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Posts posted by Canadian_Country_Cousin

  1. I think it's so ridiculous the things people come up with. The Rebal flag was a battle flag, what the hell does that have to do with the colour of people's skin? Some people need to get their heads outta there butts and worry about more important things, like feeding the world, giving homes and clean water to people who don't have it, taking care of your family and friends, those are the important things in life! Everyone picks on the pettiest things, Let it go!!! *shakes my head* Those people just don't know what their talking about!

  2. Now I don't know if I personally think Cooter was a good looking as Bo and Luke, but his personality sure shone. Cooter was sweet and caring, he was a gentleman. He was also funloving and CRAZY! I think is personality and his attitude towards life are what make Cooter hot!

  3. Rosco is the most hilarious character on the whole show. He says the greatest things, "we're in hot pursuit now!!" "What a horendous crash!" "Buckle up for safety Flash!" "Jit Jit I got you now!" " You scuffed my dog!" "Enos you dipstick!" "My little fat buddy!"

    He he he :lol: It makes me laugh. I like Rosco cause he's funny, and even though most of the time he's crookeder than a bird dog's hind legs, he still has a heart, and he might "hate the Dukes when Boss tells him to, but he's still a good friend to them. He's just making his way the only way he knows how too!

  4. Daisy :Uh oh. Lukes got that thinking look in his eyes again!

    Bo: Yeah an' right after he gets that look he goes *snap* I got let's go Bo! And I get in trouble!

    Luke: *snap* I got it! Let's go Bo!

    Bo: See what I mean?

    That was just a good quote from all of them!!! But I like the way Cathy delivered her line, it was just funny!

  5. "Hey Hutch! Ya spose we can get a cheap tune up in that joint?" Starsky asked nodding his head towards the Hazzard County Garage. Hutch just shrugged and replied, "Let's hope." Starsky took a long sip of coffee as he flipped through the pages of the Hazzard Gazette, "Where is that fella?"

    Luke shook his head stubbornly, "I ain't gonna meet with 'im! No way." Bo frowned and creased his brow in frustration. "Why not?" Luke looked up at Bo from the piece of fence he was mending. Luke stared at his cousin shooting lightning bolts at him, "We're not talking about this anymore."

    (more to come later, I can't think any more now!)

  6. The road runner the roadrunner!!! I like it better, it just seemed to suit Daisy, a yellow car. I made a model of it using a GTX kit , it is almost identical, I had to custome make the trim though. I also built a model of Dixie, but the kit was really poor quality, and there were things wrong with it. But I always liked the Roadrunner better!

  7. This is very true good buddy! I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone slide across the hood. (Which is zero excluding myself, the one time a tried ended with me lying in a spruce tree!)

    From what I remember there's only one time hoodslidin' for each Knoxville and Scott. And I agree with ya, they don't got! I'm thinking about "Daisy's Song" and the bots come flying out of the buiding, and Tom sails across the hood of the General! YEEEE-HAW!!! (and he also rips the antenna off the car at the same time) I just love those moments!!!

    I just don't see the "new" Dukes pulling off some of the stuff the "real" Dukes did!

    At least SWS took some time to learn how to drive the General Lee, he cam acctually pull reverse 180's!

    But Tom and John are still my heroes all the way to the end of the dirt road!!!

  8. "Whew-wey!" Cooter exclaimed as the to girls walked back into the garage. "So did ya find out anything?" Bo asked Daisy and Jessi. "Uncle Jesse? Does Luke like chicken and liverwerst sandwiches?" Daisy smiled."With a side of pickles?" Jess added. Jesse shook his head as he laughed. Cooter's eyebrows raised. "Uncle Mister Jesse Sir? What's so funny?" He asked. "Cooter," Bo started, "could you honestly see Luke eating a chicken and liverwerst sandwich?" Bo looked at Cooter with a smile. Cooter stared at him blankliy and shook his head, "uh uh." "That was Luke's message Cooter!" Jessi explained as Cooter shifted his blank gaze to her. Daisy rolled her eyes, "Cooter I'll explain it to ya later!" She stated.

    Luke looks up and listens intently to the floor above him. He can here three, no Four pairs of familar boots stomping across the floor. He can hear Rosco scampering about, with Flash's paws clicking on the floor as she follows him, and Enos hopping around behind them.

    "I got all the bail money right here Rosco! " Luke heard Jesse's voice as he came down the stairs. "Alright Jesse! Alright, don't rile yerself." Rosco grinned slyly as he came down the stairs. Bo was about to say something, but decided not to, seeing how he was still on the run and the sheriff had not noticed him. They walked into sight of Luke, but no one looked at him just yet, they were all still fussing about with paying the bail.

    "Unlock the cell Enos." Rosco said, extremely unhappy. "Yes sir sheriff." Enos replied as he gleefully unlocked Luke's cell. Daisy ran over and hugged her cousin. Luke smiled, glad to be free. The Dukes (and friends) walked back to Cooter's garage in a bunch, all chattering away.

    Balladeer" Well folks, now they've got Luke, Bo ain't been caught yet and that pretty little runaway is gettin' deeper into trouble by the minute.

  9. Luke leaned against the bars of their cell. He was thinking, how could they get outta here? "Luke." He heard Mabel's voice behind him. He turned around and looked at her, he smiled, "C'mere Honey!" He said holding his arms open. Mabel Jumped up and ran into Luke's arms. He held her tightly. "I'm so scared Luke!" She whispered. Luke kissed the top of her head and held her tighter, "Me too." He replied. Mabel paused, she looked up at Luke, staring deep into his blue eyes. "What do you have to be scared of?" she frowned, "I'm the one they're gonna kill." He looked into her eyes, and said, "That's what I'm afraid of." He stared at her for another moment, then kissed her.

    Rosco walked into the jail quietly. He looked at Mabel and Luke, still kissing. "Gyuk! Gyuk! Better make that one count! Knee! Cause it's yer last one for a long time. Jit... Gyuk!" he sputtered. Luke looked up, staring at Rosco. It was one of those, if looks could kill...

    "Rosco, what exactly is it that you want?" Luke asked angrily. "Knee! I'm gonna take that female deliquint away! Gyuk! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Rosco answered, with a grin on his face, "So you jus let her go Luke Duke! Yer about to become a very lonely man! Jit. Knee!"

    Rosco took his keys out of his pocket and fished around for the right one as he stepped towards the cell door. Luke, letting go of Mabel, stuck his hands out between the bars, "Here Rosco, lemme help ya with that, it's this little one right here." He helped Rosco fumble with his keys. "Oh thank ya Luke!" Rosco said as he put the key into the hole. He turned it and pulled the door open. Luke grabbed Mabel's hand and sprang out of the door at Rosco. "No thank you Sherrif!" He shouted. Luke led Mabel up the stairs and into the office, "C'mon!" He cried.

    "Okay jus freeze it there!" Rosco said from behind them. Luke put his hands in the air and turned around. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "We tried!"Mabel said turning to face Rosco. "Hush! Just hush!" Rosco shouted. "I'm cuffin' ya," he looked at Mabel, "An' I'm stuffin' ya!" He looked angrily at Luke.

    The General Lee pulled into Cooter's garage. The doors swung shut behind it. The engine was turned off. The tall blonde Duke slid out of the window and sat on the edge. He turned and rested his arms on the roof, covering the rebel flag. Jessica climbed out, Cooter took her under the arms and helped out. "What's this trouble Uncle Jesse?" Bo asked looking in Jesse's direction. "It's big trouble Bo!" Daisy said from the other direction. Jessica glanced at Jesse with a look of concern. "It seems that Hatcher fella knows Mabel is here." Cooter replied to her worried expression. "Thanks to JD!" Jesse added. Daisy continued, "I overheard Boss talkin' on the phone, he's gonna trade her for Fifty thousand dollars!" Jessica and Bo's mouth opened in disbelief. Did I hear her right? Bo thought. "Rosco's taking her out to the Boar's Nest today!" Jesse cried. Bo swung his legs out of the window, his old boots hit the floor. He walked to the door's and peered outside, Enos was cleaning plants, from the pond, out of the backseat of Rosco's car. "So how are we gonna Get her back?" Bo puzzled.

    Luke flopped down onto the dusty old cot. He lay looking at the cement ceiling of the cell. He sighed, what use I'm I now, locked up. I can't even help myself get a meal, He thought. Luke contiued to lay on his back, thinking. He had to get out of jail, now.

    "Hi Luke! I'm going over to the Busy Bee cafe. Can I get you anything?" Enos asked as he walked into the jail. Luke sat up he thought about it for a moment. "Sure Enos I'll have a Chicken and liverwerst sandwich, with a side of pickles!" He grinned slyly. Enos' face wrinkled in disgust. "Ok Luke! Whatever ya like!" Enos leaves the jail and heads off for the cafe. "I hope they get that message!" Luke says to himself. He sits back down, thinking about Mabel.

  10. What is your favorite movie of all time??

    I think mine is Smokey and the Bandit! The first one, the other two sucked! It's got everthing you could want!! Car chasing, comedy, love, Fred, good music and supossedly John Schneider!!! Tee Hee!

  11. He eventually lost the blue one too. In the fourth season he only wears the Yellow button up shirt, with the top buttons open. sexy!! I thought he looked really good in the red shirt in Daisy's Song. I wonder why they didn't have more outfits!?? Daisy had lots!! She was the only one who changed!? And I can't remember what episode but you can see and hear, as Bo jumps into the General, He rips his pants!!!! I'll try to figure out which one. Do ya'll know?

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