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Guess this will be the start of the General Lee car bans @ Car Shows

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I see Fox News headed it "Crazy Video" (although they could probably put that on most of their videos). The ranting woman seemed to assume she was speaking for everyone of her color, despite the fact that at least one of the people she ranted at disproved this.


To mix up a few quotes I found on the Internet, everyone has the right to be offended, no one has the right never to be offended, and just because you are offended doesn't make you right.


One last thing - unless you're only sharing your video by letting other people view it on your phone, turn your **** phone around and film in landscape - you know, like TVs and cinemas.


We have a group of folks in America called "Progressives".  They expect everybody to conform to their ways. If they think a subject is politically correct, even though it didn't used to be, they expect everyone to change and agree with them but they think they never have to change. I know a lot of rednecks and I don't know a single one who likes the Confederate Flag because of racism. The all like it because it represents the good things about Southern culture. The flag may or may not have represented something bad in the past. If we give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it did they should give us the benefit of the doubt and assume the meaning has changed. But they only want us to accept the change they approve of not the good change others cling to. The are self centered and don't have a clue that the flag represents good to some people. They want to destroy that goodness and only focus on the very small minority of people like mass murderer Dylan Roof who used it for evil. You can take anything good and make it bad. Progressives wouldn't like it if a person with an Obama shirt on did something bad and a conservative said that was proof all Obama supporters are bad. That is stereotyping and anybody who has been victimized by stereotyping knows it is wrong. Progressives are always embracing change. It's time they embrace the fact that rednecks have turned a flag into something good. If they think it used to be bad they should be happy that it isn't any longer.

Posted (edited)

Only takes one person to ruin a symbol. Look what Hitler did to the Swastika. At a local Native American PowWow a few years ago someone had one sewed onto their dancing costume and it became the talk of the whole weekend, so much so that the head promoter had to repeatedly tell the audience that this version of the swastika had no Nazi or offensive meaning.

Edited by Spike



A little more on the swastika from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website:


The swastika has an extensive history. It was used at least 5,000 years before Adolf Hitler designed the Nazi flag. The word swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika, which means “good fortune” or “well-being." The motif (a hooked cross) appears to have first been used in Neolithic Eurasia, perhaps representing the movement of the sun through the sky. To this day it is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Odinism. It is a common sight on temples or houses in India or Indonesia. Swastikas also have an ancient history in Europe, appearing on artifacts from pre-Christian European cultures.


It's a shame one moron can take a symbol and ruin it for everyone.  The Confederate Battle flag is just that, the flag the troops took into battle.  It's not the flag of the south as a lot of people refer to it.  As Roger Duke said, these progressives or what ever they are called aren't open minded at all.  It's their way or no way.  The General Lee was a car on a nice TV show that always had the Duke family come out on top as wholesome, kind and accepting of others.  But there's the battle flag on the car so the whole show must be bad!  I watch Hogan's Heroes and there are multiple swastikas in every episode yet somehow that's not offensive at all.  I don't get it. 




I also watch Hogan's Heroes. I think the difference there is that the Nazis are portrayed as the bad guys, and are always the butt of the joke. Of course, the flag was ridiculed in the 2005 Dukes movie, but the less said about that the better.

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