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Posts posted by countrygirl1986

  1. Thanks Daney!

    No I haven't seen the front page yet, but I am gonna go look now. The fireworks here kinda got rained out and we had a tornado warning, so I haven't been able to see any yet.

    For those of you wondering what a fife is, it's an instrumetn used in both the british and american armies during the American Revolution. It was also used in many wars before that as well as the war of 1812 all the way up to the Civil War. It was how the Armies would give their commands. Different songs meant different things. It told you when you could eat, when to get up, when to go to sleep, lights out, as well as to get ready for battle and retreat. Drums were used more than the fifes, but not by much. It's easier to hear the Fife and the Drum than to hear someone shouting in the midst of gunfire and cannon fire (trust me, i ain't kiddin' ya!). A fife and drum would be placed every quarter mile or so along the ranks.

    Here's a few odd facts for y'all being's its the American Independence Day.

    Taps wasn't always a funeral song. Orianally taps meant the drum beat given to wake the soldiers.

    Most people back in the day had no idea how to read sheet music. It was far too expensive to produce. Music books such as hymnals wouldn't have the notes in it, just the words. The only person who would have the sheet music, if lucky, would have been the organist. For instance that meant that Hymn Number 38 could be done to the music of.... let's say the old song Chester.

    The song Dixie wasn''t written by a southerner at all! Daniel Emmit was a northerner from OHIO, who wrote the song not too long before the civil war.

    Both sides played Dixie during the Civil War, as well as Battle Hymn of the republic.

    During Both the American Revolutionary war and the DCivil war, many songs had alternate versions and extra verses to reflect the times.

    IT is reported by many that Cornwallis's army played the "King Will Have His Own Again" (also known as the popuilar song, "World Turned Upside Down") while the Americans Reportedly played the Song "Yankee Doodle" (Which was originally written as a way to put the American's down by the British!) at Cornwalli's Surrender to George Washington.

    Washington LOST more battles than he won.

    Teh Battle of Bunker Hill wasn't really fought at Bunker Hill, but rather a nearby hill known as Breeds Hill.

    No Body Is really sure if there was actually any flags flown by the Americans at the Battle Of Bunker Hill.

    Now, if anyone's gonna be askin how I know all this stuff, in real life, I really do play an instrument called the fife. I also do some reinacting (Rare!) with it (Rev. War). I teach the Fife Non-Profit for a fife and Drum Corps in teh state of De.

  2. Whoo wee Tori, you's right, there is a lot of testosterone over here. *Pops chip in mouth* So you finished your story too? Kewl.

    You know, if those two weren't so busy flinging they's hormones ever'where, they'd probably be done with their stories too? Personally, I'm not gonna complain, and I don't think any of the others are gonna either cause we all gettin' a free show.

    If MaryAnne walked out in a skimpy outift right now holding a sign, it would give Brian a huge advantage, even if Alex does end up drooling all over the floor again. I doubt the poor guy could even pay attention to anything but.. I'd laugh myself silly. *Takes sip of rootbeer waiting for intermission to end*

  3. This is getting interesting *Shoves potato chip in mouth* Instead of putting Chet in the pound, why not let him have a go with the winner when they're all stitched up and ready for another round? Mufn and Maryanne could charge admission. *takes sip of rootbeer* And honest question: How the heck did everyone get from talking about Dog Collars, to talking about bears, to watching a couple of men fight like dogs (actually, i understand the dog fight, that's family honor there!)? I mean, honestly... although this dog fight would make a good round robin. :popcorn: Why didn't Mutt 1 and Mutt 2 take nad start it over there? *Shrugs and sits down next to MaryAnne, Mufn, and BL* This thread has honestly turned into a Brian Vrs Alex free for all.

  4. I ain't broke into nuttin'! I's innocent I's tell ya!

    Seriously though, I only suggested it cause guys, ya gotta agree with me on this one: Ya rag on one Coltrane, ya gotta rag on 'em both... in a nice way of course.

    Brian does have a point, that's one way to make MaryAnne look totally out of character.

    You know... Brian, instead of knocking the heck out of MaryAnne or waving a donut under her nose (one just wouldn't be nice and I doubt the donut would work, she'd probably smash it in your face if she went awol), Why not take that Dr. JEckyll one a step further where you have to find an antidote to save her while you're chasing her over hazzard trying to keep her from hurting herself?

    But seriously, Brian and Maryanne on a crime spree together would be hilarious.

  5. my that was a great idea cg! now we'll just have to see if the coltrane's will take the bait... i uh ... mean the suggestion, but how long do you think we'll be waiting on this if they got other stuff brewing?? though i have to admit maryanne is starting to move much faster then her counterpart. must be because she's better :p

    Well, we could con err... convince them into doing it on here somewhere under story ideas with a feed back page so we can all post to help with the different plot twists...

    I'd watch saying MaryAnne is better, you're about likely to get thumped as I am by Brian. Personally, I think they're both great writers. I think Brian has just had his hands full with other things.

  6. Oh I know that, but I can't picture MaryAnne dressed like Brian without falllin' over laughing unless it's a halloween gag!

    I know she's not innocent either. She's caused her own stir of trouble.

    But how often has she robbed a person? How often has she held up a store? HOw often has she beren willing to commit a crime for Boss HOgg like hold up his bank?

    How often has she gne on a true crime spree and had Rosco and Brian worrie sick about her due to it? How often has Brian actually had to play good guy by his own choice? Brian usually starts the ruckus's around here, why not give poor MaryAnne a chance and have Brian clean up her mess for once? Granted, she usually joins right in with the ruckus...

    OOO i got another one:

    Why not MaryAnne and Brian start out in the story as going on a crime spree together (Brian Liking this new side of MaryAnne) after MaryAnne hits her head and gets looked at by a doc, but things get too serious, and that's when he locks her up so a doc can look at her for a second time because of the sudden strange behavior starting to scare him?

    Ok, now if only one of those two coltrane cousins coulsd wack me over the head to get my mind to stop bein evil, I appreciate it, unless of course, they're actually enjoying this.

    OOO here's one that would tie the two ideas together for them!

    Maryanne hits her head causing a totally different personality to come out, or get ahold of some sort of chemical like in that eipsode Luke had a personality switch, and she goes on a massive crime spree, graffiti tagging the patrol cars, stealing Diablo, yanking reverse pins, robbing the stores and the Hazzard Bank, not to mention doing a few illegal jobs for Boss Hogg!

    But hold on, Enos and Cletus are sick, so the only law is Rosco and he's gonna need help, so he gets to con Brian into becoming a Deputy!Including a full deputies uniform (Or he could just pin a badge to his shirt so Brian doesn't kill me for these ideas... personally i'd like to see him wear a deputies uniform).

    I'm sorry... someone, please wack me over the head! I'm surprised Brian hasn't already, maybe MaryAnne too! Please someone hit me! My mind is stuck in over drive! I've already finished my submission for the Challange of the month and I started it the same day i Finished it! Help!

  7. yeah, but if brian ended up having to arrest himself, where would the fun be in that? Now what if Brian had to lock MaryAnne up?

    What if Brian had to haul MaryAnne into the jail and lock her up cause she refuses to see a doctor after hitting her head and she's acting strange (I mean, what could be stranger than MaryAnne dressed up like her cousin?), but the deputy breaks out before the doc can see her. That could be when she takes his car and goes on her own little 'crime wave'.

  8. I've got another one for you guys: Brian and MaryAnne switching personas.

    What if MaryAnne was the bad guy dressed in black with a leather jacket like brian's, and Brian suddenly walking out being a good guy?

    Or: MaryAnne hits her head or something and becomes like brian, steals his leather jacket and his car, and goes raising some hell, and i mean some hell! Maybe throw a bank hold up or a store hold up in there somewhere? Of course, it's up to brian to save his cousin cause let's face it, he has to get h is car back, rosco's worried out of his mind, and how often do you see brian without his jacket? AND as an added twist, brian has to use a patrol car or maryanne's car? actually... if you guys wanted tos tart that one as a round robin, i'm sure you'd get a might big amout of support trying to save the deputy.

    Sorry, i came up with an idea to put brian out of his element, had to do the same for poor maryanne.

  9. In responce to some comments made earlier: What about a shocking bark collar? Those are real nice for trainin' a dog not to bark. Or a regular training collar would work too. Just hit a button and zaaaaaaaaap. Nice shock... i made a loud noise while handling one of the bark collars and wow did I learn my lesson.:-o:oops:

  10. Hey Hilery Davenport, I've missed you around Hazzard you know these guys keeps there eyes of me. I always got Luke checking into what I'm doing, it's like he don't trust me anymore.


    You can call me Scoot, Hil, or Hilery. I also have another Character named Lex, but you won't be seein' her around hnet much. She's gonna be more in anohter realm of Hazzard.

    And Julie, what does that last post you did have to do with anything? Please, try to make sure that the posts have something do with the thread, otherwise, it just palin confuses me, cause I have almost no idea what you're talking about. I don't want to see you end up gettin' ignored cause that is no fun.

  11. Gee, I know who could use one... least so i stay safe. Brian. He's gonna hit hte roof when he sees that idea i posted over in story ideas for him and MaryAnne.

    Alex, you could use one too with the way you run your yap LoL. Could possibly use a fleedip too. What'd you do, go rollin' in the swamp? Maybe Mufn could spray you down with the hose later on.

  12. MaryAnne, Brian,

    I got a story Idea for y'all *Smiles innocently* It's for the Kin Series.

    Ok, let me say this first off, this was a product of my evil mind while I was asleep last night. Once I tell y'all what it is, Brian will indeed think my mind evil. I can almost guarentee it.

    *takes a deep breath* Basically here it is: Enos and Cletus get sick with the flu and are going to be out of work for like, oh, two weeks. Poor MaryAnne and Rosco are the only Law Enforcement Hazzard has. Something happens, I don't care what, and they get the fun of conning poor Brian into a deputies uniform for the two weeks that Enos and Cletus are sick. I know it doesn't work too well with Brian being a Hazzard Bad Guy, with a criminal record, but Bo and Luke were deptues in one episode.

    Anyway, Not only has something happened, Boss is blaming the Dukes. Poor brian gets to chase them around the county getting a dose of what Rosco gets every day, including the dip in the hazzard carwash.

    Y'all can work it how ever you want from there. Be careful, it might just turn into a Challange from an author to the Hazzard Administrators!

    Now, if y'all don't mind, I think i'm gonna go run and hide from Brian for a while.

    Hopefully, I can get some support out of my fellow authors to get these two to write something like this. Anyone out there wanna back me up? It'd be a good laugh!

  13. Might a crazy Davenport post for a second here?

    Y'all are CRAZY! and ya know what? I've missed it. Sorry i've not been posting muh lately, but i've been trying my darndest to catch up. Being gone for two years makes it take longer than two months just to catch up.

    Now I can see Brian in a Collar seein' how he likes to lady chase like the duke boys, and is a bad, naughty, outlaw boy, but brian, I can't see your poor cousin MaryAnne in one. Rosco on the other hand... Boss has had him on a leash for years! *laughs siting down on a desk in the booking room*

    I have an idea, how about MaryAnne waves a magic wand and turns Brian into a dog for the next month. I doubt anyone would even notice because he's already a dawg if ya know what i mean. *Raises eyebrows* Ya know, until now i was compltely stumped as to how I could work a story like this to be good and make it interesting without being risque, but i think i just gave myself an idea. I love it when i do that!

    TUrn a character into a dog... with some help of a little creative magic of course.

    *ponders for a second* uh, why am i sudddenly glad I've never gotten in trouble with the deputy around here? *looks around* And why am I suddenly glad i haven't chased after brian coltrane or his buddy alex? (I read some of the other pages, but not all, i woulda died laughing before i got to the last page)

    Also, another thing that would be hilarious, what if brian started another round robin in which he could raise hell in... without getting in too much trouble with his *clears throat* fellow deputies. *ducks and runs, hiding behind mufn and maryanne, second thingks it, and hides behind someone else*

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