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Last night I was sittin' and thinkin' and dreamt up an idea fer th' ultimate Dukes game.

With Grand Theft Auto an' Spidey 2 out on th' market, there's a whole lot that can be done to make th' show 100% interactive. What I mean is, have free range o' Hazzard county (not just elaborate set-up levels) an possibly play through th' main plot points of every episode. Of course th' General would be th' main car, but Bo an' Luke could steal other cars, get into fights, use their bows an' arrows, etc.

Maybe there could be things to collect, li'l side-missions like workin' fer Boss Hogg or helpin' th' Mobile Madame escape th' law, or even bein' deputized ta pick up convicts in other counties. Like I said, make th' show 100% interactive...which ONLY gives you 147 different mission possibilities.

Also, could be a couple levels where we relive Jesse's moonshinin' days. He'd have his old Black Tilly an' Hazzard would look exactly th' same except in black an' white.

Dunno, think that'd kick ass.


Here's somethin' I left out;

As I implied, ya don't only use th' Dukes in th' General like th' other games, ya could use th' Dukes THEMSELVES. It'd be like a one-player cooperative thing, where one Duke'd be an AI an' ya could switch between 'em. Each one'd have certain talents fer certain things which meant both'd get used equally an' so forth. Like Bo'd be th' better driver while Luke's th' better fighter.

I'd like ta see this kinda game too. Maybe if we made some noise we could get 'em to make a decent Dukes game.

  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

ok here is the update for here at least I talked to ratbag buy they have been bought out by midway games yall prob know them for the Moral Kombat games or the suffering I have sent an email to midway pleading our case to them about we all want a new dukes game soon if you eould like to know the rest I will post the update to yall when I get it

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