over!

    A reflection of the sun glimmered off the roof of the General Lee as it blew through the finish line. "C'mon Momma!! Let's go congratulate them!!" Jesse pleaded, his eyes sparkling brightly like his father's did. Anna smiled back her son and replied, "I think that's a fine idea!" She stood up and followed Jeff out to the asle. Jeff stopped, putting a hand on each of his little brothers shoulders. He spun them around, his darl blue eyes staring into theirs. "Jesse, Kevin, you stay behind me and in front of mom at all times. Got it?" he asked them with a smile. They nodded there heads in unison.

    Jeff lead the way down to the track, followed by his sister. Who was pulling on the back of his red button-up shirt, "Jeff!! Oooh Jeff look!! There's a Challenger!! And a 'Stang!!" He sometimes wondered if his sister should have been a brother the way she talked about cars, she knew everything about a car, from the Carberator, to the driveshaft, to how to check AND replace the timing belt. Following Stephanie was Kevin, who was being poked in the ribs by Jesse. Until their mother had seperated them, taking both by the hand. Jeff was seven years older than his sister, she was two years older than the twins. He was eighteen, but not yet a man, in his mother's words, he had alot to learn.

    They walked out on to the track were their Father and Uncle were sitting on the hood of their orange stock car, The General Lee. The General was the fastest car south of the Mason-Dixon line. It was a MANY times restored 1969 Dodge Charger. It was painted Hemi-Orange, the only color in the garage when they got it. Painted on the roof was a battle flag of the Confederate States of America. It represnted the Duke family's rebelion against "The System". The numbers Zero One were painted in black on both doors. Aww the doors, which were welded shut, meaning the only way in and out was through the windows.

    His father smiled when he saw his family approaching. His deep blue eyes shone brightly when he smiled. All his childern had been given the same friendly blue eyes. Anna released Jesse and Kevin's hands and jogged over to her husband. "Congrats fellas!" She called stopping in front of her husband, she put a hand on her hip and frowned a little then hugged him tightly. "Do you like frightening your wife Luke Duke?" He looked at her his eyes sparkling as he smiled down at her, He nodded and replied, "I love it, because she always hugs me just a little bit tighter afterwards!" He laughed hugging his wife tightly. Jeffery rolled his eyes, Steph giggled and the twins stuck their fingers in their mouths making gagging noises.

    Jeff watched as Cooter Davenport, the best mechanic in the state and long time friend of the Dukes, snuck up behind his brothers. He had a greasy grin on his face as he wrapped an arm around each boy, picking them up of the ground. "Ahhh! What's going on?" cried Kevin. "Dang it old man! Put me down!" Jesse shouted. Anna shot Jesse a look and cried, "Jesse Lucas Duke! Watch youe mouth! And apoligize to Cooter this very instant!" "Aww...Mom..." He protested. "Jesse....." He father scolded, "Listen to youe mother!" Jesse looked down at the floor, still hanging from under Cooter's arm. "Sorry Cooter! Sorry Momma!"

  3. "What do you mean they're not at the Duke farm??" Boss Hogg hollered into the CB. "I'm sorry Boss! I can't find Mabel Lynn" Rosco repiled. A bold-faced lie. He was standing right next to her. "I'll keep looking Boss!" Another lie. Boss just growled to himself as he slammed the radio down on the desk.

    "Damnit!" Jessi shouted when the car had stopped. Daisy just nodded as she opened her door and ran out into the bushes. Jessi followed, climbing out Daisy's door, "Hurry Daisy!!! There catching up!!" She cried as the two women raced through the thick brush as best they could in high heels. Daisy gazed over her shoulder to see how far they were. "Look out!" Jessi shouted right before Daisy smashed into a tall man, carrying a shotgun bi his side. "That's far enough ladies." He yelled in his raspy deep voice.

    Cooter shook his head, "Ya'll are really in it now ain't ya? Specially if'n ya got the sheriff on your side." He grinned a big greasy smile. "That ain't funny Davenport!" Rosco snapped. Cooter put his hands up laughing. "Ok Cooter that's enough." Luke said calmly as he held Mabel, trying to calm her down. "Sorry Lucas!" Cooter replied sheepishly. Bo sat in the window thinking about Jessi and Daisy. He was worried about them off at the Boar's nest alone. At least they have each other, he thought.

    "Ok! Give up the runaway you Dukes!" A voice boomed from outside. Luke released Mabel and boldy walked out to the front porch. "No chance in hell!!" He shouted. A shot rang out. "Luke!!" Mabel called from the house, she was struggling to get out to him. Cooter had her by the waist, he was whispering, "Shh...that's what they want, you to go out where they can see you."

    Luke wasn't shot, the round had been fired into the air. Luke now stood on the ground, face to face with Hatcher, disscussing what their next moves were. "If you don't give her to me, your cousin Daisy and Jessi Mae ain't gonna see next Christmas!" Luke stepped closer to Hatcher, ready to pund some sense into him. "You wouldn't!" Hatcher just laughed at the foolish young man infront of him. "I will, so just give her up!"

    Mabel came out to the front step as Luke pulled his elbow back, ready to land a punch between Hatcher's eyes. "Luke....I'll go.."She said, barely more than a whisper. Luke felt his heart sink, everything he had worked for, for Mabel, all the risks they had all taken, now it was over. She was willingly giving herself up to him for Daisy and Jessi's lives.

    Hatcher smiled slyly, "I knew you'd see things my way!" He walked up the step and took Mabel by the arm. Cooter and Bo came out to the porch to see what was happening. Luke went to lunge for Hatcher, sheer hatred in his eyes. Cooter grabbed him before he could reach the Boss. "Let her go for now, we'll get her back." Cooter whispered. Luke struggled one more time before he gave up and went limp, leaning on Cooter. Luke started to cry as Hatcher drug Mabel to his car. She looked back at Luke, and blew him a kiss. He sobbed loudly.

    Balladeer "Well it looks like the fat's fixin' to fall in the fire!"

  4. Amanda sighed to her self as Chet pulled her closer. She was content, and was happy to lie in his arms. Although she still had the feeling there was something he had not told her, she quickly drifted off to a deep sleep.

    Amanda awoke early the next mornin, Chet was still sound asleep, snoring lightly. She sat up in bed and stretched her arms high above her head, yawning her sleep away. She put her small feet on the floor and stood. Amanda walked to the window to look at the bright October morning.

    Her eyes narrowed as she looked out towards the barn, watching in disbelief. There was a tall cowboy standing with the horses in the pasture. Amanda blinked her eyes trying to make the image disappear. It didn't.

    She continued to watch, until the man looked in her direction. She gasped, her eyes wide. "Oh..." she cried aloud as the cowboy turned towards to house moving effortlessly in her direction. She started to back up.

    She moved backwards tripping over her own feet and the bed. "Chet!!" She cried in fear as she fell backwards onto the bed. She landed on Chet's back with a thud. She shook him, trying to wake him, "Chet!" She called out again, more desperate this time.

  5. Bailey Bryan Duke

    Age: 18 in 2005

    DOB: Nov 10 1987

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Blue

    Height: 6' 2"

    Weight 175lbs

    Vehicle: 2006 Dodge Dakota 4x4

    CB handle: Lost Sheep Two

    Bailey Duke was born to Sara Lynn Duke and Beauregared Jackson Duke on Nov 10 1987. Bailey is the spitting image of his father, but is not as much of a good ol boy.

    Bailey likes trouble, finding it causing it, getting into it, getting out of it, getting others into it. He thinks it's all a big game, and loves to find ways of angering the Hazzard county Sherrif's department. He can be a handful and has a temper that cannot be reckoned with. He tries to get his cousin Jeff into trouble, but ussually finds it himself.

    Nicole Suzanne Duke

    Age: 19

    DOB: Feb 17 1986

    Hair: Red

    Eyes: Green

    Height: 5'11"

    Vehicle: 2001 Jeep CI 7

    CB handle:Rebel Girl

    Nicole was born to Sara and Bo Duke on Feb 17 1986. She is the reflection of her mother, and has an attitude like her father. She is constantly trying to keep her brother and cousin out of trouble, but...because she's a duke she winds up hip deep in it like her family.

  6. These characters are still waiting for a story, but it's coming, soon!

    Name: Jeffery Grant Duke

    Age: 20 in 2005

    DOB: June 23 1985

    Height : 6' 4"

    Eyes : Deep Blue

    Weight: 190lbs

    Vehicle: Blue Plymouth Fury, and if he's lucky the General Lee!

    CB Handle: Lost Sheep one (Taking over from his dad)

    Birthplace : Hazzard County GA

    Jeffery Grant Duke was born to Annabelle Duke and Lucas K. Duke in the spiring of 1985. Jeffery has dark hair like his parents and his father's blue eyes, like all his siblings do. He enjoys racing around Hazzard in his old Plymouth (a restored police cruiser, Thanks to Cooter). Like his father he is passionite about his father and doing what's right. He has a firey temper, but is easy to get along with. He routinly finds himself in sticky situations, especially is his cousin Bailey Duke is around.

    Jeff and Bailey have defiantly decided to start running moonshine, agianst their mother's wishes. They have not yet been caught, but something tells me that's about to change. Jeff is a good ol buy in every way, he's caring and fights the system, and is a big pain in his parents necks.

    Stephanie Lynn Duke

    Age: 13 in 2005

    DOB: April 13 1992

    Eyes: Deep Blue

    Hair: Brown

    CB Handle: Little Lady

    Birthplace: Atlanta (holiday)

    Stephanie Lynn Duke was born to Annabelle Lynn Duke and Lucas K. Duke on April 13 1992. She loves cars and dreams of owning her own dodge charger someday. As far as her apperance she is the female version of her father, her features striking but still femine.

    She enjoys teasing older boys about their cars, because she knows more about them than they do. After school she wanders over to the high school to wait for her brother Jeff, with her cousin Bailey. When Jeff finally finds her, she's ussually working under the hood of someones car.

    Stephanie is quick to like someone and makes friends easily. She is always eager to help her brother and cousins out of trouble. But often can't help because she finds her self responsible for her younger brothers, when her parents go off to help Jeff.

    Jesse Lucas and Kevin Beauregard Duke

    Age: 11

    DOB: Sept 22 1994

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Blue

    CB handle: Dr Jeckyl and Mr. hyde

    These identical twins were born to Annabelle Duke and Lucas Duke on sept 22 1994. They are blonde bombshells, like their uncle Bo. Which gets their mother her fair share of teasing. They are trouble makers, that's all I can say. They try hard to emulate their cousin Bailey, another trouble-maker.

    It is easy to tell that when the get older they're going to give Luke and Anna lots of headaches.

    Wiley Jon Duke

    Age: 2

    DOB: Sept 11 2003

    Hair: Brown


    CB Handle: Baby Duke

    Wiley Jon Duke was born to Anna and Luke Duke on Sept 11 2003. He is 9 years younger than the twins, and 18 years younger then Jeff, which makes the house hectic, to say the least.

    Wiley is as intelligent as two year olds get, he can talk and walk. He understands everything that goes on in the family, and somehow settles the peace when there is a dispute.

  7. Mabel ran as fast as she could, glancing over her shoulders checking for Hatcher. She stopped, huffing and puffing. She rested her hands on her knees taking deep breathes. She looked up, to the backend of a bright orange stock car. She stood up and collapsed onto the trunk still gasping for air. She hugged the car and said "I've never been so happy to see a car in my life! Now where are those Dukes? Huh General?" As if the car had answered her question she stood up and nodded. She smiled and jogged towards the old farm house.

    "Luke?? Bo? Where are ya? Jessi? Daisy? Are ya'll in here?" Mabel cried as she burst through the front door. Luke looked up, his blue eyes wide and his heart racing with fear and excitment. "Mabel!" He cried as he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes and took in a deep sigh, relieved to be in his arms again. They stood in the doorway holding each other for several long minutes. Daisy put her arm around Bo, sighing with releif. Jessi wiped a tear from her face, thankful Mabel was alright. Bo put an arm around both girls smiling as he watched his cousin.

    "Enos! You dipstick! Get out to the Duke farm!! That female deliquint has escaped!" Rosco shouted into the CB radio in his new squad car. "Yes Sheriff! I'm on my way!" Enos replied as he whipped his car one hundered and eighty degrees and tore off down mill pond road to the Duke farm. Rosco caught up quickly and followed Enos' car.

    Luke looked up, his sensitive ears catching a sound. "What's that?" Mabel looked up and asked, "What's what Luke?" Bo added, "Luke what on earth are you talking about?" "That." Jessi replied as she looked out the window to see the two police cars headed for them. She held back the curtian for all to see. "Great." Was all Bo could mutter.

    "Go around back. Don't let them get out." Rosoc instructed Enos when they got out of their cars. Enos nodded and snuck around the back of the house. Rosco knocked on the front door, "Hey Dukes! Are ya home?" He called trying to be polite. Rosco leaned on the door, listening for sounds of movement. Bo pulled the door open quickly, Rosco tumbled to the floor. "Oh sherriff! You poor thing let me help you up!" Daisy cried giving a wink to Luke. Luke nodded and took mabel by the hand, running for the back door. Daisy went to Rosco to help, Jessi stuck out her foot, tripping Daisy, pushing Rosco back down to the floor. Bo tried not to laugh.

    Balladeer " Those to girls sure can work a good shuck n' jive!

    "Hold it Luke!" Enos cried his gun pointed at Luke and Mabel. Luke rolled his eyes and held up his hands, "Alright, alright! Put that thing away Enos." "I'm sorry Luke, Miss Lynn. I'm just doing my duty." Luke nodded as Enos leaded then back into the house. Rosco was finishing dusting him self off and muttering something about obstructing justice. "Gosh Sherrif! Me and Jessi Mae are so sorry!" Daisy said sweetly smiling Rosco. He looked up at Enos and grinned, "Gyuk! Gyuk! Gyuk! Good work Enos! Let's get her out to the Boar's Nest. Luke stepped in front Rosco, preventing him from leaving the house, "Rosco," He started calmly, "If you take her to Boss Hatcher, he's gonna kill her." "Jit! Shoot Luke Duke, do ya think I believe ya?" Rosco laughed. "You should! It's the truth!" Bo shouted. Jessi put her hand on his shoulder, trying to relax him. "Sherrif, we wouldn't lie about something like this." Daisy cried. Rosco looked back and forth between all of the people standing around him, he stopped on Mabel. "Please Sherrif!" She pleaded, "It's the truth!! Don't make me go!!" She looked into the old Sherrif's eyes, tears filling her own. She was full of fear. Rosco raised an eyebrow as he thought about what he was being told, the tone in his voice more serious, "Shoot, Boss Hogg wouldn't give you to them fellers knowing that." "But Rosco, Boss doesn't know they want to kill her! He just knows he's gonna get fifty thousand dollars if he does!" Jessi cried. Enos' eyes got wide and his mouth opened slightly, he blinked, staring blankly at Daisy, looking for an answer. Daisy nodded, creasing her brow.

    Balladeer "Now I would believe them kids, wouldn't you?"

  8. I know! It pisses me off! I have the first four seasons but if I want to watch any shows from later on I'm going to have to wait. Now It's also not on as late in the west, 11pm but that's late enough, maybe we should mass petion email Casey Clark!! Hmmm? Complain to them, tell them that as fans of the show we are deeply dissapointed.

  9. Eww!! Sorry I can't stand Knoxville or Scott, they both give me the creeps! There kinda greasy and dirty, like you maybe don't wanna touch them. If you like em cool. But give me Wopat and Schneider anyday!

    And I love Luke's little wink, it's so sexy! It's subtle, that what makes it so hot. Aww girls couldn't ya just imagine Him looking at ya and giving you one of those winks! I think I'd faint!!!

  10. "No! No! Well....!" Boss started as he slumped down into his desk chair. Hatcher slammed his hands down on JD's desk, "Where is the girl Hogg?? If you want your money you'll get her here within the next hour!" He growled angrily. Boss Hogg nodded slowly and nervously as Hatcher and his associates left the office, strolling into the Boar's Nest. JD sat watching the door, wide-eyed. He was waiting for them to com back in. They didn't. He leapt up and reached for the CB radio, "Rosco! You got yer ears on?" He paused awaiting Rosco's response. "Yeah little fat buddy! I'm listening!" The Sherrif's voice crackled over the radio. "Rosco you move your hiney and find that girl....or my wife your fat sister is gonna move back in with you!!" Boss cried into the CB. Rosco gulped, " Ten-four good buddy! I'm gone!" "Good! And cut out that trucker CB jive!" "That little fat meadowmuffen!" Rosco mumbled to himself.

    Mabel drove up to an old barn, Hmmm... I wonder if they'd mind? She got out and pulled the doors open and drove the patrol car inside. Mabel closed the doors behind her as she left. "I have to get to the Duke farm!" She whispered to herself.

  11. Amanda Robson pulled her car up to the old farm house. She smiled to herself when she saw the white Charger parked out front. Amanda parked the red GTX and opened the door, climbing out. She couldn't help but smile to herself again.

    "Chet? Chet are you in here?" Amanda called as she opened the door with a creak. She peered around the front room, turning her head to the left. She shrugged and walked into the house. Where is that boy? She thought to herself. Amanda made her way around the house, peering into each room and calling Chet's name. She made her way out to the back door, walking down the dirt path to the barn. Amanda shivered as a cool breeze blew past her, she wrapped her arms around herself. That's odd. She thought as she gazed up at the tall trees above her, their leaves and branches were still. She shook her head and continued to the barn.

    The barn was dark and silent, the horses were all out to pasture for the night. Amanda hesitated at the door, squinting her eyes for a better look through the dim light in the isle af the barn. She had a uneasy feeling, she'd had the same feeling the first time she'd come into the barn, it made her uncomfortable. Everything in the pit of her stomach was telling her to run, turn around run back through the yard, through the house, out to her car, back down the road, and back to her own house and her bed, where she could pull the covers up over her head and never look back. But every feeling in heart told her to find Chet, who was still missing at his own home.

    Her heart won. When it came down to it Amanda's heart always won, especially when Chet was involved. Amanda swallowed loudly and step into the darkness of the barn. "Chet?" She whispered, "Chet are you in here??"

    She heard something stir to her left. Amanda whipped her head around to see what it was. She couldn't see anything. She moved closer to the wall, putting her hand on it, using it as a guide. Amanda could see the faint glow of a light from under a door a few feet ahead. The tack room. She moved quicker running her hand along the wall. Door was directly in front of her when she turned to her left. Amanda syuck her hand out and turned the door handle pushing the door open quickly. She hoped it was like a band-aid, the faster the better. Amanda jumped a little when she saw a figure standing before her.

    "Chet! What are you doing out here?" She gasped when she had realized who was there in front of her. Amanda looked up into Chet's face, he was pale and breathing heavier than normal. Amanda furrowed her brow in concern, "Are you alright? You look...." she paused, not wanting to say what she was thinking, "You look like your gonna be sick! What's wrong?"

    (well I hope this works for ya!! LOL tag you're it!!!)

  12. Flash!!!???? Isn't flash a girl?????? But anyway, I'd like to add to who I would choose. I would have a tough time deciding between the Duke boys, I like them both. Bo would be awesome, so much fun and he'd say things to make a girl giggle. But Luke is intelligent and more mature he'd say things that would make you melt. I don't know!!! :(

    They'd both be great!!! :D

  13. I'm sorry but I don't think John Schneider could ever outgrow being Bo Duke, it's a huge part of him. And he clearly still recignizes it, the man as over twenty General Lee's (or so I've been told) and if you watch the reunion BBQ on what is it season two, in the beginning his daughter drives the General up to the house, he leaps in like he would have twenty plus years ago. He must have been joking around, He still plays around like that, so I've noticed, he'll never grow up!! And PS the only reason I watch smallville is him!!!

  14. I remember John talking about this , sort of, he was talking about how he was only eighteen when the show started, and was supposed to be twenty-four. From that I always gathered that Luke was probably twenty-eight and daisy in the middle at twenty-six. But that's what I think. I'll I can say for sure is that Bo was supposed to be 24!! It's just another mystery left up to the imagination!

  15. "Okay let's go darlin'!" Rosco said coyly as he lead Mabel out to his patrol car. "I ain't gonna make this easy for you Sherrif, I know where yer taking me." She snapped back at the old Sherrif. Rosco opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Jit! You do?" Mabel stood on the sidewalk defiantly, "I ain't going with you!" She shook her head. "Get in there! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Mabel sighed and looked at Rosco pleadingly, "Will you as least take these off?" She held up her cuffed hands. Rosco sighed and took out his keys he unlocked the cuffs and took them fumbling with them and the keys, "Here, let me hold those keys while you put the cuffs away." Mabel said politly. Rosco handed her his keys and continue to fumble with his handcuffs, he looked down to see what he was doing. Mabel smiled to herself and slowly moved around the car to the driver's side, closing the door quietly. She leaned over and looked at Rosco through the passenger's window, "Bye Bye Sheriff!!" "Huh?" Rosco looked up as his car burned out away from him and through the square. His eyes opened wide when he realized what was going on, he pulled his gun out and ran into the street shouting, "Freeze! I see you! Jus freeze it!"

    "What Rosco hollering about now??" Cooter asked looking towards the door. "Why don't we go find out!" Luke smiled as he got up and walked out the door. Everyone followed, keen to find out what was going on. Luke noticed the abscense of his patrol car and called across the street, "Hey Rosco! Did ya lose something?"

    Mabel looked behind, checking to see if she was being followed, she could see Rosco madder than a bee stung bear flailing about in the street. She smiled and laughed to her self.

    "Well Hogg! Where's your goddamn Sherrif?" Hatcher yelled angrily. Boss Hogg swallowed hard, "He should have been here, lemme find out what happened." Boss Stood up from behind his desk and went to the CB radio, "Rosco you lugnut! Where are you?" "Uh Boss....bad news, bad news. I lost her." Rosco's voice replied a minute later. "What? How did you do that? Grrr Rosco!!! You dipstick!!" Boss yelled into the radio, "You get her back! Now, or you'll be the night rent-a-cop at Shorty's all-night rib shack on Mud River Road!" Rosco's voice came back again, "Uh, Boss? She's..ah...she's got my car." "Grrrr! You meadowmuffen!!!" Boss cries slamming it down. He turns back the Boss Hatcher and his men and smiles weakly. "Problem Hogg?"

  16. You know you're a Dukes fan when:

    1) All the alarm clocks in your house are set for the time DOH comes on

    2) You can whistle all 12 notes of "Dixie"

    3) You go outside your house and look at the street everytime you hear a siren

    4) You drive out to the country to look for old chargers just sitting around

    5) You know the words to all of Waylon Jennings songs

    6) You can correctly qoute from every episode

    7) You try to jump speed bumps in your car, or bike

    8) Imitate Rosco P. Coltrane when your excited, "I love it! I love it!"

    9) You quote Jesse Duke when your kids, or any kid you know gets outta line

    10) You drive through the back alleys trying to drift around the corners

    11) You name your car (mine's Gemini aka Betty)

    12) You routinly dream about Bo, Luke or Daisy or dream you are behind the wheel of the General Lee

    (Thanks Dan and Den for your help!!)

  17. Normaly I hate family guy, but the dukes episode sounds worthy of watching, I'd love to see the griffen boys in the general wagon hoodsliding and tearing up the roads!

    Mmmm... Maybe not cause it sounds like you already told me the funny parts, which were very funny by the way, thanks for making my day!!! :lol:

  18. I love the kiddie car idea! That's gonna be so cool, I wish I could have a Dukes themed party!! You decorate it up like Hazzard Square, when they have a big event there. And you need rebel flags, checkered flags and USA flags. Oh maybe it should be like a racetrack, and you should have relay races, and all the adults should dress up like sherrifs, or Boss Hogg or something. Too bad he's only five you could play pin the tail on the donkey with a Bow and arrows!! Oh well that's what came to mind right away, hope it helps!

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