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Posts posted by Lukas_KD

  1. In general, the episodes you see in CMT, or that used to be on TNN, were shorter because some scenes and pieces of scenes were cut out to make room for more commercials. Modern shows often have shorter episodes by design for just that purpose. So yes, you'll see things on the DVDs you don't see on TV. But no, One-Armed Bandits never was a two-hour ep. To my remembrance, there were only three - Carnival Of Thrills, Ten-Million-Dollar Sheriff, and Undercover Dukes.

  2. Ditto. The writing was actually pretty good when looked at objectively, and the "new cousins" weren't truly horrible... not our boys, but not horrible characters for the most part. There was definitely some overacting at first but they seemed to grow out of it (at least Coy did.... lol). If someone wanted to, there could probably be some good story written around those two, backstory and the like. For example, Vance always struck me, for some reason, as being Duke-blood but maybe Northern-born? Like he was used to more gentility... more money maybe... kinda (very) out of place in the backwoods? And Coy's just a lovable kid... lol. I think if the show had focused more on the things that made them unique - their own strengths and weaknesses - instead of trying to make them like Luke and Bo, they wouldn't have been half bad.

    Their story could fit with the rest of the series if you wanted it to. After all, it was never said that Jesse raised those two... just that they were family. The Hazzard trio of cousin/siblings stays intact... believeable enough if you can get past the first "wait a minute!" reaction, lol.

  3. You're right... even the robot one was funny, in a silly way. And the alien one, while strange, has some good points - what I recall strongly from the ep, and it's been awhile, was some wonderful night photography and some great family interaction... picking crabapples and the like. Very seasonal, very realistic for small-town folk in the fall...

    I don't truly hate any of the Duke eps, even the Coy and Vance ones. I just have those I don't like as much.

  4. 34 in Atlanta? The Gunfighter? Dang, I've never even heard of those. Sound interesting, I'd like to. I've heard a handful of his music. My favorites are "In The Driver's Seat" and "The Last Thing I Needed".

    Tom had and has some great music too. I have a collection of favorites from him.

  5. That's actually a hard one. The first season has great music and Georgia feel, I have particular favorite episodes from all the seasons... but in the end, the one that won is the sixth. The reason is because after the boys came back, there were some great stories - more drama, a little more of life, family-and-friends and not just action. Where they got in tougher situations, dealt with deeper hurts and joys... (Okay, so there were a couple silly ones too, but you have to admit some were among the best story-writing in the series.)

    Also I noticed the music took a turn here that it kept through the seventh season, one that I liked. There was still lively bluegrass, but for the more serious scenes there were some great new kinds of cues too. Guitar or piano for softer scenes, an almost country-rock touch for hard action... etc.

  6. Actually, I believe it was something of a difference between Georgia vs California legal drinking ages, as those used to actually differ state to state. Rather like legal driving ages. In Georgia, where the first eps were and the series was set, the legal age was 18 at the time. In CA, as far as I know it's been 21 for a long time.

    Although I don't know anything about alcohol censoring on TV, it's a possibility but I doubt it because others drank real beer on the show. And also around the same time as Dukes started, there's a humorous true-tale about the cast of Starsky & Hutch getting thoroughly drunk on champagne during a party in the final ep that had so many takes that they all were eventually laughing themselves silly in RL as well as the show! LOL!

  7. Welcome, Eleonora! That's a pretty name; nice to meet you. Yeah, it is better in English, isn't it? No, I don't say that because it's my own native language, lol... just that from other-language transcripts and the like, some of the witty comments, jokes, and such seem lost in the translation.

  8. It didn't stand for hatred. It stood for freedom and pride. Its meaning has been rather twisted by time, but most especially by being adopted in much more recent times by various anti-social-type groups. Originally, it had nothing to do with what many people now make it to be. Even, honestly, as recently as when the Dukes started on TV.

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