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Hi! I'm Joe! I have been a Dukes fan since I was 6! I still watch it to this day on CMT! I am currently modeling Hazzard County (The Burbank California Set) on my HO scale Model Railroad layout. It is coming out okay but it's a bit hard with limited space to model it accurately and considering the rarity of the buildings. I am currently working on the Hazzard Square. I'd like to thank HossC for his picture posts of Hazzard County because those are amazing a great help for modeling my layout! I own a Dodge Ramcharger. I have a 01 on both doors. And I have the Dixie flag on it I plan on adding the Dixie horn. Fiamm trumpets with a Wolo compressor. That's pretty much it!


I appreciate all the Welcomes all!!

MaryAnne Once the scale model gets a little further along I will be sure post some photos!:D

HossC Thank you very much, those are great references for my model! I will be sure to let you know when I need the artwork.

TRPColtrane95 Thanks and I sure will!

Welcome Monster01, I also hope photos of his model and also hazzard square of RAM CHARGER 01, a hug.

Bienvenido Monster01, yo tambien espero fotos de su maqueta de plaza de hazzard y tambien de su RAM CHARGER 01, un abrazo.

Gracias por el bienvenido! Puede que puedo poner fotos de mi Ramcharger y del Hazzard square cuando termine con el. Gracias otra vez!

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