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Hmmm, I never saw the "Blues Brothers".

What's that thing on the roof?

It looks like someone done went and stole the Liberty Bell.

Tut-tut Roger, you really should watch it. There's comedy, car chases and great music. Imagine if Rosco's Celebrity Speed Trap was used to catch some of the best soul and blues musicians and they were put into a movie - there's James Brown, Aretha Franklin, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, I could go on. There's also one of my favorite movie lines at 'Bob's County Bunker':

To answer your question, "that thing on the roof" is a speaker that they took from a high pole at a kids' playground:


They rigged up a microphone:


And went up north "to put the word on the streets":


I also Photoshopped the speaker onto The General for a Blues Brothers parody in another thread a few months back.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've put these cars together because they're very similar. Both are 1975/6 Dodge Coronets with two-tone white over brown paint, both have the squarer style lightbar, both have color-coded wheels and both use the Hazzard-style 6-pointed "County Sheriff" star. Now the differences:

The top one is the Sweetwater patrol car as seen in 'The Ghost of General Lee'. It has blue lenses on both sides of its lightbar and gray or black spotlights on the A-pillars. Under the star on the door is simply the word "Sheriff" - it doesn't mention Sweetwater anywhere. I wonder whether the "Sheriff" sign is one of the fender signs from a Hazzard car.

The lower one is the Choctaw car from 'Double Sting' as driven by Sheriff Ragsdale. It has the more usual red/blue lightbar and an aerial on the roof instead of the trunk. The words "Choctaw County Sheriff" appear under the star. I've deliberately made the background of this sign brighter because that's the way it appeared to me.


  • 2 months later...

Seeing as The Patrol Cars In Pictures thread has grown to accommodate security and government cars I thought I'd include some here. To do this I needed a new vehicle template, namely an AMC Matador. It's not quite as detailed as the Furys, and I've only done the side view because there's nothing of note anywhere else. They are also from different years, so I'd have to do three different front and rear ends, whereas the side stays virtually the same. The last one should actually be an Ambassador, but scarcity of good photos, coupled with the fact it only appeared for a few seconds deterred me from doing a separate outline.

The cars are:

1971 AMC Matador Tri-Counties Bonding Company car from 'Money to Burn'.

1972 AMC Matador US Marshall [sic] car from 'Along Came a Duke'.

1973 AMC Ambassador State Revenue Service car from 'Sadie Hogg Day'.

I've also included larger versions of the doors to show the logos better. The last comes complete with badly repainted sections just as it appeared in the show :). I didn't include the 1972 Matador belonging to Colonial City (from 'The Hack of Hazzard') because I couldn't get a good enough view of the logo to reproduce it.


  • 1 month later...

FYI, this thread has been cleaned of images from jake01 because he appears to have deleted them from his photobucket account, so they no longer show. His "What If Cars" thread has been deleted for the same reason. Also, he (or someone accessing his account) has left messages saying he has been banned for being a thief. Nobody at HazzardNet has banned him for anything and nobody has accused him of theft. However, if accusations or behavior like that continues, we WILL ban him. Just wanted to set the record straight.


Here's Springville County's 1973 Dodge Polaras from 'Deputy Dukes'. They look very similar to NYPD cars of the time, so may either have been ex-NYPD cars or used as NYPD cars in another TV show/movie (I couldn't find anything obvious on imcdb.org). Both cars were a bit tatty, with some red marks on one and a couple of white patches on the other. One also had a broken rear side marker. I have tidied them up. For some reason one car had white wheels while the other had blue, and both seem to have late '60s Plymouth "dog dish" hubcaps.


Nice I love those cars and that paint scheme, this is one of those counties that never goes in pursuit and never get damgaged.
I couldn't edit my post easy, sorry for quoting this, I did notice the red marks from the remaining decals one had on and what I have thought was, maybe they were on a lack of time to clear that and have both cars having different wheel colors, I noticed a rim color mistake on Sweetwater on the passenger rear wheel when it crashed into Rosco's car.
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I recently found better reference pictures for the center of the 'Reunion' patrol car badge, and promised to do a Fan Art version of it, so here it is. We've seen the 1977/78 Dodge Monacos in Hazzard livery before, but this one has a few changes. As well as the new badge, it also has A-pillar spotlights and new-style license plates on the front and back. You can see a bit more about the new badge here.



Sure is akward for Hazzard to have spotlights on their cars than when they haven't on the tv show. You planning to do the one from Happy Birthday General Lee and the black and white State Police car?

  • 8 months later...

Hoss, I see you've made a Plymouth Fury in Hazzard style and a Dodge Monaco In 1997 Hazzard style.

I know it isn't much different but how about a dodge Monaco in the TV series version? I know I've seen it before and liked it much more then the Fury's used on the show.

Hoss, I see you've made a Plymouth Fury in Hazzard style and a Dodge Monaco In 1997 Hazzard style.

I know it isn't much different but how about a dodge Monaco in the TV series version? I know I've seen it before and liked it much more then the Fury's used on the show.

How's this? I've done a new version of the Confederate flag license plate on the front and changed the rear one to match Enos' or Cletus' patrol car.



Awesome work Hoss! When I look at the front I fell like i'm seeing a quality 3d model. Though I think there is one thing incorrect about this version, If my memory servers me right all Police Dodge Monaco's on the show had a white or chrome trim on the side while some Plymouth fury's had no trim there.

The new confederate flag looks very good. also the lightbar and the rear license plate looks amazing.

Keep up the good work. :tup:

Awesome work Hoss! When I look at the front I fell like i'm seeing a quality 3d model. Though I think there is one thing incorrect about this version, If my memory servers me right all Police Dodge Monaco's on the show had a white or chrome trim on the side while some Plymouth fury's had no trim there.

I've only checked 'Gold Fever', but it looks like you're right. In that episode the patrol cars have side trim which appears to have been painted white (it may look like chrome here because I did my original artwork with a black outline around the trim).



It nice to see the TV show Monacos that were used in the fan art. My question is about the Osage County patrol car, did they used the bumper from the 77 Furys that was destroyed and put it on the car, cuase a lot of scenes it had a bumper with turn signals on them and 2 or 3 scenes it didn't which I know they took one of the Chickasaw County patrol cars and changed it. It confused me and I thought the bumper was a different option for the 76 model.

  • 4 years later...
On 8/4/2012 at 6:54 AM, HossC said:

Here's Springville County's 1973 Dodge Polaras from 'Deputy Dukes'. They look very similar to NYPD cars of the time, so may either have been ex-NYPD cars or used as NYPD cars in another TV show/movie (I couldn't find anything obvious on imcdb.org). Both cars were a bit tatty, with some red marks on one and a couple of white patches on the other. One also had a broken rear side marker. I have tidied them up. For some reason one car had white wheels while the other had blue, and both seem to have late '60s Plymouth "dog dish" hubcaps.


The NYPD never did really use the 1973 Dodge Polara, but they did use the Plymouth Fury back in 1973.


Meanwhile their main cars from 1976 to 1977 were: Pontiac’s LeMans (1976 model) and Catalina (same body as the 1975 Chevy Bel Air) and Plymouth’s Fury (round headlights version and the rectangular ones. [those have 6-slot wheels]) 

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