Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Swallows hard a second after my options are given, tries not to show any expression at all, but my face pals. Grasps the bars with my hand cuffed hands and lowers my eyes feeling my heart clench.* And if I dont choose? Ya gonna kill me?No. That would end your sufferin' too easy. It's better that you live, to wonder whatevah became of them all. Knowin' that you, and your fool antics, jepordized everythang and everybody you evah cared about. *heat of anger simmering in dark eyes* This is the price of your reign, oh "Lord of the Outlaws." From heah out, every livin', breathin' moment of yours will be cursed with the memory of this day.
Cowboy Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Lets go of the bars my hands tremble, shaking as I make tight fists out of them.* I never wish to see or hear from Garrett again... *Venom in my ton, makes no eye contact now turning away.* ... he is NO brother of mine, I have no brothers.. I have no sisters. But he is a human life...Blaze is a horse and no horse's life is worth any mans. *Swallows hard and sits down with my back against the wall, lowers my head in my hands. I have just sentenced my very best friend to death, Blaze, innocent and young, he will pay for what I have done.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Lets go of the bars my hands tremble, shaking as I make tight fists out of them.* I never wish to see or hear from Garrett again... *Venom in my ton, makes no eye contact now turning away.* ... he is NO brother of mine, I have no brothers.. I have no sisters. But he is a human life...Blaze is a horse and no horse's life is worth any mans. *Swallows hard and sits down with my back against the wall, lowers my head in my hands. I have just sentenced my very best friend to death, Blaze, innocent and young, he will pay for what I have done.**listens with no outward show of emotion, no surprise shown. Says only...*Ah'm sure Garrett will be gratified, by yer overwhelmin' sacrifice. *with this, turns away, and heads for the stairs, not adding any further taunts or threats....not sticking around to gloat, or to hear pleas*Goodbye, Chet Duke.
Cowboy Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 LET ME OUT OF HERE DAMNIT! *Snaps loudly. Suspecting that there will be no reply, sits down quickly and unbuckles the spur on my left boot and yanks it off. Snakes my arms between the bars and works the spurs rowel and shank into the lock roughly.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 LET ME OUT OF HERE DAMNIT! *Snaps loudly. Suspecting that there will be no reply, sits down quickly and unbuckles the spur on my left boot and yanks it off. Snakes my arms between the bars and works the spurs rowel and shank into the lock roughly.**heads upstairs, not responding to Chet's yelling. Left arm is pressed snugly to ribs, keeping the jarring sensation with each step to a minimum. Quietly exits the booking room, and walks down the hall to the outer doors of the courthouse. Pushes them open and heads outside, heading down the sidewalk towards Diablo.**upon reaching the passenger side of the parked Chevy, opens the door, motioning for Garrett to get out*S' over. You're free to go, Garrett.
Cowboy Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Jams and turns the spur in the lock, fighting it with every ounce of my might. Rattles it and grinds it in the key hole. After only afew moments, to my relief the lock either breaks or releases. Yanks the cell door open and hits the stairs at a run. Pauses in the booking room to dig through the draws for my belongings, stuffing them into my pockets and grabbing my coat. Runs down the hall and out the main doors, hell bent.*
MaryAnne Posted March 8, 2010 Author Posted March 8, 2010 *Jams and turns the spur in the lock, fighting it with every ounce of my might. Rattles it and grinds it in the key hole. After only afew moments, to my relief the lock either breaks or releases. Yanks the cell door open and hits the stairs at a run. Pauses in the booking room to dig through the draws for my belongings, stuffing them into my pockets and grabbing my coat. Runs down the hall and out the main doors, hell bent.**Outside the courthouse, one deputy sans badge, watches from behind the bushes as Brian talks to Garrett. A few moments later, Chet comes barrelling out of the courthouse.**Having figured on both Brian and Chet leaving the courthouse, maybe not necessarily together, MaryAnne hadn't left town. Maybe she'd given up her badge, but she couldn't completely give up the fight.**Seeing Chet come hell bent out of the building, MaryAnne grabbed for the tranquilzer gun, already loaded with a dart. She suddenly sprung up from behind the bushes and squeeze off a shot, hitting Chet Duke in his lower back, sending him sprawling down onto the sidewalk*(and at this point of the program, I have to go. LOL)
Garrett Duke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *heads upstairs, not responding to Chet's yelling. Left arm is pressed snugly to ribs, keeping the jarring sensation with each step to a minimum. Quietly exits the booking room, and walks down the hall to the outer doors of the courthouse. Pushes them open and heads outside, heading down the sidewalk towards Diablo.**upon reaching the passenger side of the parked Chevy, opens the door, motioning for Garrett to get out*S' over. You're free to go, Garrett.*Glances questionably up at Brian before slowly climbing out of the car* It's over. Just like that? *takes a step back from Brian* Somehow I doubt it being that easy. . .
Garrett Duke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Outside the courthouse, one deputy sans badge, watches from behind the bushes as Brian talks to Garrett. A few moments later, Chet comes barrelling out of the courthouse.**Having figured on both Brian and Chet leaving the courthouse, maybe not necessarily together, MaryAnne hadn't left town. Maybe she'd given up her badge, but she couldn't completely give up the fight.**Seeing Chet come hell bent out of the building, MaryAnne grabbed for the tranquilzer gun, already loaded with a dart. She suddenly sprung up from behind the bushes and squeeze off a shot, hitting Chet Duke in his lower back, sending him sprawling down onto the sidewalk*(and at this point of the program, I have to go. LOL)*Quickly am distracted from converstation with Brian as Chet runs out of the court house and MaryAnne jumping out ot of the bushes to shoot Chet with something.* No! *Hear myself yell before realizing it was myself before eyeing Brian and then MaryAnne for a long moment and then walk over rushedly to Chet.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Quickly am distracted from converstation with Brian as Chet runs out of the court house and MaryAnne jumping out ot of the bushes to shoot Chet with something.* No! *Hear myself yell before realizing it was myself before eyeing Brian and then MaryAnne for a long moment and then walk over rushedly to Chet.**follows Garrett, not having heard a shot fired, but definately seeing Chet splayed out on the ground. Once at the side of the fallen enemy, sees the telltale dart, long and narrow, sticking from Chet's back*Ah'll be danged. A tranquilizer. *kneels down, wincing a little with the motion, and checks for a pulse* Don't worry, Garrett. He's alive. (with MaryAnne unable to post again till tomorrow, but Garrett's schedule being a bit later than hers, we'll work this a bit but pause where appropriate)
Cowboy Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Lays sprawled at the bottom of the steps on the side walk, unconscious. A drop of blood runs from my brow from the fall down the concrete steps. My sides rise and fall quickly with heavy breathes even in unconsciousness.*
AlexJackson Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *follows Daniel outside the cabin, watches as he climbs up onto Swift then offers his hand, takes it and swings up behind him...* We need to get back to the courthouse, Brian cant face Chet alone and I dont trust Chet one bit not to pull something...
Guest DanielPHorse Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *follows Daniel outside the cabin, watches as he climbs up onto Swift then offers his hand, takes it and swings up behind him...* We need to get back to the courthouse, Brian cant face Chet alone and I dont trust Chet one bit not to pull something...*Daniel nods as he nudges Swift into a quick trot and then a canter* Chet Duke is like a coyote. He grins like a man's friend, but then when you offer him food, he bites your hand instead! I do not trust him either, buck. Whatever is happening, you can be sure that it will not end well if Brian does not have help from his friends.
Garrett Duke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *follows Garrett, not having heard a shot fired, but definately seeing Chet splayed out on the ground. Once at the side of the fallen enemy, sees the telltale dart, long and narrow, sticking from Chet's back*Ah'll be danged. A tranquilizer. *kneels down, wincing a little with the motion, and checks for a pulse* Don't worry, Garrett. He's alive. (with MaryAnne unable to post again till tomorrow, but Garrett's schedule being a bit later than hers, we'll work this a bit but pause where appropriate)*Nods in relief at Brian before glancing back down at Chet, watching him breath unconciously before turning to Brian.* That's good. *Pauses momentarily to catch breath* Tell me, Brian, what happened in there. *Points back to the court house.*(Well I have to be going in a few minutes. Morning will come quick. )
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Nods in relief at Brian before glancing back down at Chet, watching him breath unconciously before turning to Brian.* That's good. *Pauses momentarily to catch breath* Tell me, Brian, what happened in there. *Points back to the court house.*(Well I have to be going in a few minutes. Morning will come quick. )*Stands up from checking Chet's vitals...hearing the question, and knowing that own cousin, who stands there silently, will be listening to every word as well*I talked to Chet, but ah didn't let 'em out. Somehow he accomplished that on his own. What I did, is give him a choice....between you, Garrett...or his horse, or Daney. I told him that he could pick one. The others, he'd nevah see again.*pauses* Chet picked you, Garrett...but ah'm sorry to say it was out of only the most basic human logic, and not family loyalty. He's got no sense of kinship with you, to heah him say it, and he told me he nevah wanted to see you again.*looks at Garrett, dark eyes holding truth* And I'm damned sorry to have to tell you that. It doesn't even make sense, after the way he ran me down before to protect you. Maybe he just wanted to be sure I'd let you go, if I thought you had no real value to him. Or maybe he's just a @#$%&*.
Garrett Duke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Stands up from checking Chet's vitals...hearing the question, and knowing that own cousin, who stands there silently, will be listening to every word as well*I talked to Chet, but ah didn't let 'em out. Somehow he accomplished that on his own. What I did, is give him a choice....between you, Garrett...or his horse, or Daney. I told him that he could pick one. The others, he'd nevah see again.*pauses* Chet picked you, Garrett...but ah'm sorry to say it was out of only the most basic human logic, and not family loyalty. He's got no sense of kinship with you, to heah him say it, and he told me he nevah wanted to see you again.*looks at Garrett, dark eyes holding truth* And I'm damned sorry to have to tell you that. It doesn't even make sense, after the way he ran me down before to protect you. Maybe he just wanted to be sure I'd let you go, if I thought you had no real value to him. Or maybe he's just a @#$%&*.*Eyes Brian for a long moment with emotion-less gray eyes while allowing all he had said to slowly and harshly sink in before eyeing Chet lying on the ground. Taking a long breath, looks back up at Brian.* First of all, I don't see where killing his horse or killing me or Daney will accomplish anything, Brian. Then again, I ain't in your shoes. *Eyes go back to Chet for a moment.* Guess I should just feel lucky he chose me over his beloved horse, though at the moment, I ain't feelin' too lucky. *Hangs head, thoughts turning to Daney before glaring up at Brian.* So just like that, you're goin' to go kill Daney? Someone who has little to do with any of this? I hate to see animals killed for little reason as well, but that's between you and Chet. Though there is no way I am going to stand here and allow you to kill her to get at him! *Points angrily down at Chet's still body.* So if you have to kill someone, kill me, because obviously, I won't be missed too much.(I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow night. )
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Eyes Brian for a long moment with emotion-less gray eyes while allowing all he had said to slowly and harshly sink in before eyeing Chet lying on the ground. Taking a long breath, looks back up at Brian.* First of all, I don't see where killing his horse or killing me or Daney will accomplish anything, Brian. Then again, I ain't in your shoes. *Eyes go back to Chet for a moment.* Guess I should just feel lucky he chose me over his beloved horse, though at the moment, I ain't feelin' too lucky. *Hangs head, thoughts turning to Daney before glaring up at Brian.* So just like that, you're goin' to go kill Daney? Someone who has little to do with any of this? I hate to see animals killed for little reason as well, but that's between you and Chet. Though there is no way I am going to stand here and allow you to kill her to get at him! *Points angrily down at Chet's still body.* So if you have to kill someone, kill me, because obviously, I won't be missed too much.(I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow night. )( I'm gonna pause it here too, as I'm sure MaryAnne's got a reaction to all this as well. )
DaneyDuke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *For whatever reason, I feel really sick. Hazel eyes glance to Bo and Luke.* Don't feel good. Can I be untied enough to go outside, please? *ask nicely*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *For whatever reason, I feel really sick. Hazel eyes glance to Bo and Luke.* Don't feel good. Can I be untied enough to go outside, please? *ask nicely**looking over at our "guest", not completely trusting of her, despite the politeness* I'll help you. *not wanting that in the small space of the cabin. I quickly untie her feet, then her hands and help her up. Walking with her out of the cabin, I keep one hand on her arm until we're a few feet away from the cabin, then I let go of her arm, but get a grip on her belt, giving her some freedom of movement without completely letting go.*
Lukas_KD Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *looking over at our "guest", not completely trusting of her, despite the politeness* I'll help you. *not wanting that in the small space of the cabin. I quickly untie her feet, then her hands and help her up. Walking with her out of the cabin, I keep one hand on her arm until we're a few feet away from the cabin, then I let go of her arm, but get a grip on her belt, giving her some freedom of movement without completely letting go.**watching, with caution... not getting directly involved, but moving to the doorway to keep an eye on Bo... just in case it might be needed. Brings up a valid point though... what to do with her when she's gonna eventually need a restroom break...*
DaneyDuke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Standing outside with Bo and breathing fresh air for a few minutes, feel better. Knowing that Garrett and others may still be in danger. I do not try to take advantage of him.*Thank you, we can go back in if you want too.*
BeauregardDuke73 Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 *Standing outside with Bo and breathing fresh air for a few minutes, feel better. Knowing that Garrett and others may still be in danger. I do not try to take advantage of him.*Thank you, we can go back in if you want too.*You're welcome. *taking her by the arm and leading her back to the cabin, offering her a small drink of water from a tin cup, then settling her back on the bed, tying her down once again. I'm not ungentle in my actions, but the caution is necessary.*(I'll be pausing here for the night...)
DaneyDuke Posted March 8, 2010 Posted March 8, 2010 You're welcome. *taking her by the arm and leading her back to the cabin, offering her a small drink of water from a tin cup, then settling her back on the bed, tying her down once again. I'm not ungentle in my actions, but the caution is necessary.*(I'll be pausing here for the night...)*The drink of water makes me feel even better. After Bo redoes the bindings, I try to get comfortable. Wishing we'd hear from someone. Good or bad news...* (Good idea, nite all!)
MaryAnne Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 *Stands up from checking Chet's vitals...hearing the question, and knowing that own cousin, who stands there silently, will be listening to every word as well*I talked to Chet, but ah didn't let 'em out. Somehow he accomplished that on his own. What I did, is give him a choice....between you, Garrett...or his horse, or Daney. I told him that he could pick one. The others, he'd nevah see again.*pauses* Chet picked you, Garrett...but ah'm sorry to say it was out of only the most basic human logic, and not family loyalty. He's got no sense of kinship with you, to heah him say it, and he told me he nevah wanted to see you again.*looks at Garrett, dark eyes holding truth* And I'm damned sorry to have to tell you that. It doesn't even make sense, after the way he ran me down before to protect you. Maybe he just wanted to be sure I'd let you go, if I thought you had no real value to him. Or maybe he's just a @#$%&*.*Eyes Brian for a long moment with emotion-less gray eyes while allowing all he had said to slowly and harshly sink in before eyeing Chet lying on the ground. Taking a long breath, looks back up at Brian.* First of all, I don't see where killing his horse or killing me or Daney will accomplish anything, Brian. Then again, I ain't in your shoes. *Eyes go back to Chet for a moment.* Guess I should just feel lucky he chose me over his beloved horse, though at the moment, I ain't feelin' too lucky. *Hangs head, thoughts turning to Daney before glaring up at Brian.* So just like that, you're goin' to go kill Daney? Someone who has little to do with any of this? I hate to see animals killed for little reason as well, but that's between you and Chet. Though there is no way I am going to stand here and allow you to kill her to get at him! *Points angrily down at Chet's still body.* So if you have to kill someone, kill me, because obviously, I won't be missed too much.(I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow night. )*after watching and listening silently to Brian and then to Garrett, glances at Brian. His ultimatium to Chet surprised her, yet he had told her he wanted a bloodless finish to all this. She hoped that was still true*That's a noble gesture, Garrett, but I'm not so sure it's warranted... *casually loads another dart into the tranq gun and glances at unconcious form of Chet Duke on the side walk. Then looks at Brian, waiting to hear how the rest of this is going to play out...*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 *after watching and listening silently to Brian and then to Garrett, glances at Brian. His ultimatium to Chet surprised her, yet he had told her he wanted a bloodless finish to all this. She hoped that was still true*That's a noble gesture, Garrett, but I'm not so sure it's warranted... *casually loads another dart into the tranq gun and glances at unconcious form of Chet Duke on the side walk. Then looks at Brian, waiting to hear how the rest of this is going to play out...**notices MaryAnne's subtle message as the tranquilizer gun is re-loaded, but doesn't respond to it directly, just yet*No, Garrett.... I nevah had any intention of killin' you, despite you tryin' to win me over to the idea. Nor did I have any intention of hurtin' Daney. And despite what its done to me, I have no wish to hurt the damn horse. *glances from Garrett, to MaryAnne* I told Chet some dire thangs to make him think about the fact that his actions got consequences to others, not just himself. But when I said he'd nevah see somebody again...well, I was talkin' bus tickets to Seattle or somethin'. Make mah hostages scarce, and safe, until the whole thang with Chet was settled.*looks back to Garrett* If I really wanted you dead...and Daney gone, and the horse gone, it coulda already been done several times over. Hell, if I wanted Chet dead, ah had mah chance in there. *returns gaze to MaryAnne* But that ain't who I am. If actions speak louder than words, cousin....judge me fairly, for what ah've done, and ain't done... before you send me down for a snooze with that next dart.
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