If you go to Denver Pyle's section in the Cast and Characters forum you can find what I typed. It was Beverly Hillbillies....but Jesse did it first....long before 1979.
You are definitely a great addition to the HazzardNet. Thanks again for joining. I always used to joke that Jesse Duke invented ethanol in 1979 but then I saw something older where they put moonshine in the gas tank. It might have been the Andy Griffith Show. I think I posted it here on the HN but my memory isn't what it used to be.
Thank you! I find it quite fun coming up with little back/side stories to the show. Cause the show leaves a lot to the viewers imagination on what could have happened before and after an episode aired. For instance like in "High Octane" I'm gonna say Uncle Jesse absolutely won that alternative to fossil fuels contest. Seeing how we have ethanol added to fuels and even E85. But somehow he could have been cheated from the royalties. Maybe a minor tweak in the formula so they could keep all the profits to themselves.
Just interesting things like that haha