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(Season 2 Will the Real Mr. Howell Please Stand Up)

Mr. Howell:(speaking about the imposter back in civilization.)"49 girls on a yacht and I'm playing Santa Claus. Why couldn't I be The impostor spending his money ?!?"


(Season 1 New Neighbor Sam)

Gilligan/Skipper:(Singing to Sam the Parrot)"A Rockabye birdy in the treetop, your mom was a Parrot and so was your pop, why don't you tell us what we want to know?  The minute you do Sam, we'll let you goooooo ...."


(Season 1 The Sound of Quacking)

Skipper:"Good morning, Mary Ann." Mary Ann:"Good morning, Skipper." Skipper:"And how are you this morning?" Mary Ann:"Just fine." Skipper:"You know what I'd love to have for breakfast?" Mary Ann:"What?" Skipper:"Some nice soft scrambled eggs and a nice thick slice of tinned ham." Mary Ann:"So would I. But all you're gonna get is mackerel and sliced banana." Skipper:"Mackerel and sliced bananas? That sounds awful." Mary Ann:"Probably will be."


Gilligan:"I made that decoy out of an old shoe with feathers on it! How does it look?" Skipper:"Like an old shoe with feathers on it!" Gilligan:"It's very good looking." The duck decoy/shoe sinks because it has a hole in it. Gilligan:"I forgot I had a hole in my shoe!"

Skipper:"You forgot you had a hole in your head!"




(Season 1 New Neighbor, Sam)

The Parrot:"Sam Wants a Cracker, Sam Wants a Cracker, Sam Wants a Cracker." The Skipper:"Gilligan Your Parrot Wants Another Cracker. Gilligan:"Skipper I've Already Given Him 15 ." The Skipper:"Well You Better Make it 16 or We Won't Get Any Sleep. Gilligan Before You Get Back in Your Hammock that Bird's Going to Want Another Cracker, Why Don't You Give Him The Whole Box ?." Gilligan:"You're a Smart Man Skipper." The Skipper:"Of Course I am." ... Gilligan:"That Should Keep Him Quiet for Awhile." The Skipper:"Of Course it Will that's Why I'm The Skipper I Can Solve The Problem as They Come Up." Gilligan:"What Else Could He Want ?." The Parrot:"Sam Wants a Drink of Water, Sam Wants a Drink of Water, Sam Wants a Drink of Water..."


(Season 3 Gilligan the Goddess)

King Kiliwani:"Already Found Two, Problem is Only They Run." Mr. Howell to King Kiliwani:"Oh You Mean Ginger and Mary Ann ?, If One of Them is The White Goddess Will You Rescue Us ?." King Kiliwani:"Ah hah!"


(Season 1 Goodbye, Island)

Skipper:"I know I Spout Off At You and Try to Do Your Best that's What's Important Now What was it You Were Trying to Me ?." Gilligan:"You're Sitting On a Paintbrush Filled with Glue. Look at The Brightside." Skipper:"The Brightside ?." Gilligan:"Nobody Can Pull The Chair Underneath You." Skipper:"You Done It Again !..."


The Heritage Auctions Bob Denver really was a Bob Denver from the show. His stunt double and the Robot Bob Darcy said so. It was a hat Darcy kept when the show ended. Not sure about the Alan Hale being Rescue and Alf because it was a Quarter Maker Master hat and Rescue and Alf was a Midway Cap Co. hat. I think the Heritage Auctions Alan Hale was a hat Mr. Hale wore around the Lobster Barrel restaurant.


(Season 2 Agonized Labor)

Gilligan:"Mr. Howell, we heard late last night on the radio that the Howell Industries are completely wiped out, and you're flat broke! I'm glad that's over. You wanna go fishing Skipper?" Skipper:"Do I wanna go fishing!? Ooop!"

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